Embodiments of Divine Love! The Lord pervades everything in the cosmos with His myriad feet, hands, eyes, faces and ears. But not recognizing this fact, people imagine themselves to be the doer and indulge in all kinds of speculation and self-praise. The Lord sees everything. No one can conceal anything from Him. He dwells within and outside every living being. Hence nothing can be hidden from Him. God is present in all beings in one and the same form. Although living beings vary in appearance from each other, God’s presence is consistent.
The Sun shines over the water in the lake, in a well, in a vessel, in a river or over the ocean - it is reflected in many ways but the Sun is one. So too, God is one and the same in all beings. There is no one in the world nearer to you than the Divine.
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"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"
|ॐ|ॐ|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|ॐ|ॐ|
I have been trying to donate some money to the Shirdi Sai Baba"s Ashram for Annadan. But so far I have not been successful to contact anyone or any link to do this. Can someone help me please? 🙏🏻