
Faith Means.....

To have faith in God is to install God on the throne of our hearts. Faith means, to trust in the Omnipotence of God and to firmly believe that God answers our prayers. A man of faith stands in firm faith of God when everyone deserts him. Faith means burning the bridges already crossed in order to go ahead firmly. Faith never hesitates to give what it has to. Having faith in God today, with similar spirit for tomorrow, is the mark of faith. Faith is the antonym and an antidote to fear. Ways are many, but to repose trust in God is a sign of faith. A man of faith will not rely on his conviction, but abides by God's command.
Faith works miracles in one's life and makes the sick healthy. Roots of faith sink deeper and grow stronger by constantly remembering God. In order to erect rock-like faith, we must keep reading the teachings of Baba, have a firm grasp of His message and hold on to His Feet. We must strive to walk in the foot-steps of Sainath. To praise Sai in good times, doubt Him and His Grace in bad times cannot make a true Sai devotee. Sri Sai Satcharitra narrates the experiences of many a devotee of faith who were baled out of troubled times and saved by taking refuge at the Feet of Sai. If we surrender to Baba believing Him to be our Father and Guiding-Light, He will not only take care of us but guide us to His Abode of Ever-Serene Peace.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Baba's Words are the Path to Self-Liberation

To make the journey of life run smoother, we need to choose a competent Guide or we may revert to square one. It is like getting caught in the Karmic wheel of birth-death-rebirth. When we are moving on one path, our vision is limited to the visible path ahead or surroundings. But, if we have a road-map, we could easily learn which path will lead us to which destination or where we have started or where we will reach. We will be aware of the ups and downs, valleys or road-blocks or forks on the way. Meaningless it would be to begin the journey without knowing the route and the destination looks elusive, difficult and time consuming. It may again prove fatal if we move into wild forest areas where the predators may prey on us. This is just about an ordinary path. But, how could humans travel and reach the permanent abode of peace? The glorious words of Baba, who is our Spiritual Guide, alone will help us reach it.

We should have faith in Baba and try to practice His golden teachings with a pure mind and firm resolve. Then, we can definitely reach His Holy Presence - our ultimate destination. Just as the one travelling in a forest needs a guide, so do we, to move on the path of spirituality, with total faith in the Master's words. We have to cast our burdens on Baba only, who with His Guiding Light, shows us the right path to Self-liberation.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Baba is the Source of Peace in Times of Crisis

Even if a war, agitation, chaos or difficult situation persists outside, Baba protects us with His Divine Power by throwing His hands around us. We, being in His protection, will get rid of fear and pain and find peace of mind. It is common experience to face troubles in life and preventing them is not in our hands. We need a tough heart to weather the storm of struggles. The Grace of God gives us that power. Then, the impact of the external events cannot touch us. Things or expressions of the external world are mere physical and pains from such sufferings are inevitable. Sometimes we feel that we are helpless in controlling such adversities. However, the Omnipotent Baba would bless His staunch devotees to endure pains with ease and calm.

Baba makes us wise as to not to torment our minds and hearts by the pain of the harsh times we face. We get totally assured that Baba will set right the things. We reach such a stage that even if the sky falls down, we think; "It's all right! I should not bother since Baba is there to take care of". Those in the Protective Arms of Baba will be like a grand-daughter reading peacefully nestled in the lap of her grand father without feeling uneasy or troubled. Then, there will be no hurdle for meditation, for reading, for Sadhana. Being in His protective arms, peace would be at heart. That serenity, only Baba can give us.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

We May Not Stop the Birds from Flying Over us but can Stop them From Nesting on Heads

There are six internal enemies that halt our progress. They are lust, anger, avarice, attachment, pride and jealousy. All these dwell within us. God has gifted mankind with power of discretion. By exercising the discerning power of the intellect, we can go near to God. But the internal enemies, again and again, scuttle our efforts to inch our way towards God. As both the sense organs and mind get tempted and overpowered by these enemies, we 'commit' mistakes. We, therefore, should cultivate faith, dedication and patience. We have to surrender to Baba and pray to Him 'Baba! Please move me on to the path of righteousness'. Sometimes, when emotions overtake us, we commit blunders, though our intellect warns us "No". But, if we apply our minds, we come to know what mistakes we committed. Then, we can make sure, such mistakes are not repeated.

