
The All-Powerful, Healing Word of Baba

The food we usually consume gets sanctified upon offering it to God. Likewise, ordinary words that we utter become words charged with mystic power when taught by a Guru. Words have great power to accomplish extraordinary tasks when heard from the mouth of the Sadguru as His teachings. From where and how do they get such power? A Sadguru who has a clear grasp of the meanings of words and mastered their essence can speak words of power. The thought, word, deed get unified and as actions reflect one's thought, the very words uttered by such good souls vibrate the Spirit-Power and they prove to be mantras which can command the matter to obey them.

A snake had bitten Shyama on his little finger. While Shyama was climbing up the steps to seek Baba's healing help, Baba shouted "beware! Get down". Shyama felt bad, but in the process the poisonous effect got weakened. Baba's words were directed to the poison. When Shyama's cousin fell sick with plague, Baba said "Send the Udhi. You go tomorrow and come back quickly". He meant the plague to be sent out and visit his cousin to know the condition. On several occasions, Baba's words worked like miracles. This is the difference between the word and mantra. Every word Baba uttered was a holy mantra. As devotees of Baba, our word and deed must do good to others. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Never Disheartened While Reaching Your Goal

The journey of life is nothing but striving to reach our life's goal. We get tired in this long sojourn. Several hurdles are encountered on the way. To overcome them, we need enormous strength of mind. Mind is the source of it. Fearing the advent of obstacles, some people would not start any work and remain where they are. Many of us belong to this category. They have no desire to grow either materially or spiritually. Some people would start any work with much fan-fare. But one set-back would draw them away from work. They are the weak and the fallen ones. Very few people have the ability to withstand and remain firm in the face of tests or set-backs. They taste success. The difference between them is the resolute mind and endurance.

Body gets nourished by the intake of food. Mind gets strengthened only by practice. The Ever-Compassionate Baba, will grant the much-needed mental strength to His devotees through rigorous practice. Baba says, "Look to Me, Your burden is indeed Mine". If such assurance of Baba is with us, we can climb any mountain of hardship. Just as the mountaineer takes the support of the rock, the devotee can reach the pinnacle of life with the mighty support of Baba's Grace. One could face the challenges of life with a stout heart and resolute mind. With Baba's Grace, we can reach the Abode of Self-Liberation.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Better to be in Baba's Consciousness than in ours

It is but human nature to always worry about what others might think of them. We wish to see that people all around should think of us in a positive manner. It is justified to some extent. But, as long as our deeds are good and noble, it is absolutely not necessary to either worry about the views of others or get pained by their hurtful comments. 

The weeds in the crop spoil the very crop itself. Likewise, the feelings of hatred and ego will spoil our very existence. The darkness of ego is more darker than natural darkness. To assume that we know everything is like staying in perpetual darkness. There is a nice way to get rid of that darkness and suffering. That is to stop thinking of our own self and start thinking on Baba again and again, through which medium it would become easier to come into light. Causes of fear like inhibitions and cowardice would just vanish, duly replaced by faith in Baba. Then, we can bring into light those who were caught in similar dark chambers. If we offer all our thoughts to the Merciful Baba, we can surely be freed from turmoil and forgetting ourselves, we can attain a state of serene joy. All troubles and tears arise only when we get attached to our physical body. When we shed 'body-consciousness' and get into the Kingdom of 'Divine Consciousness', Baba is visible in every being.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

"Wishing You A Happy Eid"

❤️ ❤️OM SAI RAM❤️ ❤️

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Today 27th July 2014 a very important date

I wish to share something important with all of you. Today, 27th July 2014 is a very crucial day for all of us. It is a day mentioned in almost all scriptures & all religions of the world. Today the Sun, the Moon & Jupiter will be together in constellation Karkata (Cancer), and all three will enter simultaneously into the lunar mansion (Pushya)... And at that exact moment the age of Satya, or Krita, will begin. (S'rîmad Bhâgavatam 12.2.22, 24) It is such an important event that it is even stated in the S'rîmad Bhâgavatam.

To explain in brief... this day marks the end of Kal Yuga & the beginning of a 600 glorious period of the Satya Yuga. It is also marked as the day for the emergence of Vishnu's 10th Avatar... Kalki Avatar.

