In the Bhagavad Geeta, Lord Krishna proclaimed 'I shall dwell as fire in the living beings'. But, the devotee would be agitated before he acquires perfection in practice to see God who dwells within him. The musk deer would search for the musk in the entire forest unaware of the fragrance oozing out from its navel. Likewise, the practicing devotee would wander in the path of knowledge and devotion in search of God. The moment he comes across a spiritual teacher, who lights the lamp of wisdom, he will get self-realization and experience the ever-new joy by seeing the Blissful Sai within His own being.
Sai Baba of Shirdi (Unknown – October 15, 1918), an Indian guru, yogi, fakir who is regarded by his Hindu and Muslim devotees as a saint. Experience eternal bliss with Blessings of Sai Baba of Shirdi. Keep Promoting this Page Shirdi Sai Baba - Shraddha Saburi amidst your friends and help us grow. Keep reading the extracts of Sri Sai Satcharitra to enjoy Baba's Leela and teachings. It is not ours, but Sai's food;
Self-Realization is but God-Realization
In the Bhagavad Geeta, Lord Krishna proclaimed 'I shall dwell as fire in the living beings'. But, the devotee would be agitated before he acquires perfection in practice to see God who dwells within him. The musk deer would search for the musk in the entire forest unaware of the fragrance oozing out from its navel. Likewise, the practicing devotee would wander in the path of knowledge and devotion in search of God. The moment he comes across a spiritual teacher, who lights the lamp of wisdom, he will get self-realization and experience the ever-new joy by seeing the Blissful Sai within His own being.
Just as a Baby Tortoise Grows under its Watchful Mother's Eye, so too Our Lives become Meaningful by Baba's Teachings
A great amount of knowledge is hidden in the human mind. But the light of wisdom is veiled by the illusion of ignorance and nescience. Education or learning is an attempt to remove them. A teacher will help the student grow and glow in the light of the teachings. A disciple is like a plant and the teachings are like water, manure and sunlight which are vital for the growth. So also an enlightened master helps his disciple grow wiser and stronger.
The words of a teacher are like adding yoghurt to milk. On adding a drop of curd into milk, it becomes curd. Sai, God Incarnate, descended to the earth as the Perfect Master to light the lamp of wisdom in us. To illustrate this point, He used to give the example of the baby tortoise that grows under the love-exuding watchful eyes of its mother. Sai Baba's presence is like adding a drop of curd to milk. We have to remember and chant His name and feel that He is close around us. Then, with the divine support of His teachings, we can gradually acquire wealth of spiritual wisdom. When Baba is our Constant Companion, our mind illumined by His words, our life becomes meaningful and joyful by His Grace.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
Light of the Lamp Reflects the Glow of the Lord
The very first step in performing a religious rite is to light the lamp and worship it. Indeed, adoring Fire God does mean lighting the lamp to worship it. In the light of the lamp, we have to see the glorious image of the Divinity, meditate and place it in our heart for adoration. By this practice, it would become a habit to see the visible God in the form of a flame in oneself and in all beings. This is the philosophy Baba unfolded by lighting the lamps at Dwarakamayi. Baba, who lived as a Fakir in the Masjid lighted a row of lamps to prove that God is not bound by any religion. Without constant practice, it is not possible to get self-realization. But the Master of the Universe, Sai, can light a lamp not only with oil but even with water too. He taught a lesson by turning water into oil, lit the lamp of wisdom in all hearts and dispelled spiritual ignorance.
Shed Your Ego and Praise the Lord
Humans are usually influenced by the power of vices like lust, anger, greed, passion, pride and envy. If arrogance is added to these six enemies of man, their life will be in ruins. Ignorant people boast of their limited scholarship, name, fame, and genius and move around with pride and arrogance. They forget that their talent is gifted by God as a result of their good deeds done in their past lives. To show the right path to such people, Baba incarnated in the human form.
