

The ultimate purpose of human life is to reach the Abode of God. We have to cultivate noble qualities for this. We should give up attachment to the physical body. We need to amend ourselves to get qualified to reach the presence of God. We should reform ourselves. Let us explore the method. We know the location of each object in our home, but in darkness no article is visible to us. 

Likewise, in spite of possessing knowledge about the universe and God, darkness of ignorance persists inside us. Let us light the lamp of wisdom and dispel that darkness. Let us examine our inner self in the light of wisdom. It is a spiritual pilgrimage-soul searching for the Supreme Soul. We have to weigh and consider the good and bad in our every action. 

If we err, we have to make an honest self-examination. Thus, after a bit of effort we have to light the lamp of wisdom within us. As the lamp of wisdom burns brighter and brighter, every trace of darkness is dispelled. Although our mistakes and good deeds are not openly disclosed, they are clearly known to us. Gradually the divine power will enter us and makes us introvert. Then, the entire world will resemble a doll-house to us. Pains and pleasures, name and fame will all look as mere clouds dispersed by the strong winds. As we walk into the light, everything looks brighter. Let us always dwell in God's Light. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Our Fellow Beings Find God in Our Pure Love

All may not directly experience the Divine Bliss blessed by the mercy of God. Some may experience that love and get the message through other sources like one's kith and kin or friends. If we love others in pure spirit, we can see God in it. Bliss is defined as the indefinable joy experienced in the presence of God and God alone can grant it. Prior to this, He would first bless our dear ones. Through their pure love, He gives us the taste of happiness. We are thus inspired to move towards God, the treasure-house of ever-new happiness. 

The bond of love between a couple should become the first letter of God's love. We have to express gratitude in our hearts for the love Baba has on us to give such a life-sharing mate. Gradually, the earthly pleasure of domestic and conjugal life will turn towards spiritual happiness. The society gets benefited much because of the upright people and affectionate house-holders. Impressed by the behaviour of those who see God in all and love all, even the atheists may be turned as Baba's devotees. We can make a stone-hearted man, who is never touched by God, melt in God-Love by the loving way we treat all. The love we show to others may cause them to seek God in us. Therefore, one who is born as a human being, must inculcate the spirit of divinity which guides others to the Abode of God. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Initiate the Work, Baba lends His helping Hand

For people doing good works, certain obstacles would arise on the way. But people moving on the evil path go ahead at a brisk pace. So, it can be understood that climbing up is difficult and sliding down is much easier. Yet, those who love God would like to move only on the path of righteousness. This is the right practice to reach the presence of Baba. 

Reaching Baba, who is the embodiment of Divine Delight, would mean getting freed from the cycle of birth and death. We should get liberated from the sins committed in our earlier births. We need to get rid of attachment, hate and the seven deadly sins. In this spiritual path, our mind would keep wavering and our intellect never dwells in God. These are the boulders that the devotees come across which block their spiritual path. We need not worry as to how to overcome them and move forward. A set of people should get together and start 'Satsang'. The mind should be controlled by chanting God's name and singing devotional songs. If we initiate the work, Baba will surely support us, because He would definitely dwell where His devotees sincerely sing bhajans. When we meditate on Baba, we forget our bodies and souls. Baba who has been invisible till the other minute would make Himself visible to us. The moon-lit smile and nectarine words of Baba would delight every heart. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Entire Universe is Full of Sai's Glory

It is God who created the entire universe. The universe, indeed, is one family. It is not fair to think "I, my region, and my language". We have to have the feeling that people of the world are our brothers and sisters. People from different places used to come to Baba's darbar. Their traditions and languages were different. But their opinions never differed. They are all the children of Sainath. Together they used to live in happiness by sharing the experiences they had by the love-deeds of Baba. They used to feel that living in Shirdi is like living in heaven.

Sai Baba wants the entire world to live in peace and joy. That is why Baba, when He was alive, inspired some devotees to write about His love-miracles and messages and devoutly sing His glories. Because of Sai's wish, Dasganu became the composer and singer of Sai leelas, glories. It is again Baba who created the desire of writing the story of Sai in the mind of Anna Saheb Dhabolkar. It is none other than Sai who gave the title of Hemadpant to Dhabolkar and made him gather the true experiences of Sai devotees for the compilation of Baba's great biography, which is a gift to the posterity. The word of mouth is audible upto some distance, but the message of a great book can be communicated in different tongues to vast number of people all over the world. Thus, all can reach Baba.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Sai Will Appear in Whatever Form One Desires to See Him

God is an embodiment of love-deeds. He incarnated in several forms to protect the entire Creation. In this Kaliyuga, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba came down as a complete incarnation of Lord Dattatreya for protecting the virtuous. In this world, the evil forces have grown menacingly, troubling everyone. Human beings are fanning the fire of hatred, discriminating one against the other on the grounds of wealth, poverty, caste and religion. To promote unity as well as patience and love among all the people, Sai Baba assumed the human form. Through the experiences of scores of devotees, it is revealed that Baba is the manifestation of all gods and goddesses. 