The prediction given in the Srimad Bhagavatam about the appearance of Kalki and the beginning of Satya Yuga or the Golden Age is.... “When the Lord has appeared on Earth as Kalki, the Satya-Yuga will begin, and human society will bring forth progeny in the mode of goodness…When the Moon, the Sun, and Brihaspati (Jupiter) are together in the constellation Karkata(Cancer), and all three enter simultaneously into the lunar mansion Pushya, the Satya Yuga will commence.”

The belief also says... In 2014, a cosmic power described as ‘Kalki Avatar ‘in Hindu scriptures, ‘Mehdi ‘in Muslim scriptures, ‘Rider on White Horse’ in Christian scriptures, and ‘Maitrya’ in Buddhist scriptures would emerge to save humanity. All this would happen before 27th July 2014, when His appearance will be known to all.

So all I wish to convey to all of you is that today happens to be a day of 'Very High Positive Energies In The Cosmos.' It is a day to meditate, chant, do good Karma & soak in as many Powerful Energies as you can from the Lord & the Universe.

I request all of you to spend the day in purity, meditation & good deeds. Make the best of the day.. and I assure you your spiritual growth, your vibrations, your spiritual frequencies, your Healing Powers & your overall energies will benefit & increase manifold today. 

Wishing you a Baba Full Day... Read the Sai Satcharita or any scripture for sure today... at least one chapter. Aum Sai... Baba Bless.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Wishes of the Righteous Get Fulfilled by God

God, the All-Watchful, shall never abandon His children in the dark when firm faith is reposed in Him. If we are moving on the path of righteousness by seeking His shelter and serving humanity with a feeling of serving God, He will surely fulfill our desires. But, what kind of desires are fulfilled? Selfish desires meant to harm others will get successfully repulsed by the Omnipotent Baba. He will not even accept our own desires that may harm us. Is it not justified? Will the mother accept the infant's desire to play with fire? God too is like that. A desire which is not harmful to others and devoid of evil thought will definitely get fulfilled. 

God cannot bear seeing His children getting hurt. Besides, not only things we justly desire for, but even things we rightly deserve are granted to us without being asked. Instead of seeking boons, if one seeks more devotion and liberation, our Merciful Baba will certainly shower His Divine Grace. If we meditate on Him with a pure heart, He will grant us not just things asked for but grant us the good things unasked for. We must understand that if a particular desire is not fulfilled, it is because of the fact that it does no good to us and therefore He did not grant it. When Baba, who grant boons even without asking for them, is with us, where is the need for asking Him specifically?


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Trust Your Ability and Pray for God's Support

It would be a misconception to think that we are living by our own ability. Whatever work we do, it should be treated as a work entrusted to us by God. The task should be accomplished as commanded by our Master, Baba. We must remember that the capability of doing it is also gifted by Him. We have to seek Baba's blessings to accomplish the work successfully. Then, by the grace of Sainath, our abilities will be put to effective use and the task gets performed.

When a kid was attempting to lift a load beyond his capacity, his father asked, "Are you making full use of your strength?" The boy impatiently replied "Yes". Again, the father asked "why did you not seek my help?" It means that in times of need if the Heavenly Father Baba's assistance is not sought and utilized, we should realize that we did not tap our capacity to the maximum extent. Though it looks little, Baba's help would indeed be of great help to us. Hence, we should get ready to receive such help from Baba. His blessings will make our every effort fruitful. The one who does not receive His help is nothing and only when our hearts are filled with Him, we become true devotees. Before undertaking any mighty task, our foremost duty should be to pray the Almighty, "Baba! I can accomplish the task only with your divine help, co-operation and blessings".


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Devotion is the Master-Key

The keys of iron safe are the symbols of house-holders' control of the house. Along with power, elderliness and responsibility are also linked to it. In fact, the keys must be in the competent and right hands. When such competent people have the quality of compassion, they only care for the welfare of the house. Unaware of the fact that the spiritual wealth concealed within us is far greater than the wealth stored in the safe, we show concern for the wealth hoarded. Body is like an iron safe in which we want to store wealth. Inside it, there is the divine light of the spirit that glows like precious jewels and gems. That is the greatest spiritual treasure of the soul, the Light of God. To open that great treasure-house, the master-key 'devotion' is given to us. We should humbly treat the devotion-key Baba granted us and use it for self-liberation.