However great a singer might be, if he or she thinks, "there is no singer like me" he or she will not blossom into a master singer, but faces their own downfall, ego-bloated. Voice sounds croaking. Ego is like darkness. Hence, in whatever art a person excels, it should be treated as a boon of God. Nana Chandorkar prided himself as a great scholar. He assumed that he had a clear grasp of the teachings of Bhagvad Geeta. He thought that Baba had no knowledge of Sanskrit and therefore not familiar with real teachings.
But Baba asked him to explain the meaning of "knowledge" from a verse in Geeta by substituting the word 'ignorance'. Nana fumbled. Baba made it crystal clear by shedding some light on the verse. Nana, on knowing his fault, beseeched Baba's pardon. Thus, Baba, the Omniscient, can humble the ego and pride of His devotees and enlighten them.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
Baba Guides us as We Implore For His Help
God alone is the Lord of the Universe. He would not insist us to live according to His principles. Even Baba, the incarnation of God, had precisely followed righteousness, set an example to mankind and became our Guiding Light. But He would become our guide if we repose faith in Him and pray to Him with all sincerity and in a cool frame of mind.
God will constantly guide us by His suggestions and always extends His protective arms. But our minds, swayed by anxiety, passions, anger, hurry, worry, blind our eyes not to see the Visible Hand of Baba and deafen our ears from Baba's Words of Assurance. If we happen to be in that agitated state, the suggestions of Baba would not be heard or understood. We close our eyes and stand before Baba and meditate on Him calmly. Leaving all the burdens to Baba, we should pray to Baba with a pure heart. Baba would not only listen to our prayers but answers our prayers too. The words are guide-posts and inspiration to move ahead.
If useless thoughts are curtailed and mind Baba's gospel, He favours us with incredible experiences. He brings us closer to Him. Once Baba hears the heart-felt cries of devotees, who are caught in the clutches of worldly life and distressed, He will let open the door of the Divine Kingdom of Delight within us and guide us on the right path.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
Everything is Possible With Baba's Help
Baba can help us accomplish a great task in a fraction of time. At times it could take a few hours to make an impossible task possible. But we should not conclude that God does not exist and should not stop our loving devotion to please Baba. Whatever we plead, Baba will never respond as, "nothing or not possible". He gives us an opportunity to discover and tap into our own potential. With complete faith in Baba, we must make our every little effort. In this attempt we understand that Baba is all-powerful and there is no work He cannot accomplish. We must only pray to Him with a pure heart to support our human effort.
It is with the blessings of Sri Ram that Hanuman could cross the vast ocean, which otherwise was an impossible task. Just by chanting Lord Rama's name, the monkey-army could easily lay a bridge across the great ocean. Likewise, Baba will bridge the two ends of the abyss and help us cross over to safety. This abyss might be in the form of fear, agony or even the sea of worldly life. Nothing is impossible to Baba's Will and He is capable of making the impossible, possible. When Baba is with us, our efforts will be crowned with success. We should not think that a particular work is impossible. Like a shadow, Baba will follow at every step of those who repose faith in Him.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
Reading Worthless Books makes life Purposeless
The teachings of Baba to His devotees are clearly worded, precise and are simply understood. But we make them complex with our immature knowledge. Under illusion, we think we are well-informed. With that intellectual pride, we make life meaningless by turning a deaf ear to Baba's words and engage in desultory reading. While some people fail to fully comprehend Baba's message, others attribute undue meanings and declare that they cannot follow them.
When a devotee displayed his learning with a sense of pride that Baba did not read much, Baba questioned him about some content of the text. The devotee was tongue-tied. Baba, the Omniscient One, humbled him and made him spiritually enlightened.
We should read spiritual books for enlightenment and put into practice Baba's teachings. They should become our guides. Then we get an unbiased vision. Arrogance dies. Spiritual wisdom is far better than worldly knowledge. By serving a Perfect Master with undeviating devotion and dedication, we could gain that wisdom in a wink. When spiritual books that explain the path of rectitude in a lucid manner are easily available, let us not waste our precious time in reading worthless books. Instead, let us understand and apply the simple teachings of Baba and make our lives worthier and happier.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
Not a Probing Mind but a Pure Mind
No one can completely grasp the mystery of God. There is as big a difference between Heaven and Earth as between our limited intelligence, thinking and the path of heavenly vision. In order to realize God, either searching Him or singling out His Omnipresence or installing Him in a particular place is not possible. It would be better to desist from such futile attempts.
