
Let Scaling the Heights of Success be Our Goal

A mountaineer aims at the highest peak of a mountain. A devotee should aim at reaching the presence of God from which there should be no coming back. In order to achieve any great purpose in life, toil and trouble are inevitable. We have to face problems and tests. It is easier to walk on the earth for every one. So it is to live a care-free life, eating and loitering. But a heroic man strives and struggles to reach a goal, however hazardous the path might be. Once you set your foot on the path to reach your goal, friends and relatives might threaten you of encountering hazards and failures. Moreover, people would get ready to pull you down once you reach the summit of success.
We must have complete self-confidence and faith in God in order to accomplish any task we might undertake. Many people fail to achieve anything in their lives and take delight in seeing people flounder in their efforts or bend their heads in shame because of failures. Faith stands them in good stead to those who trust in God. However rugged or thorny the path might be, a man of faith succeeds in reaching the summit of success and indescribable will be the bliss he experiences. It is a state of divine delight. Man's life should not be like that of a frog in a well which leaps and falls down. We should strive to reach the Feet of Sai - the height of illimitable bliss.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Baba is Infinite

It is not apt on our part to limit Baba, the Infinite One. Many people failed to comprehend Baba's miracles. Dwelling in the human body, He revealed His Infinity and Divinity and showed the way to attain the fruit of self-realization. Out of unbounded compassion, Baba took on to His body and suffered the diseases and discomforts of His devotees. In order to save or lessen the adverse effects of the past sins committed by many a devotee, Baba received the sins of many births of His devotees in the form of bhiksha or alms which He begged from His devotees. By lighting earthen lamps with water, He dispelled the darkness in the minds of the ignorant. He opened their inner eye of wisdom. He showed by His own life, how one should not get attached to one's body while living in a body and how to perform one's duties without getting attached to the fruit of one's effort.

By His Divine Power, He blessed Dasganu to witness the sacred rivers Ganga and Yamuna gush out from the toes of His Feet. Since the body is perishable, Baba wants to guide us in the light of the immortal spirit in us. Baba has been broadcasting to our minds the message, viz, "if you want to know My Omnipresence and Universal Love, do remember Me in full faith. I will ensure that your legitimate desires are fulfilled and right prayers answered even before you ask or pray for Me".
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

One can enjoy Perfect Health by Baba's Grace

It is said that the lives of theists are devoid of any problems. Sometimes, in spite of the faith in God, one may face hardships as a result of the accumulated sins committed in the past. But, we can understand the acts of God only by firm faith. In fact, 'adversity' provides an opportunity to come more closer to God. While some problems disturb the mind, others harm the body in the form of disease. If you think, "Baba's blessings are there, why should I fear" and sincerely offer prayers, you will be blessed with good health in return. Baba kept the mentally disturbed Nulkar in Macchindraghad and blessed him with the much sought solace. Tumours on the body, plague and other chronic diseases were cured by Baba's sacred ash.

It is no ordinary boon to be in the presence of Baba. For this, a devotee's heart must be soaked in devotion. The minor irritants are only tests that Baba conducts to mend our ways and turn His believers as ardent devotees. With little provocations Baba will scare obedient devotees. Won't children run to the mother and embrace her in fear? Likewise, when devotees seek shelter at Baba's feet, He would hug them, drive their fears away and gives them good health. Hence, the feeling of 'I' should be given up and all our burdens must be placed on His shoulders. Baba, the Compassionate Mother, grants us everlasting peace and joy.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Faith and Doing One's Duty

Baba assures us, 'Entrust your responsibility completely to Me and stay cool'. Further, He says, "Do your duty sincerely". The first step we have to take in spiritual practice is to know that we should discharge our day-to-day duties with utmost sincerity and full faith in God.