A person, who sincerely repents, must not repeat the mistakes. We should always think of our conduct, identify our evil thoughts and deeds and ensure that they do not recur. As long as we strive to conquer these internal enemies by reposing faith in Baba, we will succeed to scare the birds of evil thought to fly away from our Mind-Tree instead of making a nest on it. Faith-charged devotion to Baba will crown us with success.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

With Faith in Baba we can Tackle any Situation

We are born by being bound by the actions of our previous births and live under the spell of illusions. Hence, no one is a renunciate by birth. We crave all mundane pleasures and riches. We keep ourselves burning in the furnace of passion. Owing to the merit earned by one's good deeds in the past birth, one gets, as one spiritually evolves, disgusted and become averse to worldly objects and pleasures. Then, one turns to God, trusts Him and delights in constant remembrance. By knowing the divine objective of Universal Good, this blessed soul attempts to spread the joy among all and wishes to make them blessed ones too. But, one has to live amongst people of different mind-sets.

We get trouble with people with traits of pride and envy, pomp and arrogance, greed for money and ego. We feel frustrated since others are not accepting our Unique Baba. We get upset since people around do not trust Baba whom we adore as a Living God. Besides, at times we have to bear the pain of people trying to dominate, deceive and behave cruelly with us. In such trying situations, Baba would appear before us in one form or the other, drives away our fears and anxiety and assures us, saying "I am with you, go ahead fearlessly with your noble task by meditating on Me". Let us trust the Divine Assurance of Baba and get our objective fulfilled. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Children Are Future Messengers of Baba

Children are the image of God. It is good if we love children but pampering is not good. All their needs must be taken care of but we should not spoil them by giving whatever they asked for. Love devoid of discipline will spell danger. In order to have a stable and happy society, we must groom children of to-day become as good citizens of the future. Tatya, as a small boy, used to come to Masjid along with other kids and used to make fun of Baba, but later was transformed as an intimate associate of Baba.

A parrot trained by a thief would repeat "loot, please loot"; whereas, one trained by a noble person repeats "please come, sit down". Children must be taught to appreciate good, weed out bad qualities and be shaped as good citizens and devout servants of God. The hearts of children are like fields wetted by a shower of rain. Whatever seeds of impressions are sown will get germinated and deep rooted. Their hearts are like clean mirrors which reflect whatever sights are shown to them. The opinions deeply planted in the childhood will, in the course of time, strike deep roots and grow into mighty trees. Hence, elders must carefully observe the thoughts and behaviour of children and mould their character. We should be friendly with them, remove the thorns like evil and make their future a flowery path. The well-groomed children will become future Messengers of Baba. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Baba Equally Rewards Our Good Deeds

God is the Supreme Spirit, the Almighty One. He will make human beings as instruments to satisfy the needs of fellow beings and thus ensures their self-liberation by such acts. It is but natural for humble mortals like us to expect reward for anything we do. But, as Baba's devotees, we should not expect something in return for what we do. If we utilize our God-given abilities in helping others, our life will be blessed. The real devotion rests in helping others in times of need and sharing their pains and pleasures. Sympathizing with the helpless is humaneness. But helping them is godly.
Once an old man was robbed and battered and lying helpless on the road. Then a good samaritan carried him in his arms to a choultry and asked the choultry manager to take care of the old man and assured to bear any amount of expenditure that would be incurred. But the manager treated the old man free of cost. Then Baba blessed both the good samaritan and the manager of the choultry and they both spent their lives in good health and happiness. The God Supreme blessed us with money to be given in charity, hands to offer charity and the will to help others. We have to use them as Baba willed us. If we are prepared to help the needy, then Baba, will certainly reward our good deeds beyond expectations by His Grace and Protection.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Baba Lends A Helping Hand