To have firm faith in Baba who is the Living God visible to our eyes and apply His teachings in our lives is the right method. Baba laid emphasis on austerity and purity. Time and again Baba proved that by neither reading the scriptures nor by scientific research or even by dry logic can God be realized. One should give up logical debate, futile research and become an innocent child. Then, our heart becomes pure and selfless and can easily grasp Baba. The taste of sugar will instantly be felt on the palate. No knowledge, test or research is needed.
The books on sugar making, scientific principles and equipment can only help produce sugar, but can never reveal its sweetness. Instead of searching for God, it is better to know oneself through soul-searching. Then, Baba within us will be felt. Don't regret that you have wasted time in searching for Baba who dwells within you. Unalloyed bliss can be an experience when you love Baba with a pure heart and sense His presence within you.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
The Universe Reflects God's Great Genius
Sri Sai is the Creator. One of His pastimes is the creation of the Universe. He turns awesome galactic systems into sphere-like balls and plays with them. He prepares and executes an excellent plan for each planet. The creation of countless milky ways, the sun, stars, galaxies and the planets in them, forests, mountains, rivers, variegated species and their varieties, nature and features of the earth and other planets in a suitable manner and enabling them to revolve in their respective spheres is indeed an amazing act of Sai. The multitude of stars, planets and other stellar objects will never come into friction by moving out of their sphere. Each planet resonates to the Law of Cosmic Rhythm. The Almighty Power binds all creation together. Our soul's ears can hear the 'music of the spheres'.
The sunrise, the pleasant moonlight and the star-studded sky will give us great joy. If this ecstasy is rightly perceived, the love of Baba will be realized by us. We, who are part and parcel of God's Creation, can get that blissful feeling by not violating the rules of nature. This is the message of Baba. But we are inviting trouble by ignoring the truth and behaving at will with egoistic feelings. If we observe the regular occurrence of the sunrise and sun-set, we can hear Baba's message of living like the sun, with a sense of discipline, commitment and regularity.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
Baba Reminds the Vows His Disciples Forgot
Tharkad's wife sent a sweet for Baba with Govinda Balaram Mankar who was going to Shirdi. In fact that sweet was already offered to God; since no sweet was found in the house, Mrs. Tharkad had sent the sweet already offered to God. Mankar came to Shirdi but forgot to offer the sweet. Baba asked him "What have you brought for Me"? Mankar kept quiet. Baba repeated the question in the evening. "Has not my mother sent anything for Me"? By directly questioning so, Mankar remembered the sweet to be given to Baba. On another occasion, Tarkad's wife sent two brinjals with Purandar's wife for Baba. She asked her to fry one brinjal and mix the other one in curd and offer it to Baba. Purandar's wife has minced and mixed a brinjal in curd and offered it to Baba. Amazingly, Baba asked for the fried brinjal slices. He knew the depth of devotion in the heart of a devotee and, therefore, He used to remind the vows of His beloved devotees, accepted the offerings and blessed them.
It is Our Sins that Baba Grinds in the Hand-Mill
Any grain would turn into soft flour on grinding it in the hand-mill. Faithful devotees of Baba should turn even softer in His service and in the process should become the dust particles of His Feet. For getting grinded and becoming powdered, we need spiritual practice. Baba used to grind wheat in order to teach His devotees some spiritual truths.
In the spiritual hand-mill that Baba grinds, the base stone is action, the upper stone is devotion and the handle is wisdom. Desires should be uprooted before we attain wisdom and self-realization. The three qualities, viz., Satva, Rajo, Tamas that exist in nature, cling to the human mind. The greatest of the three qualities, Satva or soft and serene nature, gets strengthened with the death of ego.