The boat of life cannot be pushed forward unless we use the pair of oars to row the boat. One of the oars is 'faith' and the other is 'doing one's duty'. First, we use only the oar of 'faith'. But the boat starts swirling in circles. We leave the oar and take hold of the oar of 'doing one's duty'. Again the boat swirls round. We decide to row the boat holding together both the oar of 'faith' and the oar of 'doing one's duty'. And the boat starts darting ahead smoothly and touches the shore. If we want to cross the sea of worldly life in a row-boat of life, we must paddle or do our duty reposing unshakable and unbreakable faith in God Almighty. We must believe that it is He who makes us row the boat of life. We must strengthen our belief that success or failure, profit or loss, pleasure or pain, fame or shame that we get do not belong to us. We should strengthen our faith that Baba is our Lord, Saviour and Prime Mover of our lives. Unless we blend our deep faith in Baba, with our spirit of devotion to duty, we cannot live successfully and joyfully. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Playing Game of Marbles With Baba

  Oh children, hear my words attentively
Marbles is not an easy game to take lightly
Aiming right, the other marble should be hit
How to play, should be your mind's ploy instant
On losing the game, won't you feel like weeping
Won't victory be yours on patiently playing
With devotion should any work be done
With right spirit any study should begun
Forever shall I remain your companion
It's time to mature into a righteous human.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Test and Experience Baba's Divinity

Baba is the Living God. Baba did put many a devotee to many tests. But some of the devotees, caught up in hardships, did test Baba by their sincere devotion and experienced His Divinity, got delighted and became staunch devotees of Sai. God talks to us when we have titanic faith in Him. Baba responds and reveals Himself to a devotee who tests His Divinity reposing full faith in Him.

There used to be a faithful devotee of Baba whose husband was a drunkard and never looked after the house. The wife was unable to bear the torment. She cried, 'Oh, Baba! I can no longer bear my husband who torments me. If you are really my God, please do change his behaviour'. She prayed to Baba from the bottom of her heart. The husband, who over-drank, went to bed and saw Baba in his dream. Baba frowned at the drunkard husband and warned him that he would not be spared if he drank again. Baba worked a miracle and the husband had a change of heart. He gave up drinking and turned into a gentle-man. Thereafter, he lived as a good husband and remained as a faithful devotee of Baba. Once an officer came to Shirdi. He was skeptical about Baba. But Baba proved His Divinity by handing over to him grapes with seeds turned into seedless grapes. The officer instantly turned a staunch Baba's Devotee. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Purposeless Life is a Sheer Waste

Man is engaged in one work or the other. We work through our bodies and exercise our tongues and minds. These are triple instruments. It is the harmonious blending of one's thoughts, words and deeds (trikarana shuddhi) that ensures one's success. A thought arises in the mind to sing bhajan in praise of God. We communicate the thought by saying that we want to do bhajan. Then, by clapping both the palms and remembering Baba, we sing Bhajans. Any act devoid of triple purity cannot achieve success. Our eyes may see and ears hear but without any interest or attention. God blessed us with human birth not to sit and idle away our time. We must work, but without expectation of the fruit of our effort. Every good work we do should be offered to God as our body is an instrument gifted by God to us. Hence we cannot claim the fruit of our effort. We must thus think and serve God as His instruments.

The ladle we use in making a sweet does not know the taste of the sweet as it is just an instrument. We are like the ladle in the Hand of Baba. Let Baba handle us - we the ladles as He Wills. It is the mental renunciation of the fruit of action. God never wants us to shun work, but work we must as His tools. When we do not look for the effects of work, sin and merit do not touch us. We realize our self and get self-liberated.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Faith in Baba Works Wonders

Very rarely do we come across men and women devoid of selfish nature. Although, at first, we might have prayed to Baba to get our worldly, selfish desires fulfilled, our grateful hearts thankfully remember Baba for the hardships we could overcome by His grace. Gratitude to Baba gets transformed into deep devotion and faith in Baba. The eagerness to know more about Baba will grow. As our faith in Baba gets strengthened, our fears are blasted. Our soul experiences indescribable peace as our minds relax in the cool shade of Baba's grace. The heavy heart gets unburdened. Right solutions to our problems flash in our minds. We feel a sense of psychological security. We understand the Glory and Grace of Baba. A sense of self-assurance that 'I belong to Baba' wells up in one's mind. 