In order to unearth the spiritual wealth within us, we should shed pride, sense of helplessness and dedicate our life to chanting Baba's Name. Instead of making life a battle-ground for acquiring material wealth, if we worship Baba with a deep devotion, destroying our pride and arrogance, we experience ever-new divine bliss. Hence, in order to have the golden vision of the Spirit-Light glowing within the temple of our souls, we need the master-key of 'devotion' to unlock its doors.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Let not Your Tongue Crave for Varied Tastes

Taking food is common to all living species. But, we should eat only to nourish and take care of our body. We should eat to live and not live to eat. We see some people around us who seem to have taken birth only to eat. They will fly into temper and throw away the dinner plate if a pinch of chilly powder is sprinkled less or rice cooked soft. They abuse the cook who prepared the food. They behave as if they exist only for the sake of food and their life a sheer waste if they are forced to eat tasteless food. Will that food remain forever in the stomach? Such people should remember Baba's teachings. 

Baba used to mix up every item of food, such as sweets, puris and curries He brought by begging from houses of devotees, got them sanctified and shared it with whoever came to Him, be a servant or dog or crows etc., and ate only the left-over food, without caring for taste. Constantly conscious of Sai, we must emulate Sai when we take food. Whether food cooked in a day is tastier or not, it should be partaken as a gift of Sai. Once we get this feeling, there is nothing to do with tastes. Sai used to take lot of care about the food He cooked and served. He would make the dishes as tasty as possible. The lesson we may draw is that we should never give importance to the taste of food we consume. Yet, we should take utmost care while feeding others.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Avoid hasty decisions, wait for Baba's commands

Some men assume that they have unusual talent and unmatched power to accomplish any Herculean task. Drunk of this arrogant attitude, whatever task they undertake may not always yield the expected results. Self-confidence is good, but it is dangerous when it exceeds the bounds. The ego will blind us to see the truth that there is the divine power beyond the limits of human ability and power. That is arrogance coupled with ego. Pride is the primary cause of man's down-fall. When confronted by a certain problem, some people assume that they are capable of tackling it. Without understanding the nature of the problem, they venture hasty decisions, miserably fail and incur loss. But, by praying to Baba, our Living God, we can find solutions to our problems and succeed in our works.

We have to realize that neither success nor the grace of Baba can be won in haste. To get right solutions to our problems from Baba, we need to confidently wait with expectation. The blooming of a flower or the ripening of a fruit is possible by the will of Baba only. Even it takes some time. Likewise, when our problems get complicated, we have to patiently wait for Baba’s directions. Waiting expectantly is unavoidable. If we repose firm faith in Baba and pray with deep devotion, Baba helps us solve our intricate problems, is a trice, by His Divine Touch.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Secret of Happy Life Lies in Doing Works with Utmost Sincerity

Every one longs for and labours to experience happiness in life. But, one does not know where happiness lies or the source from which it could be derived. Even though God shows us the path, we are unable to sight it and experience the natural in-built springs of joy. For this, Baba showed a simple and natural method. We must make God know every action we do. In every day life, we do several "works" for livelihood. Tilling land, cooking food, attending to house-hold chores and upbringing the children etc. If we feel, they are being done for the sake of someone else, they look tough and burdensome. However, without selfish attitude, if we treat them as a responsibility to accomplish, they do not appear tough to us.

Whatever work we are entrusted with has to be done. If we attend to the work and offer it at the altar of God, the work does not look tough or strenuous. When there is no strain, we need not feel sick or tired. Same work and same effort, but one works joyously. Our thought, word and deed get integrated as our head, heart and hand get involved in the work. Transparency and purity mark our deeds if they reflect our thoughts. It is Divinity. Joy wells up within us because the Ever-Joyous Baba dwells within us and we can joyously journey through life.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Spread the Message of God

When we lack the flair and power to grasp the divine words, some noble people will act as mediators between us and the God Supreme. To explain it in our modern scientific terminology, a person makes a telephone call. The telephone operator will connect it to the right person. Imagine, the other person did not answer the call. The operator would try again and again. Even then, if the phone is not lifted, the other person would be at a great loss. Sometimes it would spell disaster. In this way, some great people who are committed to this purpose will teach us the right conduct and techniques of spiritual meditation. They even explain us ways and means to overcome the problems.