What Baba used to grind in the hand-mill was wheat in the form of arrogance, sins, grief and troubles of devotees. The testimony to this fact is that Baba asked the women to spill the wheat flour on the outskirts of the village to eradicate cholera. More over, the humans, like grains, who hold fast to the handle of the hand-mill, will not be pressed between Karma and Bhakti. Hence, they are not caught in the cycle of birth and death. Those who firmly hold the handle of wisdom and stay nearer to the central pin can experience God. We get liberation as all our sins get grinded at the hands of Baba.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
How Wonderful Human Birth is!
Helping Others Reach Heights is the Quality of True Leadership

A true leader will have two basic traits. The first one is self-growth and the second is to help his followers reach similar heights. Such a good leader will not mind criticism but follows the right principles and performs them accordingly. His mission is to accomplish the chosen task and never think of others or their remarks. He would stand firm and never shows his back, let failures come or companions desert him. No one can distract his mind from his objectives. He would not get tempted but persuades his associates to follow him. If need be, he would 'overtake' everyone and march in pursuit of success.
A true leader is the one, who would take the initiative, presses forward and leads others on his chosen path. He cannot be deemed as a good leader if he lends his ears to what others comment upon his ways, swerves from his path and stoops down. A noble leader wields great impact on the society and pulls his followers from slipping into weaknesses. In case, if a person is a God-realized Guide on the path of spirituality, he would abide by the divine commands and leads an ideal life with unstinted faith and dedication to God. Under the guidance of such a Supreme Master, we have to set right our conduct on our own. Thus, Baba, God Incarnate, served as the Sadguru.
Let's Pray to Baba, be Blessed in His Divine light
It is impossible for human beings like us to completely understand God, the Omnipresent, Omnipotent and the Master of Time. It might not be feasible to see Him or listen to His words. But the occasions that confirm God's presence are many, as "He is found wherever we search for Him". The electrical power that we very often use in our daily life is not visible to the naked eyes. Just because of its invisibility if we say that electricity does not exist, we miss its utility. To know its existence, we should press the right switch which allows the flow of electricity. The power of energy will reach us in the form of light, fire, sound or picture.
Likewise, to feel the presence of God dwelling everywhere, there is a switch called 'prayer'. If we press the switch of prayer, our mind gets lighted. The All-Pervading God sheds His light on the hearts that pray to Him. It is God who illuminates our intellect. It is enough, if we remember the truth and pray to Baba, the Ocean of Ever-New Bliss. He would make our life spiritually enlightened.
The proper arrangement of positive and negative wires provide the light. There is no use of pressing the switch when the concealed wires are not properly set. Therefore, throughout the process of prayer, our hearts and mind should be enveloped by the Divine Love. Only then, our life becomes brighter with the blessings of Baba.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
Follow Baba's Sayings in Thought, Word and Deed
God has in-built amazing intelligence in the human brain. We must aim at marvelous achievements by the application of our God-gifted creative brain. We must train our brains to assimilate and preserve, in its layers, all our experiences, scriptural messages and quintessential spiritual wisdom so much so they flash in the eye of our minds in times of need. We must know how great Baba is to endow us with such a sharp, creative brain which can grasp the essence of the holy texts. We have to grasp the inner meaning of the scriptures and store them in the brain and in tune with opportunities we should implement the teachings of Baba.
When we come across a beggar, the golden saying of Baba, viz, "Give charity as much as you can afford" should flash in mind. The satisfaction gained in giving charity has to be personally felt. Everyone has to bear in mind that "God blessed me with wealth to donate to others only, I am only its' trustee". If we do things according to Baba's words, we become a tool in His hands. We would become good and loyal devotees who would obey the commands of Baba in word and spirit. Thus, by obeying the commands of God, we will be His loyal servants. Indeed, as self-purified souls, we reflect the true image of God.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
Those who cannot Render Social Service can Help those who Serve Others
Man always wants to live in happiness in whichever state he is placed. To experience such happiness, man should search for God and not for mere food or clothing. But, where does God dwell? It is told that the place of worship of the devotee is God's Abode. Indeed, God dwells in the hearts of those who love Him. Self-realized people have to offer themselves at the altar of God by serving people around them. Serving the needy among the society is indeed serving the Divinity.