When we cast all our burdens on Baba, in total surrender, without any trace of worry or anxiety, we become fearless spectators, forget ourselves and joyously ride in the flower-decked palanquin of the Divine Grace of Sai. We will ecstatically float tirelessly on the waves of the Serene Light of Sai Love and collect Baba-blessed divine jewels of joy and peace. We delight in sharing the divine jewels of Baba's grace with our fellow beings. The unshakable and unbreakable faith we repose in Baba will stand us in good stead through thick and thin.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Baba Expects True Devotion

It is the belief of scores of people that God is not within the human reach. However, Baba, the Eternal Truth-Light, assumed the human form and lived amidst us. As He protected the devotees when He was in human form, He has been, presently, safeguarding them from His Samadhi. Even to-day, there are several devotees who get His holy vision in dreams or listen to His words or being guided by Baba. He dwells in the hearts of devotees who repose faith in Him. For the faithful ones, Baba is an inexhaustible treasure of boons and blessings.

Baba's compassion is boundless. Pure devotion is a pre-requisite to become worthy of His grace. Baba assured that He would not abandon His people who trusted Him. Moreover, Baba blesses those who obey His words. We must always chant His name and know that in this Kaliyuga, only chanting of God's name ensures one's self-liberation. Hence, we should have single-minded devotion for Baba and pray to Him incessantly and fervently. Prayers of sincere devotees are certainly answered by Baba from His Samadhi. He fulfills the legitimate desires of devotees and comforts them in His lap of love. Mere mechanical chanting of Baba's name is not suffice. One must extend a helping hand to the needy and the suffering and love, care and serve all. This is the true devotion Baba expects from us.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ| 

Helping the Needy is the Great Virtue

To do good to others is to promote their welfare. God bestowed on man the capacity to help the living beings. It is not only our capability but it is our responsibility too. Helping others is the best of the human Dharma. If one bird gets trapped, many birds flock around it and attract the attention of others so that the trapped bird may be released and saved. If birds have such a good trait of love and concern to help each other, man, blessed with intellect and wisdom, should be more kind and considerate to his fellow beings. One may help when asked for help. It is God's help if one lends, unasked, his helping hand to the one in distress or in great need. Man should rise to such moral heights.

To do good to the one who did good to us is a mark of humanity. It is Baba's philosophy that we should do good to the one who did hurt us. To love our enemies is divine. Selfishness aims at gains for one's self. Great are people who help others at their own loss. God loves such souls of selflessness. Ordinary people may help others as long as they do not lose much. Self-interest rules their minds. Some people deliberately hurt others whose success they are jealous of. They hurt others even if they did not lose anything. It is better to avoid the company of the evil-minded. Only those with a heart full of love will be happy to serve the society. Baba-blessedly, they always live gladly.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Baba is A Treasure Of Love

ifficulties whenever arise, divine protection is sought
Despite disbelief in heart, we look for positive result
To Me if the problem is thrust, trust Me, I shall save you
Showing the right path, from troubles I shall lift you
With a fatherly support I shall pardon your mistakes
With a motherly compassion shall I fulfil your wishes
Stocking sweetness in every node of a sugarcane stem
I have thus filled love in your body's every atom
Cleanse the impurity within, akin to child's nature
Reach my peaceful lap and avail rest secure
The great treasure of love you can thereby acquire
Indeed supreme and boundless is My Divine Treasure
........ Saibaba

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Do not find Faults, But Learn to Forgive

"Win your own self before you win over the world'' is an old adage. When the mind loses its discipline, it gets tempted by greed, attachment, selfishness and commits mistakes. The six internal enemies within us push us on to the wrong path. One needs to overcome this with faith in God. Because of the wrong deeds committed in our past lives, we now experience the resultant pain and pleasure. But God has given us wisdom and discretion to select good or bad. We have to keep intellect on the right path, control our emotions and walk with firm faith in God. To err is human. Yet, the noble quality lies in knowing one's fault after careful self-analysis and then rectifying it.