All the blessed souls will attempt to preach us spiritual messages. It would be foolish to say, "what have they to teach me"? If someone speaks good words again and again, it is God who communicates the message through that person. It is not a word but a beacon-light to bring us out from darkness. The Merciful God incarnated several times in several human forms on the earth in a bid to put us on the right path. One such move is the manifestation of Sai Baba to put us on the path of righteousness. Therefore, we have to spread the divine message to one and all. Every effort of ours to keep mankind on the right track is also a part of the All-Merciful Sai's service.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Honour to Our Work, Happiness in Doing It

God is the embodiment of Truth. With His creative power He would often coat the sandal paste of love to our objectives and make our lives happy. For those people who are blessed by His grace, every small matter looks wonderful. The world appears very beautiful. Whatever is looked at would appear to be the love-miracle of God. Every move and word gets charged with God's Spirit-Power. In that state, concentration is more on the objective and utility of the work but not on its magnitude. When a work is taken as a ritual or done under compulsion or done without any spirit, the zeal will decrease. Fatigue takes its grip over us.

Be it in simple works like cooking, washing, nurturing and upbringing children and cleaning the streets, we should be able to see greatness in every work. While doing it, enthusiasm should flood our minds. When we do it so, we work with greater efficiency. It is talent. For this, we need the energizing, inspiring, motivating force that drives us into action. And it is life force. It is the consciousness of soul of is the form of Baba as the Universal Soul. If such soul consciousness be with us, every work will be glorious. Life, like a sweet song will hum along. Nothing looks lifeless. Everything is animated by the Spirit-Force. All our efforts will be crowned with success and glory.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Blessed to be a Flute

God is all pervading. He dwells in every being. But only in a few that divinity is openly visible. The reason is that the blessed souls were freed from several impurities in order to manifest that divinity. It is the tendency of human nature to accumulate all and sundry things and having done so, one simply ignores their utility. A house gets jam-packed with unwanted articles. Likewise, our minds too get cluttered up with unwanted thoughts and there will be no scope for right thoughts. Then how come there be a place to think of God? Therefore, man must make his mind as empty as a hollow flute. 

An ordinary bamboo becomes a flute on removing its core substance. Likewise, a man can produce heavenly music like a flute by getting purified. God dwells in a pure heart. He will fill his breath as musical notes in that heart. Elated, He broadcasts soul-stirring songs. The air blown through the flute of heart will become spiritual and the universe echoes with it. The bamboo eagerly awaits for the touch of the lips of Lord Krishna and gets transformed into a flute. Like a flute spreading the melody of Lord Krishna in the universe, we can also spread the melodious message of Baba with our deep yearning for universal welfare. It is not just enough to think, "I must become a flute" but practice is essential for reaching that ego-erased, hollow state.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

May Shirdi Sai be the Guiding Light

May Shirdi Sai be the Guiding Light in this toughest time. Prayers & Thoughts to all the families of #MH17 #PrayForMH17 #flightMH17

❤️ ❤️OM SAI RAM❤️ ❤️

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Baba, the Symbol of Divine Love

Love is a great attribute of God. Love is the essence of all principles of God. 'Love thy neighbor as you love thyself' is the divine directive for all. This is possible only when we know that all beings are alike. The welfare of the society and all-round growth lies in this basic tenet. If we understand that the ultimate purpose of human life is to share love with all, there is every possibility of longing for serving the society. It would not only make us but those around us get enveloped in love. Indeed, the true sense of sharing our God-infused love is to assure the desperate and lonely people that they are never alone and that we would stand by them at all times.