In whatsoever form and name we might worship God, He would respond to our passionate call uttered sincerely. We do not recall God in times of joy. Just as darkness comes after light, hard times loom large before us. The world which praises a person in the highest manner will simply ignore him on knowing that he is reduced to misery and is in trouble. For any reason, if a healthy person falls sick and become weak, the world turns its back on him. At this juncture, God comes to their thought. Then, they would whole-heartedly pray, "There is none other than You". God with His loving kindness will readily come to the rescue of anyone. He would not count our mistakes committed in the past, as also He cannot leave us alone. He extends His helping hand and takes us closer to Him.
God is always ready to help us in some form or other. A drowning man gets the support of a wooden plank. Who has sent it? None other than God. Likewise, in the face of hardships, one need not worry that one is alone and helpless. God is indeed our Father. When Khaparde's son in Shirdi was suffering from plague, Baba uttered "the clouds shall soon vanish" and shown the signs of plague on His body by lifting His upper garment. The boy regained health by next day. Yes, for those who trust in Baba, He is the Merciful One who extends His Hand of help. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

We Bear Witness to Sadguru Sai's Divine Sport

The divine sports or leelas of Sri Sai Baba are endless, wonderful and expansive. Even today Baba gives Darshan (vision) to His devotees in various forms from His Samadhi (Holy Tomb). He speaks and saves His devotees from the precincts of His Samadhi. We have the devotees of Baba tell us: "Baba told me this..." or "Baba saved me thus....". It is better to share the divine miracles of Baba with others so that their faith in Baba gets strengthened and firmly established. As we have tasted the nectar of Baba's love, we should love to share this bliss with others too. Then, whatever remains of selfishness we still have, will vanish, and there upon we can cultivate the virtue of sharing good things with others.
When we narrate our experiences to others, it may strike a positive note of response in others and they too yearn to savour the divine bliss of Baba's presence. Eager to become true devotees of Baba, their hearts burst with love for Baba. Thus, they too join the multitude of Baba's devotees. The miracles of Baba will enormously help an ordinary person to enter the path of devotion. If some people have turned devotees of Baba because of us, it is nothing but Baba's Greatness that we dwell in His divine consciousness. Our devotion to Baba will lead many others to the path of salvation. We bear the witness for it.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Only Baba's Love Provides Peace in Kaliyuga

In Kaliyuga, the proportion of righteousness will occupy one quarter and evil the remaining three. If the King is good, it is but common that the people will follow him in good deeds. Due to the righteous behaviour of the King and the people, the entire nature too will perform its duty well. Three rains per month, milk in plenty, good crops and life without natural calamities will herald a peaceful and happy life. But, does the world look like this today? No. It is not. Why so? The kings or the present-day leaders and rulers down to the level of commoners, everyone is corrupt, violates the Law of Moral Order and invite disasters.

Tsunami, floods or famines greet us everywhere in grief. The grim scene of withered crops, denuded forests and barren lands paint a picture of sadness on the face of Mother Nature. How can we overcome these horrifying times? There is a way to overcome it. Baba, who could kindle oil lamps with water, can definitely fill this world with peace and light. For achieving this, we need to follow one thing i.e. to follow Baba's message to the letter and spirit. Let us fill qualities like Dharma, honesty, love, sacrifice and patience in each and every heart. Then, even a child could tame animals that are arch enemies. Richly grown crops nod and dance. Wild and cruel animals turn gentle. In Baba’s Abode of Love, we all can live in peace and harmony.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

The Stories (Leelas) of Baba are Beacon-Lights

In the journey of crossing over the ocean of worldly life, the stories of Baba are like the light-house guiding our lives. When situations are gloomy and uncertain, they show the path of light to those who trust in Baba. Whether asked or not, Baba used to guide with His parables and tales. If one recalls those stories, they will help us correct our behaviour and like beams of light in darkness, they lead us. They send warning signals so that we may not slip into pit-falls of troubles. Chanting His name and meditating on Him with devotion will ensure that our legitimate desires are fulfilled. By listening to Baba's stories or by singing psalms in His Glory, our mind feels pleased and feels at rest in peace. Those who keep Baba in their minds and worship Him with deep love and devotion will experience enduring bliss.