Sometimes we see a husband who severely abuses his wife for trivial offences. We have to rein in the fury of emotions and awaken the power of thinking with open-mindedness. We should pray to God and repent for our bad behaviour. Besides, we should apologize to the one whom we did hurt by our sharp tongue. The greatest achievement lies in not conquering the world, but conquering our mind. Those who experience peace by restraining their senses and mind have acquired spiritual success. God helps us conquer our weak character if we make a little effort. Wisdom lies in making constant self-criticism of our behaviour and resolving to tread the right path. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Reward Others Liberally with a Big Heart

To see God in everyone is the height of good character. Owing to the deeds committed in the past lives, some are born as rich and some as servants. We should never feel proud of our enormous wealth and should never look down a servant because he is born poor. Some may have money with them but others may have capacity for hard work. Just as money is a prized possession for some, so too the power of their labour for some. We should be grateful to the one who helped us in our work by his service and we must pay him wages matching his toil. Thus, we should utilize our money to make others happy and should never remain indebted, by suitably rewarding the services of others. Baba taught us the lesson in a wondrous manner. 

One day Baba got a ladder and He got up the roof of the house of His devotee Radhakrishnamayi and got down the ladder from the other side. He did it to cure the high fever of the devotee. Baba paid a wage of two rupees to the one who arranged the ladder. People around commented that Baba paid liberally to the fellow. Baba taught them not to get the services of others for gratis and that they should pay right amount of wages in a liberal manner. If Baba's rule is honoured, both the employer and the employee can work together harmoniously and do good to national prosperity. Let us emulate the example set by Baba. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Sowing the Seeds of Devotion in Human Hearts

To cultivate something, attempt and effort are very essential. To develop either righteousness in a heart or to grow a plant, we need to put efforts. First, the seed of devotion must be sown in the hearts of men and women. For germination of the seed, we need to remember God, the Sun of Wisdom. The ambrosial waters of Baba's love-messages must be sprinkled on the soil of the heart. It would be enough if the seed of faith sprouts. Great light would dawn into one's life. We wish that everyone develops faith in God by deepening one's devotion. But we neither by grace cultivate in them faith in God nor can we make them turn to Baba and get blessed by His Grace. We may sow a seed and water it, but though it sprouts and puts up leaves and grows, it all depends on the Will of Baba. Yet, we need to make an effort.

We are experiencing great delight because of our devotion to Baba. Blessed by His love, we are able to live in peace and joy. Therefore, we need to pray that even others too should live happily in Baba's Shade. In the process, we should attempt to sow the seeds of devotion in the hearts of upright people. We often talk about Baba to several people. Yet, all might not choose the path of devotion. At least, if some people savour the bliss of God, our efforts are fruitful. Our duty is to put an effort and it will be their good fortune to reap the fruits. It's Baba's Will again.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Wisdom in Sayings, Proverbs, Messages

'Sayings' refer to a word. It is a medium through which we express our feelings to others. A person's reputation gets enhanced by the power of good words spoken. Word has power to develop or destroy self-confidence of a person. At times, words work like good medicine. Words heal sick minds and bodies. Words that teach good and show good are called a 'proverb'. Some great souls with their mellowed spiritual wisdom have gifted the humanity with gems of truth through words and books. This is the priceless treasure of wisdom entrusted to us.

Baba always taught "although you may not do charity always, but do not scold or drive away those who seek your alms or beg". It is not mere proverb. It is a leading light in our hand that guides our lives. We would say a good word for the benefit of someone. A word thus spoken for the good of others must be beneficial. We should abide by it. Words that warn us to mend our behaviour might appear bitter. Still, they should be implemented. We know how much Damu Anna gained by following Baba's advice by not investing in a trade. When we are in a dilemma whether to do a work or not, Baba guides us in one form or the other. We should immediately obey and get benefited and saved. We should, therefore, cultivate the habit of talking less but in a smoother, sweeter, polished manner. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Sai Love-Consciousness

Baba is Omnipresent. His Supreme Spirit fills every inch of the Universe. To
understand this thought, we need to contemplate on it. Contemplation is but a thought or a feeling. It is constantly pondering over it and trying to apply the essence of the thought to our day-to-day living. Then, it turns into a habit. Later, it continues without effort. Finally, it becomes a part and parcel of us. In other words, the thought and our mind become inseparably one. To be more precise, the very thought and the thinker get infused into one. Instead of feeling it, we become the very experience of itself. It is the metamorphosis of thought getting transformed into the experience of thought. Cumin cured in lemonade will become cured cumin. Then the lemon and cumin become one. So does the Sai philosophy which will be the lemon in which the devotee gets immersed, cured and absorbed. The one immersed in Sai's Love will install Sai in one's temple of soul very much like the cumin. The devotee will gradually, during the process of spreading Sai's Love in the surroundings, get absorbed into the Infinite Absolute Reality. Sai's philosophy would get mingled in every atom of one's very being. Then, one sheds one's ego and gets dissolved in Baba's devotion. Thus, the true meaning of Baba's message is "those who trust in Me will surely reach Me".

