
Fund of Knowledge gets Enhanced when Shared

All physical wealth will gradually get exhausted as we spend it more and more. Even a mountain of treasure will get reduced to nothingness if it is used more. But the wealth of knowledge never gets diminished. It spreads light like a lamp and will not become dim. On lighting another lamp, the light of the first lamp will not diminish. Likewise, by sharing our knowledge with others, it will not get reduced; but, in turn, it benefits the receiver. Knowledge multiplies when it is shared with others.

Just as regular practice will culture the voice of a singer to make it sweeter, so also the fresh waters in a well will spring out more water as we use it; likewise, teaching others will enrich our fund of knowledge. To teach is to share it twice. While teaching, new meanings and interpretations will surface, which were not noticed earlier. On each occasion of spirited teaching, the teacher becomes the taught and learns something more. Hence, sharing our knowledge will do good to us. If we share with others the knowledge we acquired from great teachers, we will be repaying our intellectual debt to our teachers. Let us follow and preach the great sayings of our God-Guru Sri Shirdi Sai Baba to everyone and become worthy of enjoying His divine blessings. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Ignoring God is Real Suffering

Pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow are part and parcel of human life. It is but natural for humans to feel depressed in sufferings and elated in pleasures. But it so happens that joys are forgotten and hardships remembered. However, neither phase is permanent. In troubled times, people remember God and make many religious vows for fulfillment of their desires. But when the troubles are overcome, we see people enjoy worldly pleasures and live a life without prayers or devotion to God. Thus, Kunthi, pleaded Lord Krishna to always give her hardships so that she could always remember Him. Kuchela, the class-mate of Lord Krishna, thought that the Lord made him endure hardships in order to bless him enjoy prosperity later.

We suffer when we get hurt, fall sick, lose property, loved ones desert us or things do not happen as planned etc. We can face sufferings with our tough minds. Many people do not know what a suffering is. In fact, the gravest and biggest trouble to human beings is ignoring the Ever-Loving and Ever-Helping God. As long as man meditates and worships God, he would live in happiness. But, forgetting God or neglecting prayers is sin. When we block the flow of God's grace, what remains is void. As God's grace rains on us, all misery we experience would simply melt away like ice. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Realize that Baba is Unique

Man has to make the best use of available time. We should always try to focus our mind on God. Even though we are busily engaged in selfless service, our minds should always think of God. We should not stop remembering God simply because we are engaged in social service. Slowly, the egoistic feeling that 'I' am doing work' will dominate the mind. It causes us to forget God who made us as His instruments to accomplish His great purpose. When ego gets bloated, we may lose the spirit of spirituality in our service. Deprived of the spirit of service, we may get alienated from God. In whatever work we are engaged in, we must always chant Baba's name and remember that Baba pervades in all beings and everywhere. To serve all is to serve Sai, the Omnipresent One.

The devotion to God should not be like the dress we change everyday but should become the breath of our lives. 'Before you get to work, offer it to me'.... these words of Baba have to be kept in mind. If we can constantly chant His name while engaged in work, Baba will make it successful and Himself decides the due returns for it. It is Baba who does and gets the work done through us. Even the receiver and the active force of help is Baba alone. In our spiritual practice, we must bear in mind the truth that Sai is the Prime Mover of our lives. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Love Binds us Live Together

If the universe is a globe, then its focal point is pure and selfless love. Love is, indeed, the basis for not only earning a place at the feet of God but also to live in harmony with every living being of the universe. Love is the Law of Life. We can reach God through several ways and means of devotion. We should never think that we are living in this world with thoughts of God, and, therefore, we alone are only related to God. 

What are we to do with this world? Because God loves us either in the form of a teacher, mother, father or friend, and keeps us on the right track. Having stepped on the right path and moved closer to God, it would be sheer selfishness to neglect and forget worldly duties. The winds blowing over the jasmines will steal the fragrance, store them and provide us the delight of the aroma. Likewise, we have to fill our hearts with God-Love and live in harmony with our neighbours. This is not a difficult task. What we essentially require is to have patience, obedience, love and sympathy. 