The party from Madras Bhajanmandali came to Shirdi for securing money from Baba. But Lakshmi, the manager of the team was a sincere devotee. Baba appeared to her as Lord Sri Rama, her favourite God. Baba blessed an old devotee with the vision of vittala whom he dearly adored. Muley Shastri, another devotee, refused to enter the Masjid where Baba stayed. But, when Baba appeared in the form of his Guru, Gholap Swami, Muley Shastri prostrated before Baba and accepted Him as God. Devotees look to Baba as the Supreme God head as He revealed His Divinity in the form of the favourite deity whom they adored.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Let us Offer it to Baba Before We Partake the Food

We should not partake any item of food before we first offer it to Baba. Usually our mind and intellect will experience these things before the senses. Therefore, by offering them to God, our worldly desires get diminished. Taking food is one of the important daily activities. Ordinary food becomes sanctified by offering it to God. But very few people have the habit of offering food to God before eating it. 

There used to be a fair organized on each Sunday at Shirdi. On one Sunday, Hemadpant visited the fair and returned to masjid. Very surprisingly, edible grains fell from his shirt. Teasingly, Baba said, "this fellow is in the bad habit of eating alone. He has purchased and eaten grains". To this, Hemadpant replied that he neither purchased nor ate them. Baba then questioned him "Before eating anything, are you remembering Me"? Thus, Baba taught us that we should offer anything first to God. If we remember Baba and partake anything, we will be delighted. It is God who creates and sustains us. Whatever we get is because of His grace and kindness. To our Baba, the Sustainer, Protector and Father should be offered everything we acquire. Our humble duty is to offer all that we have and accept what Baba gives us back as sacred.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Constant Singing of Bhajans to Baba Protects the Entire Universe

Whenever devotees shout 'Baba', mesmerized by the ardent call of love and faith, Baba would rush to uplift them with the soothing words 'I am near you - no need to fear'. When a person's life is a bed of roses, the thought of remembering God does not arise. Whenever we all are happy, we get immersed in our works. But, if someone falls sick, or troubles confront us or if anything causes pain and agony to us, mind will get disturbed. In such troubled times, God is not only remembered by us but by our friends and neighbours too.

The mother will not feed unless the child demands it. We, therefore, should pray to Baba in fervent faith. Pleased as He is by our love-devotion, Baba will shower His grace on us. Baba loves worship accompanied with devotional music. When one sings hymns, ecstatically, the mind, ears and eyes will all get integrated. There is no room for vagrant thoughts to occupy the mind and one forgets the surroundings. The entire environment gets charged with the thoughts of God. Baba Himself takes part in the devotional singing and make others join the chorus. The spirit of devotion and service are infused into our minds. Thus, in this Kaliyuga, devotional singing of Baba's glory-filled bhajans alone will protect all living beings.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Beloved Devotee Of Baba

A true devotee is one without hatred towards any living being. The reason is that, one who has compassion towards every creature will never hate anything or any person. If at all he hates, he would not be acceptable to every creature. Even if someone severely offends him, he would not feel offended, leave alone the question of pardon. If a small kid pulls the moustache of his father, would he take it as an offence? Never. He would even declare that the innocent son is unaware of what offense means. Occasionally, the kid might punch the father with his fist. Even then the father would not treat it as a crime. 

Likewise, a mentally deranged patient may shout and beat the people around him. He would even start beating the very doctor treating him. Yet, the doctor would not take his action as an offense. It is because the physician is quite aware of the fact that due to mental disorder the patient is behaving so. Likewise, the wise would not take it as an offence when the commoner behaves rudely under the influence of illusion. The one who has offered his mind and soul to God would not think of anything else, except God. Indeed such a devotee is the most beloved one to Baba, the Ocean of Love and Compassion. He not only bestows peace and spiritual bliss but as well takes the devotee closer and closer to Him. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Beautiful flowers Spring from a Tiny Seed

We humans often feel disturbed with one or the other problem. We would look up for some source or support that would pull us out of the problems. In this quest, we would take to the devotional path owing to the merit of good deeds done in the past life. In the early phase, this devotion is in a tiny seed form. 

The spirit of devotion must be planted into the soil of the human heart. With the water of Baba's blessings, by His grace of sunlight and the manure of His teachings added, it would spread with shoots, leaves, greens and branch out to get a strong trunk to finally blossom into a beautiful, colorful and fragrant flowers. These flowers are indeed meant for worshipping the feet of their Creator, that Baba is.