God comes to the rescue of the people in the form of fellow human beings. God makes use of us as His instruments to fulfill His Will of helping the needy. However, every one of us may not have the capacity to determine the path that leads to God-realization. Yet, we need not despair. There are several means of rendering social service. We could help the weak and the helpless within our capacity. To a dedicated social worker, help and support can be given either in cash or kind or by labour. If we plant a tiny seed, it grows into a big tree, gives shelter and satisfies the hunger of many.
Same is the case with our service to the society. Likewise, if we render selfless and whole-hearted service to the best of our ability, we will become worthy of enjoying Baba's boundless grace.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
God Alone can Dispel the Disbelief in God
In proportion to the actions of past lives, man experiences the present birth. We acquire merit through good works and sin through bad deeds. If we fail to abide by the spiritual laws set by God and commit sins with reckless behaviour, God will not rain His Mercy on us. If we repent and entreat God to forgive us and get rid of sins committed out of ignorance, He will take us closer. It is enough if we sincerely pray to God to get absolved of sins and reach Him.
But, some people would arrogantly argue that they are flawless and proclaim that God’s help is not needed. How could God save those people who would like to live in perpetual darkness? Baba, the Ocean of Kindness and Mercy, by the touch of His protective hands, would lead those, who struggle to come out of darkness into light and seek His Shelter, on the path of the light.
To err is human. But unpardonable is the lack of faith in God. Baba would not allow people into the Masjid who doubt and criticize Him. He sees that they repent, change their minds and seek His refuge, before eventually taking them nearer. To deny God and denigrate Him is blasphemy. It would be a disgrace to blame and insult God who is the manifestation of Absolute Truth. It is better to bow to the All-Merciful God and remain silent rather than complain against Him.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
If We follow Health Rules, we can never fall Sick
Talkativeness breeds troubles. So, we should speak to the point in a pleasant tone. Our conduct is also important to our health. Just as the dragon-fly sucks nectar without disturbing the pollen, so also we should behave without hurting others. We should take fresh and tasty food in limited quantities. But some people observe fast in the name of devotion. But, Baba never encouraged such practice. By ensuring discipline during the day, we have to take limited food at dusk and meditate for a while on Baba before going to bed. Rules that regulate and restrain our body and mind, help keep them healthier too. Those who have the wealth of health can peacefully render service to Baba and the society. We should not ignore the truth that by using this mortal body we can reach the eternal abode of Baba.
As Body Needs Nourishment, so also the Soul Needs Meditation
The individual soul is part of the Universal Soul. The soul in the body makes it a home and experiences the piled-up sins and merits of past life and finally frees itself from the bondage. Some people deny the presence of soul within their being by showing utmost care and concern only for their bodies. While not neglecting the care of the human body, we must strive to awaken the awareness of the Soul-presence within us. We have to leave behind wealth amassed when we breathe our last. What accompanies us when soul departs from body are the deeds of merit and sin committed when we were alive. Material wealth, name and fame we acquired never help our self-purification.
If we keep aside the need for spirituality and crave for the ephemeral physical needs, what remains is only dissatisfaction. Just as the nutritious food is necessary for body's strength, spiritual nourishment through meditation is as much a necessity. Without physical strength, human body will not last long. So also the pace of spiritual practice gets halted by lack of soul-strength. Daily meditation on the Divine One not only energizes the soul but also rids us of negative thoughts and leads to Self-realization. By regular reading of Sai's teachings, we can put into practice His sayings for our Self-enlightenment.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
No Doctor can Excel Baba in the Universe
Once Balashimpi Ganapathi suffered from cold chill fever for which Baba suggested him to feed the black dog at the temple with curd rice. In other instance Kaka Mahajan was seen repairing the Masjid despite his diarrhea. Chiding, Baba fed him with pea-nuts and advised rest. His diarrhea instantly stopped and happily he attended to the Masjid repairs. Baba cured Dattopant's stomach-ache with His grace, while sonamukhi potion cured that of Shyama's. Even now, Baba has been curing many patients by His miracles and millions are blessed with good health by His grace. There is no other doctor except Baba who can heal the sick people by wiping their past sins away.