If we see the world with eyes embalmed with love, God appears in every being of nature. All are like us. What we think as the best for us, the same should be given to our fellow beings. Love enriches spiritual wisdom and deepens devotion in us. Then, God would be held as a captive in our hearts.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Our Body is a Means for Attaining Salvation

The wonderful power of human beings lies in their knowledge. Man realizes God by the power of Self-knowledge. For this reason, even gods are jealous of the human birth. They too wish to take human birth and attain liberation. Man, who is blessed with the precious human life, should be ever-watchful and make the most of every hour of his life. Knowing that time once lost cannot be regained, one should shun laziness and dullness and set himself to make his life worthier. One must resolve not to eat much, or sleep long hours or wallow in pleasures and instead eat less and sleep less and abide by Baba's words of prudence and guidance.

Even though we possess abundant wealth, we should do all our works on our own and never depend on others. However, if we pamper the body and accustom it to luxuries and pleasures, life becomes futile. But, the body should neither be neglected nor loved too much. We must just take as much care of the body as a horse-rider takes care of his horse till the destination is reached. We should ensure that the body is cared for as a befitting instrument for Self-liberation. Indeed, it is a great boon to beget human birth. And we are doubly fortunate to have the opportunity of getting self-liberated by serving and adoring the Feet of Sainath.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Every Day is a Thursday, We are All Members of Sai Family

Several Sai devotees among us observe fasting on every Thursday, sing hymns in Sai's glory and make charity by visiting Sai Temples. They get busily engrossed in their occupations or business during the other days of the week. But, true devotees of Baba should treat every day as a Thursday. Generally, the reading of "Sri Sai Satcharitra", would take seven days to complete it, if started on a Thursday. Instead, if we read it again and again, we get peace of mind as a result of Baba's teachings getting deeply imprinted on our minds. They are the true devotees of Sai who undertake a work with a clear grasp of its nature and engage themselves to work eagerly, in a dedicated spirit. Sai's Light of Grace always guides them to succeed.

It is not justified to wait for a Thursday to feed a starving man. Every moment should be thought of as a great boon of God and inspired by Sai's Spirit of Love and Compassion, one should treat every soul as Sai. All those who lead a life of transparent honesty and selfless service of love are treading the Sai Path. One should know that one need not wait till a Thursday to do good works. If we realize it, everyday is a Thursday, every heart a Shrine of Shirdi, every mind is but Dwarakamayi. We should all deem ourselves as members Universal Sai family. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Baba Is The Almighty To Ward Off Any Evils

In the face of troubles, everyone will remember the name of God. In times of pleasures, many would forget the same God. Those who remember God not only in sorrow but also in a state of joy need not be scared of hardships. In fact, it is adversity which makes us remember and pray to God. If we have fallen sick and pray to God for relief from the unbearable pain, it means that the disease that caused us to pray to Him is, indeed, a blessing in disguise. Hence, whatever hurdles we face in our day-to-day life should be treated as the grace of God. It must be viewed as the effect of our past sins. As we calmly endure pain and suffering, our sins get atoned and minds purified. God wills that we become purified souls in the fire of sufferings and pains. 

One day Dr. Pillay, suffering from guinea worms, came to Baba and pleaded Him to free him from the intense pain and suffering. As the pain was unbearable, he even begged Baba to stop the pain and let him suffer his karma spread over ten births. Baba's heart was moved and He willed Abdul, His servant, to step on Dr. Pillay's foot and pressed out all guinea worms and healed him. Whenever we may fall sick, we must know that it is the karmic effect of our past wrong actions and learn to endure pain calmly as if it were a penance. Pleased with our cheerful endurance, the Compassionate Sai ends our sufferings.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Let Trees be our Ideal Teachers

Plants and trees which draw sap from the earth, water from the cloud, energy from the wind and sun not only survive for themselves, but they are proving to be of great use to all beings. As long as they live, they serve the society by yielding fruits, flowers, medicinal leaves and bark. Trees supply pure oxygen and offer cool shade. They draw clouds and cause them to rain. They are holding the earth stronger with their roots. So long as they survive, they not only give cool shade to the birds, fodder to the cattle and turn into fuel-wood useful to man.