The light-house will be in the middle of the ocean and shows way to the travelers in boats and ships. Aided with its light, the destination is easily reached without hurdles. Likewise, the stories of Baba show us the way, like a light-house, in our worldly ocean of life and helps us sail smoothly. The stories of Baba are very inspiring and by listening, understanding and following them, we can get rid of our arrogance. The easiest of all the ways to Self-liberation is to listen to Baba's stories and sing hymns, psalms or devotional songs of His Glory. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Do not Spurn People asking for Alms

We have to protect this God-gifted body for performing righteous duties. Thus, it is the duty of a house-holder to give something, without saying 'no', to whosoever asks. By giving alms to the beggars, our sins get absolved. Thus, it is a truth that receivers do good to the donors by accepting alms. Baba used to explain everyone to donate as much as possible. We might not have enough resources to donate to whoever asks for something. In such a case we have to express our inability in a polite manner.

One day a beggar woman came to the house of Nana Chandorkar. She was not satisfied with what was given to her as alms and she pestered the house-holder for more. She was not convinced even after repeated explanations. Nana lost his temper and angrily shouted at her to 'be content with what is given or else I will neck you out'. Baba who is present everywhere is aware of every happening in the world. When Nana came to Shirdi, after some days, Baba pretended anger saying, 'what have I to do with one who does not listen to My words'. Baba used to feign anger only to make His devotees move on the right path and He never approved a devotee to criticize or abuse a person. He used to inculcate the spirit of helping everyone and to groom good manners. When our hearts are filled with the spirit of service, God showers His blessings on us.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Sai's Foot Prints Are Guide-Posts

he glow of the far-off brilliance
Oh descending light on this earth in excellence
To stay in Shirdi, came from somewhere
Allowing people always to seek Your shelter
Cleansing the impurities of hard-hearted humans
Lighting the lamp of love and tender thoughts
Imparting the essence of religious equity
Friendliness towards all mortals with no parity
Strength dwells in the belief that God is One
Service is our duty, sacrifice the pathway fine
The eyes of wisdom, You have in fact opened
Even unique boons, on us have You showered.
Following Your foot-steps, indeed is an inspiration
Accept salutations, Oh Sai, accept our salutations.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Live a Life of Dew-Drop on a Lotus Leaf

The wise say that one should live like a dew-drop on a lotus leaf. God created the lotus leaf in such a manner that it does not get wet by the dew-drop. The lesson that the dew-drop on a lotus leaf teaches us is that we, made up of five elements are part of maya, should live unaffected by illusion (maya).

Great souls descended on the earth in the form of noble teachers, the pious fakirs, saints and lived among us. They set an example to us as to how to live in the world of illusion, like a dew-drop on a lotus leaf. If Lord Rama grieved for his wife Sita or ordered her to pass the test of fire, it was only to uphold the dharma of monogamy of His time, not for Himself. Lord Krishna consumed butter and sand, got Himself balanced with basil leaves, bowed to Satyabhama or uttered lie only to uphold the Truth and not for His personal end. Likewise, Sadguru Sai begged alms, took money as dakshina, played marbles with kids, feigned anger only for the welfare of the world or good of His devotees. The leelas, miracles of Sai, as recorded in the Sai Satcharitra, reveal the secrets of the Supreme Spirit and Divine Delight and guide us live without getting touched by illusion, live like a dew-drop on a lotus leaf-though we live in the world of dualities of joy and sorrow, we learn to rise above them in the light of the life of Sadguru Sainath. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Grace and Faith Equals Liberation