The God Who Wipes Away Our Tears is Baba
Happiness that could not be acquired by one's own effort is possible by God's grace. Many used to visit Baba. Their simple desires like finance, education, health, employment got fulfilled and they would leave wiping away their tears in joy. They know that Baba is God, but did not pray to Baba to bless them with right thinking, which alone provides enduring bliss. Once such a noble thought creeps in, the cause of tears rest in the desire to see God. Baba would wipe away tears of such devotees with more love and concern and grants them Supreme Peace.
Celebrations in Shirdi - 2
Always, the doors of My heart are wide open
Your curious thoughts intend to know Me
Gifts aplenty in My possession are there
But belong to those who with faith seek shelter
With attitude of pardon and mercy filled heart
I show the path of a motherly, fatherly sort
With faith and patience, budge towards Me
With firm faith, whole-heartedly beckon Me
Without punishing, I shall set your faults right
By holding hand I shall lead you on the path right
Stretch your hands and solicit My shelter
Denial is not in my word-list, remember.
~ Shirdi Saibaba
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
Celebrations in Shirdi
Baba used to treat both Hindus and Muslims in an impartial manner. He would chant 'Allah Malik' which means 'Allah is the Almighty God'. He used to smoke from the clay pipe. He would lit lamps in the Masjid. He planted a basil in front of the Masjid. He allowed Hindus to worship and perform religious rites. A police inspector, Gopalrao Gund was a great devotee of Baba.
Despite having three wives, he had no children. He became a father with the blessings of Sri Sai. Over-joyed, with the permission of Baba, he conducted Urs celebration at Shirdi. A Muslim, Amir Shakkar, performed the sandal paste ceremony in honour of the great Muslim Fakirs.
The festivity of Ramnavami held at Shirdi is very auspicious and important for all Baba's devotees. Everyone would celebrate this ceremony with religious gaiety. Urs is also celebrated on the Ramnavami day. Baba's message to celebrate Urs on the Ramnavami day was to instil religious tolerance and amity in the minds of both Hindus and Muslims.
That day is a very auspicious day for the Hindus. So, the devotees celebrate Lord Rama's birthday and thereupon receive Baba's blessings. Thus, both the festivals were held simultaneously at Shirdi, in the presence of Baba. By getting the two celebrations conducted together, Baba fostered religious tolerance and love.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
Winter is Illusion, Spring is His Grace
How difficult it would be to live life in the darkness of ignorance, the blizzards of suffering and in the whirlpool of tears! If winter comes, can spring lag behind? The eastern light dawns next. The biting chill breeze is gone, as also the winter that sheds leaves. Nature provides a feast for the eyes with a green carpet look of twigs, shooting buds. The sun that drives away the darkness of ignorance rises and winter takes a back step to welcome the spring.
But, how and when does all this happen? We should trust God and meditate on God's love. In every moment the sacred name of Baba must be repeated in mind. Then, answers to questions such as "Who am I? Why am I here on the earth?" will be revealed by Baba. In silence, Sainath enlightens our consciousness with His Light of Wisdom. Let us open the doors of our mind and the eye of wisdom. Let us fill our hearts with the sun-light of joy. Wherever our eyes look, we see Baba in every tree, ant-hill, leaf, flower and bird. Baba smiles at us from every shooting bud and blossoming flower.
Joy and sorrow, good and evil are like light and shadow. Light follows darkness. A God-realized Soul will see the face of joy in the womb of sorrow. Smiles greet us in tears, life becomes an eternal spring and we can experience heaven here itself. The heart of a true Sai devotee is the Heavenly Abode of Happiness.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
Why do We Worship Baba in Human Form?
It is a gross mistake to assume that there exists no difference between Baba and us simply because He moved among us as a normal being. Baba assumed the human form out of His free will and infinite love to liberate His erring children from past life deeds. Baba, the God Incarnate, descended to restore the Law of Moral Order and to install the spirit of divine life in all souls. The veil of illusion blinds us from beholding the divine human form of Baba. Only the Eye of Faith can see Baba in all creatures and beings. To sense the presence of Baba, everywhere and in everyone is to deserve His Divine Grace.