Baba wants us to emulate trees which can set before us ideals and serve as our guides. Thus, He brought several plants from every nook and corner and planted them in the Lendi Garden. He Himself watered the plants everyday. Every act of Baba has a meaning for it and it is a lesson in the art of living for us. We enjoy the fruits of trees that were planted by our ancestors. Likewise, we have to take pains and raise beautiful gardens and orchards for the posterity. If a plant is protected when it is a sapling, it will protect us, in turn, when it grows into a big tree. Trees do not store fruits for themselves. The message they drive home is that even man should not hoard all his earnings. We have to look to trees as our teachers and take them as a model and make use of our earnings for the social upliftment and good.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Harshness is even Justified at Times

If we always remember Sai, we cannot behave harshly, since our hearts would be filled with the soft qualities like mercy, love and tolerance. Then, how could we survive in this deceptive world? Our superiors and peers may take a lenient view. Sometimes we may not be able to run the family in a right direction. We should be soft-hearted; but, if need arises, harshness should be made an option.

A mystic preached a snake-turned-yogi to be gentle. When the snake was harshly treated by people, the yogi chided the snake and spoke to it as, "I asked you not to bite anyone; but did I ask you not to hiss?" He wanted the snake to pose angry looks. Sometimes a mother, father or teacher might chide a child and their anger is not a mark of hatred, but is only meant for the welfare of the child. Although it appears harsh outside, it is love inside. A master might reprimand the servant, which is not with hate or vengeance. The master's intention is to improve his skill and make him progress in his career. At times, Baba looked angry but then He declared that He would never get angry with His children. It means, the anger is not on His devotees but only on the adverse conditions. With His one shout, sufferings, diseases and problems of His devotees took to heels. The Merciful Baba delights in protecting His devotees.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Only God-Guru's Feet can still our Minds

The sensual pleasures, though appear to be heavenly, are in fact, the pits of hell. "If the mind moves towards carnal desires, you draw it back and offer it to Me", so says Baba. If the physical desires are offered at the lotus feet of the Sadguru, the desires will perish on their own. When the mind is aware that the Guru is always beside, it will not behave as it wills. Whenever the physical desires arise, the thought that 'Baba is beside me' will weaken that desire. The practitioner will become ever-vigilant. Then he will attempt to restrain his desires.

On seeking shelter at the feet of the God-Guru, on one hand, wisdom blossoms; while on the other, love for the body decreases. Then, one attempts to abide by the words of the Guru. He will treat the problems as tests and offer them at the feet of the Guru. He will never challenge or question 'Maya' or the illusion, but remains a silent spectator. He will trust in Baba with complete faith. A matured devotee will understand the absolute truth that acquiring devotion, wisdom and relinquishing desires are very important. He will realize that the Guru and God are one and therefore renders service to the Guru. Despite, leading a mundane life, he will continue to pray to Baba in his mind. Ultimately, he accepts the truth that it is only at the feet of Sadguru like Sai that one's mind rests in peace.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Only a Purified Mind deserves Entry into Dwarakamayi

"Sat", means that which exists forever and is in everything and everywhere. Thus, it is the Supreme Soul which remains immortal. Like God who has the power to burn our sins to ashes, even truth, like fire, has such power. Although there are several bad qualities in us, we must make up our mind that "I will not speak falsehood. I always stand for truth". If purifying seeds are dropped into the muddy waters, they will absorb the impurities and purify the water. Likewise, the one virtue of telling the truth will rid humans of all bad qualities. It is the mind that does many bad things than our actions.

Though we invite a guest, in the mind we think 'this fellow has come now and might not leave without having food'. Speaking truth is like unlocking the heart and so we should give up bad thoughts. Thus, a good thought gradually increases the right action and determination and removes all the vices from us. Baba resisted the evil-minded from entering Dwarakamayi. He is Omniscient and can read the thoughts of everyone in any corner of the world. However, being the Merciful Father, Baba dispels the evil forces from devotees' hearts, before taking them closer to Him. Siddique Phalke is one such example. If we enthrone truth in our hearts, Baba showers His love. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Mind Makes a Hell of Heaven and Vice-Versa

It is the mind which pushes a man down into an abyss or makes him stand on the summit. Hence, we should train the mind to work under the supervision of the intellect. Mind provokes the sense organs with desires. It commands our senses to see a beautiful picture, to savour tastiest sweets, to listen to sweet sounds; and once the desire is fulfilled, it delights. We deem the pleasures as a paradise. Thus, as some desires get fulfilled, new desires spring up. In this mad pursuit of pleasures, one forgets the purpose of life and would not look back doing any sinful act for the fulfillment of his desires. Finally, the mind will make the life of a person sail into darkness in the illusion of paradise and lands in hell. 