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Remembering Sai

Some people chant God's name in every minute of their conscious state. This kind of mechanical repetition does not mean true chanting of God's name. Likewise, there are several devotees who worship God by observing strict religious rites. It alone does not refer to remembering God. Everything in this world has name, form and quality. Likewise, God too would have them. The Deity we are worshipping has a name "Sai Baba". He had a well-built body, with golden complexion, blue eyes, bright smile and his head covered with a cloth and wore Kafni-a long gown. This completes the image of Sai. Usually, people who chant God's name and worship Him would keep in memory both name and form. However there is a "quality" beyond these two. That quality adds to Baba an Omnipotent, Omnipresent and All-Loving nature. As Baba's Image vibrates in the eye of our minds, it gets charged by His Supreme Spirit-Power. Is it a child's play to recollect name, form and qualities of the God altogether? Of course, they are easy to recall. Indeed, these three qualities are not distinctly separate. Their confluence is Baba.

When we say "Baba", the image of Sai seated on a stone, one that of seeking alms or the form of Dwarakamayi or whichever posture/photo of Baba we like most must strike our mind and with that remembrance, Sai Grace reaches and blesses us.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Fickle-Mindedness - A Steady Mind

All humans may look alike by appearance. But, when we observe their mind and behaviour, we find some people fickle-minded. Some people though erred, they repent for their bad behaviour and resolve to turn good and go ahead. Is it not a mark of mental vacillation when one changes one's opinions frequently, doubts and believes whatever others say without exercising the God-gifted power of discernment? What is the use of human birth to such ones? Hence, one should never lose faith in God but remain stable and peaceful. 

There lies a ball of steel underneath a tree. A fallen leaf lies beside it. It is mid-summer and wind does not blow. To the onlookers, both the ball of steel and the dry leaf look like dolls. After a while, wind blew in gusts and the dry leaf rose up. The minds of some people, like the dry leaf, lend their ears to whatever people say and give their nodding approval, devoid of faith in Baba. They blow away in the direction of wind. They cannot keep the image of Baba steadily in their minds despite reading the life story of Baba. What Hemadpant could not get despite his many years of perusal of Guru Charitra, Sathe was blessed with the vision of Baba after a mere seven day perusal of the book. Sathe was blessed because his mind remained steady at the Feet of Baba like the ball of steel. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Money Cannot Buy Everything

Human greed for money is increasing day by day, so also avarice and selfishness. People have started believing that money and wealth are very important. Assuming that money is the world's key factor, they want to make money by any means. But money cannot buy peace of mind which is very crucial to one's life. Medicines will not work when mind is in disorder. It is a reality that money plays an important role in certain things. Money serves as a useful tool to those who are financially helped in their dire need. We should realize the fact that money would be useful to fulfil earthly needs, but not helpful to attain salvation.

One Swamiji had scores of devotees, disciples in different parts of the world. Among them, one rich but greedy devotee accumulated lots of money by not even spending on his own food. One day he called on the Swamiji. Having heard about his nature before, Swamiji gave a needle to him and asked him to carefully preserve it and it could be returned on reaching heaven. The rich man asked as to how can a needle be carried with him after death. Swamiji questioned him with a gleam of smile, 'what is the use of your piled up money'? You cannot carry it after death. Is it not! Baba used to accept dakshina from several people but distributed it on the same day. We should, therefore, donate part of our money to the needy. Charity is the heart of Divinity.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Humility is the Stepping-Stone to Success

Humility is an important virtue which everyone must have. Humility means treating elders with respect and abiding by their words with obedience. The spirit of humility with which we treat our parents will win their blessings and support. Many devotees of Baba served Him only to get their desires fulfilled. But only a few devotees served Baba with love and felt that His word was law unto them. They were an epitome of humility of the heart and self-surrender. 