It is true, none will perish who repose faith in Baba and it is equally true that Baba blesses the faithful devotees. When faith and grace are combined, it ensures liberation. It is a state where the devotee and God only exist. To reach this state, faith must flow from the devotee so that God showers His Grace. Concentration is required to stabilize faith. Human mind is very fickle by nature and hence its attention gets distracted. But, when once the mind concentrates on a concept or form, all our sense organs and feelings will get centered around it.
Once, such power of concentrated attention is attained, no force can distract us. The Omnipotent Baba will activate this state of mind and thereby stabilize our unflinching loyalty to Him. It is a Herculean task to attain self-liberation by our own efforts. Only the Merciful Baba's grace can ensure our self-liberation. Even the most wicked person will become pious and get liberated by faithfully surrendering to the will of the Divine One. Without faith, even a pious person cannot attempt to experience bliss. Let the belief remain strong that the abundant grace of the All-powerful Baba will grant liberation. We should be conscious that Baba grants all that we need. Thus, when our faith in God enjoins with the Omnipresent Baba's Grace, attaining salvation becomes easier.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Only by Ardent wish we get Spiritual Bliss

Ego and arrogance will lead to the fall of a man. If we seek refuge in God with confessions, even the most heinous crimes will be burnt to ashes. True confession means repenting for the sins done earlier and resolving not to repeat them. God knows a sincere heart. Those who regret sincerely will be much disturbed with their sins, seek Baba's shelter and beg for the spiritual alms. Then, their sins get destroyed in the divine contemplation and the earnest souls receive the grace of God. The Almighty will illumine them with right thoughts.

Some deceptive people claim themselves to be the paragons of moral values and ethical conduct and assume inwardly that they are the ideal men. They think that their crimes are not so big and need not take refuge at the Feet of Baba. Such people who feign honesty and pray to God to destroy the incidental sins will not be graced by Baba and are never allowed near. Since their minds are bloated with ego and pride, they will either be in a mood to receive what Baba wants to give or try to understand and apply Baba's teachings for their good. Thus, Baba did not permit the arrogant inside Dwarakamayi. Only when their minds get purified by sincere repentance, Baba would permit them into His darbar. So, upon our ardent longing to belong to Baba only, we are assured of living in His Presence.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

We are Never Alone when God Dwells within Us

For the people who believe in the Omnipresent God, the entire world will stand in support. They are not alone. When we have the treasure of God's love with us, what more is needed? Believing in God, wherever we are, we will be in His safe hands. God is eternal. It depends on our point of view to speak about His existence or non-existence. God will be with us only when we believe in His presence and dwell in His consciousness. As long as we are devoid of His consciousness and float in the earthly thoughts, He is not visible to us. Just because Baba has not appeared the moment we thought of Him, can we say that He is non-existing? He is in His Divine State of Ever-New Delight. It is, indeed, our folly not to remember Him and should not think that Baba did give us up. He will not desert his devotees once He holds them in His Hand.
Baba makes us come closer to Him when we try to move away from Him. It may take some time, but Baba will be behind our back and will draw us closer to Him. It is our weak faith that causes delays, and not Baba. Our assumption of being alone is caused by our failure to acknowledge God in the form of Baba. Hence, we should behold Baba in our inward eye and hold Him in our heart. We should beseech Baba to always remain in our minds and lead us by His hand. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Good Deeds Deserve Prize of Praise from Baba

The opportunity to take 'human' birth out of the millions of species, bears ample testimony to the infinite love that God shows on us. One who sees God in all and serves all is the true being. Only then one will realize God and it is one's Self-liberation. In fact, liberation is not a gift given by Baba in appreciation of our honesty and the spirit of service. Because of good deeds, we get merit which qualifies us for the next good birth. But, liberation, in its true sense, is freedom from the perpetual cycle of birth-death and an opportunity to remain forever at the Feet of Baba. It is earned not by our deeds but only by the Grace of Baba.

