
The Tale of Two Brothers and Sai's Message,

We commonly notice in this world that brothers, who once lived in amity and as 'one soul' in their childhood have later severed that bond the moment they got married, employed and set up their own families and started earning money. The root cause for this is selfishness. This is acceptable to some extent, but there is nothing more shocking than the jealousy and hate with which brothers dislike each other. On one occasion when Baba was going towards Lendi garden with devotees, a herd of goats came on their way. Two goats in the herd caught the attention of Baba. By paying a heavy price, He bought them. He even purchased forty measures of pulses and fed them. Everyone felt that spending such huge sum was needless. Baba finally returned the goats to the owner. 

The two goats were brothers born to one mother in the previous birth. But the elder brother felt jealous on the earnings of the younger one. This, in turn, paved way for hate and animosity. It finally ended up in the brothers killing each other. Even though they were born to one mother, the two fought very foolishly. They behaved like animals. As a result of it, they were born as goats. Sai narrated this story to give a hint about that matter. The story should, therefore, be remembered while the property is being distributed. Hatred damns human life.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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