When love overflows in the heart, it is devoid of any thought of race, religion, creed, color and gender. It just makes everyone float in the flood of love and spreads happiness! Such a divine love gets doubled and enriched upon sharing it with others as God will always be showering His love on us. There are several ways and means of sharing love with others. A gentle touch, a simple talk, a word of encouragement, a pat, being sympathetic, listening with patience and so on. Whatever help or service we render to our fellow beings without expecting any appreciation or reward, indicates the fluttering of the flag of Sai Divine Love on the temple pinnacles of our hearts.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

There is no Set Time to Offer Prayers

Nothing will happen without the Divine Will. Everyone should inculcate the spirit of devotion to God. But, some people think that devotion does mean worship, offerings and chants that are time consuming. Yet, devotion is practicable in several ways. God, in whatever form or method is worshipped, concentration is very essential. Baba used to say that, patience coupled with sincere devotion in the heart are divinely great. If we constantly sing Baba's Name in thought and word, He would support us in every work. Indeed, we can chant Baba's name even while engaged in any work. He will not only shoulder our responsibility but also cares for our families.

If a house-wife gets her thoughts immersed in Baba even while cooking, Baba will not only look after her, but even her family members, who are engaged in work elsewhere, will be saved from unforeseen troubles. Our duty is to make our minds float in the thoughts of Baba and get engrossed in work. When we remember that it is Baba who has been helping us in fulfilling every desire and ensuring success, we get His help in our daily work and we can easily overcome any difficult situation. Let us pray to Baba to provide us with the strength to constantly meditate on Him with sincerity. Let us always express our whole-hearted thanks to the Omnipotent Baba for protecting our family.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Faith is Baba's Precious Gift to us

Nothing is impossible for those who repose faith in God. Many people think that faith in God can only be cultivated with hard work. If we whole-heartedly pray to Baba, the Supreme Protector, He shall bestow on us the power of firm faith in Him. To develop such strong faith in Baba, we need to constantly chant His Name, recall His Leelas and His assuring words for seeking His Divine Shelter. If we can control our fickle mind by chanting Baba's Name and pondering His teachings, Baba will enlighten us, create a fort of faith in our heart and dwells there. 

So, we need not worry as to how faith in Baba should be cultivated. Baba blesses His ardent devotees with the iron will to walk up to Him with upright conduct and thought. 

Baba is the Supreme Master of the Universe. He is the One who will purge our sins, transform us into the embodiments of pure form of Truth and save us from getting entangled in the cycle of birth and death. Therefore, like a bud, we must sincerely offer ourselves to Him and devote most of our time to His Service and must also surrender our every thought to Baba. By the grace of Baba, the budding devotion will blossom into a full-blown flower of faith. As our love for Baba deepens, He will safely take us to the haven of joy and reinforces our faith in Him. A fervent prayer to Baba moves His heart to be always with us.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Power of God's Name

To worship God, we need some articles of worship and a clean place. Nothing will bar one from chanting God's Name in one's mind. One need not loudly chant the name of "Sai". It is enough if we remember Him in the heart. The repetition of God's name is a very powerful practice. By repeating God's name, a humble cowherd girl could cross an over-flowing river. The soul-felt chanting of the divine name will make God dwell in the devotee's heart. One who constantly and fervently chant God's name will be turned into an ocean of virtues. 

Name is like a seed. On sowing it in the soil of human heart, its roots would sink deep and wider and grow into a huge tree. Gradually, the tree absorbs the power of God and turns into a wish-fulfilling tree. A devotee who habitually chants the name of God will get absorbed in God's Love and experience the unalloyed bliss. 

Just as a father feels delighted to see his children grow up to his stature, so also God makes Himself a captive in the heart of a devotee whose mind always dwells in God. Let us make the chanting of Sai Name, God who descended to Shirdi, to save mankind from the mire of sins in the Kaliyuga, the very life-breath of our lives. Wherever and in whatever work we are engaged, in our mind we must constantly chant His Name and undertake works meant for universal welfare.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Do not Imitate Others in the Mode of Worship

God is the Embodiment of Eternal Light. There are many paths to reach Him. We must choose the one which we like. In whichever path we move, we should not forget that we can reach God only with single-minded devotion. To some, the path of devotion appears simple. There are devotees who realize God by listening to His glories, chanting His Name and meditating on Him. Some others treat God as a mother, friend, lover and a master. No need for the mastery of logic to realize the Divine Master. Fervent prayers and firm devotion would please God.