Though Ravana was a great king and well-versed in scriptures and spiritual wisdom, he lacked good character and challenged Lord Rama, fought fiercely and got killed at Rama's hands. Contrarily, Vibhishana, brother of King Ravana, who was a man of humility, was enthroned as a successor to Ravana. The one with humility will emerge victorious in every field by the divine support. 

Sometimes the decisions we take may prove wrong or upset us. But success smiles on the obedient ones who follow the word of God. It will do good to the one who is obedient to his Guru and God, whether he lives a spiritual or a householder's life. Mere devotion to God alone cannot ensure one's liberation. Only devotion enjoined with humility of heart can enable one to swim across the sea of worldly life. Humility ensures success whether one treads the path of devotion, wisdom or work. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Nerveless Tongue Dictates the World

We perform any deed with three tools, viz., the mind, word and body, which are called trikaranas. We think with our mind, speaks about it through the word and implement it with our body. Whatever we see with our eyes and hear through our ears, we have to convey it through the mouth only. Hence, the word uttered by the mouth is very sharp. That is why elders urge that we should not comment on what all we saw or heard. A word can inspire or depress the mind.

If a thorn pricks our foot, we will forget about it as soon as the pain subsides. But, if a word pricks the mind like a thorn, we cannot forget the agony it caused. Such words will lead to misunderstandings and disasters. The tongue which is less than three inches long can kill a six foot man. Dharmaraja's small lie - Aswatthama hataha kunjaraha had caused Drona's death (He cried that Aswatthama was dead and then muttered under his breath that an elephant named 'Aswatthama' died). That is why Baba always preached not to scold or ill-treat others. The powers bestowed on us by God should be utilized for performing good deeds. Good people will reveal their love through words. Some people will get even impossible things done by their skilful use of words. When Baba, Divine Love Incarnate, spoke to the devotees, it was like the shower of nectarine rain on them. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

If You Look to Me, I Look to You

Baba's words are imbued with beautiful and in-depth meaning. To look at Baba does not mean to look to Baba with mere physical eyes. 'Look' is, however, referred to by Baba as related to the eye of wisdom within oneself. 

There lived two friends. One of them had faith and devotion for Baba. Another one was an atheist. Baba's devotee used to go to a temple everyday and have the darshan of the deity. One day, while he was going to the temple, a friend met him and together they went to the temple. The atheist friend stayed outside the temple and Baba's devotee went inside the temple. When the devotee friend came out from the temple, after the darshan of the deity, he was stung by a scorpion and suffered from acute pain. The friend who waited outside the temple found a rupee coin. Both spoke to each other of their respective experiences. The devotee friend told a saint, whom they came across, about how he was stung by a scorpion though he was a trusted devotee of Baba. The saint explained to him that the merciful Baba averted a major risk to his life by making him merely suffer from the sting of a scorpion, while his atheist-friend, just got a rupee instead of a huge sum. Baba showered His grace on the devotee as he constantly remembered Baba. As one's faith is, so shall be the resultant effects. Let us look to Baba in loving faith.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Only the Creator Heals

It is God who created the Universe. It is again His responsibility to sustain and protect the entire world. So, we have to realize the truth that the destinies of our lives are shaped by Him and we move under His command. We make use of many machines. They are the great creations of scientists. God has endowed the scientists with the creative intelligence to make such wonderful inventions. When a machine breaks down, it has to be taken to its manufacturer so that it not only gets repaired but works for a longer time. Even our body is like a machine. The repairs we make to the body machine are called diseases we suffer from and the disorder caused to our body-machines. Our ill-treatment of the body causes its illness.

We have to pay the wages of sin by suffering from diseases. We rush to a doctor scared of our sickness. The medicines doctor prescribe might restore our health. But, the will of Sainath is required to get services of the doctor in time or the doctor prescribes the right drug for cure. We must realize that repentance, devotion and faith in God will remove our sins. One devotee was suffering from a cancerous tumour on his body. He thought it would be better to die rather than bear the pain; but, then, Baba cured it with His sacred ash. When the Merciful Baba is there, there is no medicine so effective as Baba's Udhi. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|