Thus, the wise would never wish to lead a life of pleasure. They yearn for troubles. Bearing troubles is, no doubt, painful. We search for light in darkness and so do we seek shelter in God when trapped in troubles. We can get Baba's love. Once we experience that indefinable bliss, every other pleasure appears little and transitory. So, we should put sincere efforts to reach Baba's presence, the Eternal Abode of Peace, which is beyond the bounds of pain and pleasure. That is why we have to bring our wayward minds under control and turn them to behold Bliss-exuding Baba.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Believers of Baba are Blessed With Bliss

God is the embodiment of love. Even the ever-glowing spirit of light in the hearts of people is a spark of the Divine Spirit. Therefore, people with unique love for God and strong determination will serve the entire multitude of species with love. Baba takes care of every need of those who serve the society as a manifestation of Sai. Not merely fulfilling our desires but keeping an eye on our future, Baba will offer whatever help we need. We have to serve Baba with love, devotion and obedience, but not pretend devotion for selfish gains.

Baba is Omnipresent. He can read our minds even before we could speak. Thus, He forbade many pseudo-devotees from climbing the Masjid steps. But devotees with pure heart and love were rescued by Baba even though they were far away. The moment we whole-heartedly cry, 'Baba! You are my everything', that very moment we are enlisted into His family. Then, our family will be secure and peaceful behind the protective shield of Baba. Even such of the families that render service to Baba's devotees with faith in Him are not only put on the right path but their responsibilities are shouldered by Baba. He will even groom their children grow into good citizens. Their families will prosper and live in ever-new joy. If we worship Baba with firm faith and love, He will always protect our families.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Devotion of God

To shower His grace on His children, the Compassionate God will reduce His infinite power and imprison Himself in the little frame of the human body made of five elements and live with us. How blessed are we, the individuals, who receive such a glorious opportunity! They are blessed who saw God Sai with their own eyes, touched Him with their hands, heard His words, talked to their heart's content with Him and received the sanctified food served by Baba. When grief wells up in one's mind that one was not alive to be with Baba, Baba appears in one form or the other to His devotees saying "I am with you even now". True devotion is the pre-requisite to get blessed by Baba.

Elders say that devotion means service and pure love for God. Mhalsapathy did not ask for any boon from Baba. He felt that he was in Baba's presence always. It is supreme love of a devotee. Mhalsapathy, indeed, experienced unalloyed bliss by Baba's Grace. Though Gadadhara was not literate, he ardently prayed for God-realization. Guru Tothapuri guided him on the right path. Innocent Gadadhara was, thus, transformed into Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Devotion devoid of a steady mind is of no use. If one surrenders to the All-Merciful God in total love and devotion, God Himself will get self-imprisoned in the hearts of such ardent devotees and liberates their fettered souls.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Law of Love is Greater than All Religions

Religion means a way of life. The religions of the world are the different paths to reach God. Each religion has laid down a unique mode of worship, tenets, and tradition. But, Baba did not take note of these rules and regulations. He discarded them as man is not born for the sake of religion and rules. He exhorted that pure love is the easiest path to reach God, who is the embodiment of love and the law of love is greater than all religions. The religion of Baba, is to love God and all beings, which are nothing but His manifestation. It is enough to have a loving heart so that we could share our love with others and get loved.