Initially, any good work will look like a little seed. It grows into a gigantic tree as devotion and faith strike deeper roots. It gets worthier when it is offered to God. Likewise, the seed-faith and devotion to Baba will grow in our consciousness, stage by stage, taller and stronger until it dwells in Peace and Joy in the shelter of Sai love. Like a beautiful flower blossomed to a strong plant germinated from a little seed, our devotion, though initially weak, upon surrendering it to Baba, our soul and body get strengthened and emit divine light. This marvellous and silent change within will astonish us.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Baba dwells wherever His devotees worship Him

God Himself shows the path of reaching Him to the very humans He created. We should make earnest efforts to understand His philosophy and always worship His holy feet. When we look to Baba, He too would look to us and showers His grace. If a few devotees assemble and narrate the divine stories of Baba or chant His name or sing hymns, He would join them in one or the other form. 

The path of devotion is the simplest of all. Although ignorant, having read nothing and unaware of the mode of worship or chanting divine names, it is suffice if we fill our hearts with the name "Baba! Saibaba!" and He will be at our back. Baba showers the nectar of kindness on those devotees who would collectively organize a non-stop week-long chanting of His name and get His life story read out. Like a mother, He would know and fulfil our needs even before we ask Him. He saves us from every calamity.

Serving our fellowmen, speaking the truth and leading a life of sacrifice is only possible with Baba's blessings. Our prayers will be answered when our hearts are filled with love. We should feel Baba's presence in the hungry we feed and the sick we nurse. Those who shower love by mingling with the suffering lot are able to grasp the truth that "service to humanity is service to God"; and those hearts are treated by Baba as His Dwarakamayi.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Go Ahead With Faith in Baba

When an opportunity is lost or faced with a set-back, it is but human nature to feel frustrated and desperate in life. In such times, life looks like a parched and desert land. Will it be sensible to lose heart just for one incident? Is it correct to lose faith in God? Instead of grieving that God ignored us in such hard times, it would be better to strengthen our faith in God by Baba's teachings. We should remember Baba more and more. We have to repent for our wrong doings, plead for His mercy. 

Just as a bird with a broken wing is able to fly high once it sprouts its wings, likewise, one who did not get Baba's grace has the opportunity of getting His grace showered on him in a greater measure at a later date. 

For this, unflinching faith is the pre-requisite. So, we should never turn our back, get frustrated or dejected. Is not the lost opportunity only the first but not the last one! One who has been defeated in life will fight back with renewed energy to boldly face any challenging troubles. In this practice, he would come closer to God. We have to seek Baba's shelter with a strong faith and in the spirit of total self-surrender. He is magnanimous. He is in every inch of this universe, Omnipresent and ready to console and will turn the deserted lives into green meadows. It is enough to go ahead with firm faith in Baba and nothing can scare us.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

To Get Loved, We Should First Share it with Others

The love we show to others with pure heart will draw many people closer to us. When we strive for the welfare of others without any impurities of heart, those who have benefited by our service will surely love us. If we plant a sweet mango kernel, it yields sweet mangoes. Likewise, by planting the pure seed of love in the hearts of others, we could reap the fruits of nectarine love. Love begets love. When the students are taken for a picnic, the children will be pleased and develop a fatherly love for the teacher. They offer their flower-like hearts to the teacher. 

The philanthropic service rendered with love and pure heart will yield untold benefits in this world and after. There are several unfortunate people in this world who thirst for love and humane care. We should make every effort to draw smiles on their faces. Bearing in mind that God dwells in everyone's heart, we should treat all as divine form and treat well. The satisfaction we derive in loving and treating others is unique and far satisfactory than our routine pleasures. Baba loves those who love fellow humans and ensures that they reach His abode of perennial bliss. Therefore, in order to get the divine grace, we should be able to see Baba in all living beings. The easiest path to reach Him is to love all beings.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Adoring the Teacher

Word is the divine power which throws light on the Unmanifested Supreme Soul. However powerful one may be, without education one is branded as a dumb brute. Education is knowledge. That is true education which imparts the knowledge that the visible world is not long lasting and the attainment of the Supreme Reality, the embodiment of ever-new joy, is the prime purpose of life. A teacher dispels darkness and equips one with knowledge; whereas, an enlightened teacher guides a disciple in the light of wisdom to realize God. For the teacher who helps unite the individual soul with the Universal Soul, we should bow with deep reverence saying "glory be to the Guru, the God". 

While protecting the body for the maintenance of dharma, we should restrain the mind and sense organs. The very purpose of human life is to merge with God by the practice of the priceless spiritual wisdom acquired by the grace of Guru.
God descends as the World-Teacher in the Age of Kaliyuga when the humans digress from the path of righteousness. The Triple Form of the Divine Absolute incarnates as Lord Dattatreya to set the tradition of master and disciple. Sai, God Incarnate, by the touch of His grace, turned many an atheist and the arrogant as His devotees and showed them the path to divinity. We get several instances of proof of Shirdi Sai's Grace.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|