One devotee objected to another devotee who was serving Baba by vigorously massaging the stomach and torso of Baba. Baba felt annoyed. Baba would see the intensity of pure love-devotion of a devotee before he accepts his or her service to Him. Moreover, He would manifest in whatever form we worship Him. None can interfere between a devotee and God. If true love springs in heart, the intensity of such divine love guides us to reach God through any one or other medium. We need not imitate others who may worship God by offering golden flowers or serve tasty dishes. Although Mhalsapathy was very poor, the All-Compassionate Baba embraced him and even saved his family too. We must totally offer our mind to God and not imitate or worry about the religious rituals practised by others.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Guru Poornima

On one occasion Krishnaji Noolkar, who came from Pandari stayed in the Chavadi. Baba told Shyama "ask that old man to worship the pillar at Dhuni". After Shyama returned, Baba asked," why don't you too worship it"? Shyama replied "God! We worship only You, why the pillar then"? Though Baba initially objected to His worship, however He agreed after Shyama's repeated plea. Meantime, Noolkar referred the calendar and the day was Gurupoornima. That is the Birthday of Vedavyasa, a great sage who sub-divided the Vedas and gifted the treasure of spiritual wisdom to humanity. Baba felt it befitting to worship the Great Teacher. Then, Tatya, Dada Khelkar and Shyama together offered clothes to Sai and worshipped Him. Since then it became a custom to celebrate Guru Pooja in Shirdi.

But, why did Baba ask them to worship a pillar? In the eyes of a scholar, everyone is a divine form. In fact, it is the ground pillar that bears the weight of the entire roof of a house. In Baba's words, it is to worship the pillar-like image of the Guru in a desired manner. Moreover, Sai revealed to Saranananda that He did penance in the cave under the Masjid pillar for several years. Sainath is the Cosmic Pillar who holds the Universe symbolized as Dwarkamayi, which shelters all, throws its doors open to all beings, forever, for the fulfilment of the values of life.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Baba Tests us Only to Prove Our Obedience

Service means to abide by the divine commands and live with obedience. Whatever commands God gives us, without questioning them, one has to obediently follow them. The mundane and spiritual life of the obedient devotees will be set right by God Himself. There would be many people who have come to serve and they might serve as well. But, Baba used to gauge their depths of obedience through some simple tests too.

Dikshit was an orthodox Brahmin. But, on Baba's command, he took a knife to kill a goat. "Baba! Your words are both law and binding on me". He did not think that for a good Brahmin like him, killing the goat would be an act of sin. That is unquestioning obedience. When the devotees are obedient in all earthly matters, Sai, the Compassion Incarnate, would not only fulfil all their desires but would lead them to the righteous path. Even then, the level of our spiritual progress undergoes some tests. Obedience corresponds to our faith in Baba. We get spiritual treasure in proportion to our obedience. We should not think as to why these tests are meant for. The spiritual strength is matchless. We should be deserving and need to prove our spiritual worthiness. In fact, the entire universe is moving at the will and command of that Supreme Spirit. We should abide by His words and prove our obedience.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Your Good conduct inspires others to follow You

If we hold good thoughts and live in upright conduct, people around us get attracted by our magnetic personality. They, in turn, try to emulate us and apply such human values in their lives too. When we have fervent faith in Sai and His name becomes synonymous for peace, trust and patience, people around us get inspired and they reciprocate in similar manner. Right conduct should be our ideal. We need to speak on good subjects. The words we speak must be encouraging, affectionate, sincere and able to fill the hearts of others with joy. Sweet words and soul-endearing smiles create an atmosphere of delight. Everyone has the ability to change the conduct of others. But, we need to ensure that what we preach is similar to our practice.