True love satisfies the hunger of any creature, wipes out the tears and cares for the needy. It is the divine mission of Sai to shower His love on all. Rule of law, justice and moral conduct are all meant to help keep society in order but should not cause even the slightest harm to any creature. If we behave cruelly and unjustly against any living being, God will not appreciate us despite our social service and religious prayers or rituals performed. Love is superior to law. Law will punish, but love transforms and paves the way to reach the Supreme Soul. We, therefore, should always remember the saying of Baba, "love all beings and be merciful". That should be our religion of love.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Baba is the Embodiment of Peace

Upasani Baba, a saint and disciple of Sai, included a stanza in his hymn on the glory of Sri Sainath. It reads "Aham bhava heenam prasannatma bhavam" which means 'one who is without ego has a soul serene'. A Perfect Master like Sri Sai, God Incarnate, who has consciousness of oneness, has no limited feeling of 'I'ness. Although He lived like an ordinary, mortal man, He did not have attachment to His body. He did not wish that everyone should reverentially treat Him or glorify Him. 

A man called Nanavalli came to Sai Baba, who is revered by many as a Guru, and spoke impudently "Get out of Your seat, I must sit". Baba did not get angry or annoyed. With a calm smile, He got up and offered His seat to him. Nanavalli sat on the seat for a while, got up and prostrated before Baba and left. What would we have done if we were in the place of Baba? We would have thought of Nanavalli as an arrogant, mad fellow. The lesson we can draw from Baba's gesture is this; if someone, taking pride in one's wealth, possessions and pomp, hurts or humiliates us, we should treat such persons and such situations as trivial and temporary as we constantly remember Sai and see Him in all as the Eternal One. We must pull out a man caught in the flame of arrogance. We can do so when we are cool-headed and remember Sai, the Abode of Serene Peace.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

In Trying Times, wait for Baba's Command

At times, even the greatest people face toughest situations. When the devotees of Baba are caught in between situations like 'the devil and the deep sea,' they would not hasten to overcome them. They pray to Baba to help them in crossing it. They would wait with patience till help reaches them. They know that Baba's help would come to them at the right time. But, whether one should wait minutes, hours or days will be decided by Baba. Sometimes the nature of ego "myself" will provoke a man to feel impatient. So, we should not hasten to conclude that help is not forthcoming. We should sincerely wait with patience and tolerance till the situation improves. Baba is the Omniscient and is present everywhere. It is He, who decides what work to be done and at what time. 

Do we continue the car journey when a thick blanket of fog envelops the path? If a valley is noticed on the side and thick fog in front, people with presence of mind and endurance would stop the car and wait till the fog melts away. Likewise, if we patiently wait for Baba's help in times of trouble, the problems would melt like snow. Our path of life becomes trouble-free. Baba used to ask the devotees to offer two coins, viz, faith and patience. Having faith in Baba, if we wait patiently, He will guide us safely and successfully to reach our destination. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Sacrifice of the Fruit of our Efforts

Karma has two meanings. One is 'action' and the other is the 'result of such action'. When we do a work, besides physical result, the sins and virtues associated with it shall be ours. It does happen because we are attached to the sense of duty and the feeling that 'I am doing it'. God promises 'I shall shoulder your responsibility when you give up karma'. Giving up 'karma', does not mean sitting idle or without doing any work. Even if the hands and limbs do not work, something has to be fed into the mouth. So whatever work we do, we should think 'God is making me do it. I am not the one doing it, but only a tool of God to accomplish His purpose'. Baba explained the teachings of Lord Krishna to Arjuna in a lucid manner to Mhalsapathy. Thus, giving up of 'feeling of doing' is the sacrifice of the fruit of effort or actions. The moment we think in such a manner, the result of action will be Baba's only, and not ours. 

We should cultivate the habit of remembering His name, meditating on Him and performing duties according to His Will. We can cultivate the spirit of disinterested action (not interested in the fruits of one's efforts) by regular practice. It is Baba who commands, activates and makes us do a work and rewards us. Such a state of mind must be cultivated. Then, like Prahlada, we too could feel God's presence in every atom of the Universe. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Sincere Prayers can Surely Know God's Will

God who dwells in our hearts, as the Inner Ruler, has been communicating with us in whispers. We just need to cultivate the habit of listening, with our psychic ears wide awake, and with a devout heart. Now and then He would let us know His message in audible words. If we could establish communion with the All-pervading Universal Soul, we get clear messages from that powerful source. God would fully occupy our heart and keep reminding us of our duty. If we faithfully pray to God seeking solutions to our problems, then the first thought that flashes in our mind would be in a way the solution suggested by God. As such, they will prove to be effective at any time.