The literal meaning of the word 'liberation' means 'releasing'. We get real "liberation" only on attaining permanent freedom from the cycle of birth-death-rebirth. For this, we should be positive in mind and believe that Baba is the cause, action and result of our every action. True Self-liberation refers to the ambrosial Divine Grace that Baba showers on a devotee who reposes total faith in Him, in thought, word and deed. Baba will take such devotees as an infant into His Love-Lap and liberates them from the cycle of birth and death. What a golden gift it is! Being born as human beings we must go on performing good deeds and try to deserve the gift from Baba. We have to treat this human birth as a great boon to attain Self-liberation.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

If You seek My Advice and Help, it Shall be Given to you at Once

Sri Sai Baba is not just a great soul but a Path-Finder to His trust-reposing devotees. One may wonder how to get help and advice from Baba when He is physically not present. Time and again Baba practically proved that there exists no difference between Him and His photograph. He is present very nearer to His devotees and they are enveloped in His Love. If we can feel Sai in the Temple of our Soul, we can hear Baba's Silent Voice of Wisdom and Help. Did not Baba assured us! "I am ever ready to lend My Helping Hand and advice the moment you ask Me". 

The methods to seek help from Baba are chanting Baba's Name, reading of Sai Satcharitra daily and constantly meditating on His Form. If we keep the burden of our troubles, doubts, needs on Baba and worship Him in any one of the above modes, a good advice is heard in a helpful manner from our inner self. "Help" too is received. There is nothing like "I or mine". If we seek shelter in Sai, thinking "remove the illusion and bear the burden", He would come in one or other form and directs us to the right path. How noble are the words "immediately" which would mean "willing" in that very moment! That Baba is ever ready to help us means, that He would offer instant help and advice to us when we cry for Baba's Grace. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Faith in Baba is a Means to Realize God

God loves His devotees enormously. Devotees rely on Baba with great faith. At times Baba puts us to simple tests to assess how firm our faith in Him is. Sometimes we face small hurdles, while complex and life-threatening troubles make us desperate at other times. On such occasions, the faith in Baba should be firm and we should pray, 'Baba, I cast my burden on You. Do as You please - sink or save me. And, there is nothing that moves me away from Your Feet even in the hour of life or death'.

When the doctors fail to cure a disease of our kin who are in the throes of death, we hold Baba's Feet and pray to Him with firm faith as He alone is our Saviour, Baba heals the sick miraculously. Despite failing to diagnose the disease properly, the medicines given at random by the doctor will work miracles. The patient gets up from the death bed and the good news reaches home. Though worried with life-threatening thoughts till the other minute, Baba makes us safely cross the ocean of troubles and reach the haven of happiness. Can Baba, the Ocean of Kindness, abandon His devotees in trouble? Are we not sending our children to various competitions and tests so that they might win prizes? Likewise, now and then, Baba tests us and what delights Baba is the way His devotees conquer hurdles and emerge victorious. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Why Should we Fear the Future?

The reason to fear about the future lies in our feeling of insecurity. There is no need for fear if we completely rely on Baba. God would look after our 'tomorrow', once we cast the responsibility on Him. In right spirit we can take anything we receive today, be it pleasure or pain. Likewise, God might avert our troubles of tomorrow or might as well provide the mental stamina to face them. It would be foolish to worry about them much in advance, because, it is the very God who writes every chapter in the book of life from the prologue to epilogue. Hence, every page is meaningful. It would be enough to trust His feet. When we have unflinching faith in Baba, He would protect us much like a father who shields His children. He even teaches us the essence of life as a father would to his children.
An astrologer predicted that Tendulkar's son would fail in his examinations as foretold in his horoscope. But his wife went to Shirdi and implored Baba for His Grace. Baba said 'with trust in Me, let him write the exam'. Tendulkar's son wrote the exam with faith in Baba and came out in flying colors. We too can ignore a matter once we leave it to Baba saying, 'Baba! It's upto You as to how You will solve the problem'. We can keep children around and enjoy narrating them the Leelas of Baba. Our faith in Baba will stand us in good stead.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

God alone instils Goodness in Our Minds

Everyone wants to earn a good reputation and in this quest one tries to earn huge amounts and desires to spend a happy life with family. But the effort or means must be as noble as our objective is. However, the major weakness in man is his greed to make easy money. Such greedy people resort to any sort of illegal and deceitful means. But, God will always help those people walking on the right path and even if they make a mistake, Baba will safeguard and set right such of His devotees.

