
Baba, Who Hides not, can give Everything

Every creature of this world has some place or the other to take shelter. While a fox lives in a hole, birds nestle themselves in little nests. Human beings own good houses to live in. But, Baba, God Incarnate, used to sit, day and night, underneath a neem tree. Baba, who could command a fierce storm, by rolling His eyes in anger, to calm down, did not have a shelter to call it His own. He lived a whole life in the masjid. Baba shaped those people, who relied on Him, into good souls, great servants and ardent devotees. Any good master in this world would think of the welfare of his servants. 

They consider the comfort of the servants as more important than the profits they earn. Then, how could Baba, the Master of the Universe, could remain silent without fulfilling the desires of devotees who totally depended on Him? Baijabayi used to search for Baba in the forest and personally fed Him like a mother. Pleased by her loving care and service, Baba deemed Tatya, her son, as His nephew and saved him from death by staking His own life. It is an universal truth that Baba does not care His life for the sake of His devotees.

Baba would confer all comforts on devotees who feel 'Baba alone is their saviour' and put them on the right path. He grants all wealth and every comfort like home, food, clothes, happy family life and children.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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