It is but common for the humans to have desires and problems. But, they do not have enough energy to match with the magnitude of their problems. God has infinite power, devoid of any desire. If our desires are surrendered to His feet, then His power envelops our intellect. So, when we are in a confused state as to what to do next, it is enough to remember Baba who is there within us to respond instantly. Like a flash, we get response from Him as to which direction we have to turn to, what is good or bad and the do's and don'ts. Baba decides what we deserve and hands it over as required. When we follow the silent instructions of Sai, we get good results in any work. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Let us Start the Day with a Message of Sai

God gives us His messages of love and hope briefly, clearly and in simple words. Devotion wells up in one's heart when one meditates on God or dwells in the company of the Perfect Master. What one gets from the teachings of a Sadguru is self-liberation. Therefore, we should endeavour to listen to Guru's words of wisdom with sincerity. If we obey the commands of God in quiet confidence, our sufferings will end soon. A soldier will fight fearlessly to accomplish his task. Likewise if we execute our commitments faithfully, divine blessings are assured to us. 

Baba's teachings are not profound but are brief, easy to understand and put them into practice. Baba will reveal us the right solution to our problems if we seek His help in full faith. He will never disappoint us. 

This fact is also quoted in Baba's eleven sayings. The blessings so received and answers obtained will be very beneficial and satisfactory. The messages received every day, from Baba, on almost all aspects are ever fresh to make our lives happier and richer. The Sun God radiates knowledge. He fills the entire nature with His rays and makes it lively with light. So does Baba fills the hearts of the devotees with the light of His words of wisdom. Let us listen to the gospel of Sai, and, in turn, follow and propagate it and thereby make our lives worthier.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Baba Rains Nectar Of Love

Always, ceaselessly

Like a rain of nectar My love showers

Like a life-giving river My mercy flows unbounded

Whatever be the size of bowl held in each one's hand

Similar extent can only get filled, know that

In the form of love, for the sake of love I exist

Selfless and seeking no returns, love is My ideal

Love means sacrifice, a belief supreme and real

With overflowing love, fill your heart

See Me in one and all, in and out

Love is God, accept the truth

Know the reality by treading My path

~ Sai Baba


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

You Alone can Shape My Spiritual Path Firmly Baba

Baba! With obedience, I offer the flower of my heart to You. Do keep showering the grace of Your abundant compassion on me. The only gift I could offer is the faith I have in You. Please make use of me as a tool in your cosmic play. Protect me always and see that I move care-free under Your control. I pray to You, with total devotion, to bless me do my duties with noble thoughts and in true spirit. It is sufficient if the responsibilities entrusted to me are good and capable of being shouldered by me. 

You are the Supreme Bliss that can lead me ever from behind. You are the very elan vital of my life. You, the Supreme Soul, do grant me the pleasure of following You and relieve me from all weariness and sluggishness of bearing burdens. Please do take care of me and help me to constantly purify my life, so as to become worthy of staying at Your feet. I want to dwell in the state of Ever-New Joy, divinely assured am I of Your perfect protection in every hour of my life. I solicit Your help to get my heart tied to Your Absolute Reality. Won't you make the complete set of my thoughts into a garland of flowers crept around You! Won't you make me get ready to be a chariot driven by You-the Cosmic Charioteer of my life. Baba! I would like to be the creeper of light embracing You, if You fill my heart with Your divine, serene peace. You alone can shape my spiritual destiny.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

What Baba's Mercy Really Means to us

It is because of God's grace for us that we are blessed to take birth in a great country at an auspicious period in a great race and in a great culture. Besides, if we could spend our time in the past in the service of God, we should think that it is because of Baba's grace only. Likewise, if we can spare our future for performing good deeds, it should also be deemed as Baba's benevolence. Instead, if our time is spent in doing bad things, then we should consider that it is nothing but our foul nature. But, if something good happens, we should think that it is Baba who provides us with such a good opportunity. 