A greedy person thought of getting rich over-night by betting in horse race. In the process he lost lots of money and did not pay heed to the pleading of his better-half. With tears, the humble woman begged Baba to break her husband's habit. Can things go against the will of God? In the early hours, a little girl came to the house of the horse-betting person and sought alms. Begging for a morsel of food, she narrated how her horse-betting father lost everything and fled home with huge debts to repay. The very thought that his children too may meet the same fate frightened him. He realized how ruinous his bad habit was. He repented and begged Baba to forgive and free him from that evil habit. If by chance there are any Baba's devotees, Baba will help them in one or the other way. Yes, one heart-felt cry and fervent prayer is enough for Baba to bless us and promote good in us. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Weakness can be Overcome when Divine Support is Coupled with Determination

Every individual possesses a combination of some good and bad qualities. We must try to get rid of negative qualities and attempt to cultivate noble ones. It is a common experience that we all face both favourable and adverse times. God has given freedom to us to either choose a good environment and strive to cultivate good qualities or yield to temptations. Baba leaves the choice to us whether we swim against the fury of the water current or glide along the smooth current. Our minds get fortified if we choose the right path and walk on it. When we tread the right path, Baba empowers our minds to live boldly and gladly. Even Baba energizes us with His Spirit-Power.

We will surely get the due returns to our firm faith, right frame of thoughts and discipline. One who swims against the powerful current with iron will and faith in God will certainly reach the destination. Baba, God Incarnate, moulds our characters, fills our souls with His Holy Spirit, enthuses and shapes our destinies for good. Just as ebb and flow and whirlwinds are unavoidable in an ocean, troubles and problems are quite common in life. To overcome all these factors with determination and courage, the four-lettered miraculous word, "BABA" is enough to eliminate our weaknesses.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Happy Diwali

Wishing you & your family a Blessed Diwali!
May Shirdi Sainath shower his Blessings upon all.

"Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai"

Even if Heavens fall down never lose Faith in Baba

People with undeviating devotion will never deflect their minds from the thought of God and will never forget Him even when they face troubled times or losses. Those who seek God for mere fulfillment of physical desires and wealth will lose confidence the moment the tide turns against them. As long as we have plenty of money, people flock us and pose as intimate well-wishers. In trying times, no one would come to our rescue. In such bad times, even our health might get deteriorated as if the God is testing us. Unmindful of these set-backs, if one prays with firm faith to Baba, the troubles will melt away, much like the mist melting away in the rays of the rising Sun.

When difficulties engulf you, you should not feel frightened and dejected. Fill your heart with faith in God and pray to Him. At that hour, Baba showers His Grace on you like the beams of light to dispel darkness. Here, your duty is to wait patiently. Let us not lose hope or get disheartened that Baba did not help us at the hour of crisis. Let us sincerely believe that Baba will remove all the troubles which are a result of our past deeds and the All-Merciful Baba paves a golden path for our bright future. This strong faith alone drives away all our fears. Therefore, never lose faith in Baba even if the Heavens fall on you.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

God Dwells Wherever Unity Prevails

Happiness lies in unity and living together. When human beings live together without any factions or hatred, the mercy of God will be showered on us. God dwells where people co-exist in peace and amity and grants us mighty strength to help each other in a spirit of universal brotherhood. We should know that strength lies in unity and Baba is the power of unity. In order to sense the Presence of God within us, we must work together in absolute faith, unquestioning obedience and fervent love. There is no room for competition in spiritual practices. In the strength of unity, every heart is filled with love for the Divinity. A sense of oneness is felt. When once we experience consciousness of oneness, we behold our Beloved Baba in All.

One need not impress upon the fact that God exists not only in the idol of a temple but in the hearts of everyone. But, this is easier said than done. Acknowledging God in every one results in our being in the Presence of God. The core meaning of Lord Sri Krishna appearing to each one of the cow-herd women as Krishna is a result of this tendency in particular and nothing else. Let us pray to Baba to help us in making all of us stand by one word and move on one path to reach Him. Let us join our hands and walk on the path of Baba. Let us live together in unity and reach the Feet of Sainath. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|