A person who spreads love alone can make others walk on his path. Our words charged with love will stream into others. Love flows from heart to heart. The way we behave intimately and friendly and speak sweetly will attract others. When we put into practice upright conduct and tread the right path, Baba will bless and ensure that others too follow us. This is the Love Philosophy of Baba. When we follow the noble teachings which Baba Himself preached and practised, the source of His Divine Love-Power illumines our lives, ensuring serenity, felicity and even turning others to tread the path.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Self-Confidence, The Stepping-Stone To Your Future

Self confidence makes you walk in an onward way

The work finished yesterday, yields results today

Do not repent over the past, begin your work today

Set right your fault, it's a first step on your way

With care and concern, move every step

Without doubt, it thus becomes the future step

Hang your head in shame for the faults

Forget and forgive others' faults

Lead your life on the path of good conduct

Love the society as God's Light

The ignorance in your heart gets wiped only then

Illuminating the heart, thus a new glow dawns.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Self-Surrender, a Path to Realize Divine Love

Love, coupled with obedience, is the first step towards spirituality. Obedience, love and surrender are all inter-related. Offering ourselves in absolute surrender to Baba is the summit of our faith in Him. We deserve the Divine Grace when we express our faith and obedience to God. Only upon cultivating these two qualities, one can reach the first step of attaining self-liberation. We have to totally surrender ourselves and plead Baba to bless us with a strong will and power to reach the first step. In Baba's words, complete surrender is an act of shedding the ego "I", which might be lurking in some corner of our heart. Only then, our heart gets purified like a flower cleansed in dew drops. Offering such a purified heart is like surrendering our body, mind and soul to Baba. Then, we are bound to receive His blessings of Love and Ever-New Joy.

Just as a sand particle sparkles in the sunshine, so does the Power of Baba drench us and make our lives radiant. Eternal Bliss blossoms in us. By surrendering single-mindedly to Baba, we can experience ever-new divine bliss. This state can be attained only when we pray to Baba in total self-effacement. Those devotees who self-surrender themselves to Baba have no trace of their identity. They are one with Baba. By absolute self-surrender, let us worship Baba to make our lives worthier.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The devotee will have self realization

“The devotee will have self realization, which will bring in tune, both, his jeeva (Atman) and Shiva(Brahma); he will comprehend the incomprehensible, which is without attributes, and the supreme spirit shall reveal itself."


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Be Secure in Baba's Presence

For a man, the safest and secure place is none other than the presence of God. God will draw devotees to His fold wherever they are and in whatever circumstances they might be. Without being obedient and if we leave His presence, several sufferings surround us. At times, we face many problems when we take decisions in a careless and hasty manner or defy God's words. If God Himself is bound by His rules, how can we, the mortal beings, breach them? Even then, Baba puts His Loving and Assuring Hand on our shoulders. But, as we shrug off His hand and distance ourselves from His presence, the enemies storming us will bite us as snakes and dump us into the abyss.

How could we keep ourselves secure and not fall prey to the external enemies like attachment and the internal enemies called envy and hate? There are two paths before us. One is the good path on which Baba takes us along and the other is a dark path infected with snakes. It is safe to choose the path on which Baba takes us along. He will then shoulder the responsibility to safeguard us against all evils. We should, therefore, pray to Baba to protect us from such hazardous enemies. The fervent chanting of Baba's name acts like a fortress in which we are safe-guarded by Sai. We should realize that since the presence of Baba is a secure haven, we should aspire to reach His Abode.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Delayed Grace of Baba - A Blessing in Disguise

Baba will certainly answer our prayers. Baba may not respond to our every prayer at once. To some prayers He may say 'yes', to some others 'no', and to some 'wait'. Whether our prayers are answered or delayed depends on several factors such as our worthiness, state of mind, degree of our suffering and how far our desires are legitimate and practicable. Our prayer-seed takes time to yield the fruit of God's Grace, just as it takes time for the seed sown to sprout, put out buds and survive as a plant. Baba is aware as to when and how He should respond to our prayers and shower His Grace on us. 

If Baba has not answered our prayer, it means that, He is testing our faith and patience and is keen to take us much closer to Him. The delay in answering our prayers is not His denial. Damu Anna wanted to do cotton trade in partnership with others. He wrote a letter to Baba, seeking His permission. Without even opening it, Baba said 'no' to Damu Anna's decision. Although Damu Anna felt displeased then, he learnt how benevolent Baba was when other traders incurred great loss. As such, we should not get disappointed that Baba did not answer our prayer, but continue to worship Him with firm faith and love. Even if Baba did not shower instant blessings on us, we need to wait with solid faith and patience for His Grace. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||