Sometimes, the deeds done under the spell of temptations cause misery. Yet, Baba's Compassionate H eart would pardon us. We should realize that if we could perform Yagna, meditation, penance, religious rites, make pilgrimages and render service to the needy, satsang and swadhyaya, it is because of God's good-will. Baba Himself will direct us to tread the good path. Indulging in acts of speaking falsehood, stealing, exploitation, cheating the trusted ones are the root cause of our wicked nature only. It is primarily due to the company of bad people around us. Thus, we should always associate ourselves with good-natured people (Satsang) and cultivate sublime thoughts and share God's infinite love with all.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

We Need to Work in the Sphere of our Ability

The power of humans is limited. Divine power is unlimited. Baba used to say 'One need to work according to one's own ability'. In fact, working as per our ability is linked with our faith and sincerity. Performing the entrusted work of Baba to the best of our ability is very dear to Him. The meaning of the word 'to the best of our ability' is to fully utilize our energy and efficiency. At times, it is but natural to get trapped in an illusion and think that we worked to our capacity, though a very little was actually done. It so happens because of our ignorance and pride. For a while, we forget Baba and His omniscient power. By this, insincerity or duplicity raises its ugly head and makes us commit several mistakes. When we know that Baba is aware of all our actions, we would never repeat such mistakes.

By our dishonest behaviour, even our previous works would be treated as worthless. God would not forgive us if we go on repeating the acts of sin thinking that the All-Merciful God would pardon us whatever sin we might commit. On the other hand, if we follow Baba's teachings, our efforts would bear fruits of enduring peace and joy. We would deem the human life as a great opportunity given by Baba to make the most of it. One has to grasp the meaning of Baba's saying "One need to work only within one's ability". Baba is the real Doer.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Chanting of Baba's Name Alone Rids us of Our Mental Tensions

God created illusion (Maya) before the advent of mankind. If we surrender to that "Maya" and keep pointing our own and others mistakes, fears and doubts surround us. By this, we slowly lose self-confidence and degenerate into persons of cowardice. Even the great sages have been overpowered by the power of illusion. Baba explained that, yielding to the sound, touch, image and odour is only due to Maya's influence. Baba maintained that when He Himself is subjected to Maya's play, how it would be possible for commoners to escape from it. As long as humans are swayed by Maya, keeping away from God they are caught up in the Karmic cage of birth-death-rebirth.

Mind gets tired under the pressure of stress and strain. It feels exhausted out of despair and frustration. It boils with the heat of desires. It is further tormented with anxieties and craves for new taste, smell and touch. There is a wonderful means of controlling the mind. That is the fervent chanting of God's name. Baba showed us several methods of reaching Him. By following the path of devotion sincerely and conducting Bhajans, prayer or chanting of Baba's name, one can break the spell of Maya. The touch of Baba's love relaxes all tensions. It finally makes us bathe in the sea of serenity of Sai's love and His teachings.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

I shall be active and vigorous even from the tomb

Baba was laid to rest on the 15th of October 1918. After His Samadhi, Baba appeared in the dreams of Kaka Mahajan on 13th November 1918 and said "Wake up! Why do you sleep still? Get up and worship Me. This is the 30th day of My Samadhi. When Kaka got up and verified, it was exactly the 30th day since Baba was buried. Immediately he summoned Kakasaheb Dikshit, Pradhan, Dhabolkar and performed worship in the temple of Samadhi and distributed food to everyone. They spent the entire day in singing devotional songs in praise of Baba. Right from the day of His Samadhi, Baba has been carrying on His Mission of appearing in dreams of devotees, healing and solacing them and turning many an atheist to look to Him.

Behind every noble deed of Sai Baba, the sole objective was to promote universal good but not projecting His glory. Baba declared that He would roam around the Universe without a form or attribute. Baba worshipped His Guru as the form of the highest absolute reality and finally got united with Him. Likewise, if we give up our caprices of mind, feelings of attachment and hate and remember Baba in our thoughts, words and deeds, He will then free us from the bondage of accumulated sins of the past births. Therefore, Baba assured "I shall be Ever-Active and Vigorous even from My Tomb".


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||