
Ring out the old and Ring in the New

O, Lord Sainath! I prostrate at Your Feet and reverentially salute You. Like the light of moon and stars, You have guided me. You have filled our lives with Your Wisdom-Light, which drives away, like the dawn, darkness. You have made us realize that every atom in the Universe is pervaded by You. Your Divine Name 'Sai' lit the dark sea of life on whose rough waters we are being swept away by the ego-bloated feelings of 'I' and 'mine'.

My heart is filled with delight at the very thought that all are mine and everyone is a member of the Universal Sai family. My life, like a river over-flowing with joy, rushes to mingle with You, the Infinite Cosmic Ocean of Wisdom. Every day passes in remembering You. In every thought I delight in beholding Your Unique Form of Divinity and Felicity. In every moment, my mind experiences ecstatic delight which defies description. Baba! we see You walking before us in every moment. How fortunate we are that we walk in the cool shade of Your Feet. One year passed by, divinely, happily and gloriously in this journey of life. Please, let us dwell in Your serene presence, meditate on You at all times and seek Your blessings and follow in Your foot-steps in the New Year too. Pray, bless us, guide us as the Father, Mother, Mentor and as Everything for us to reach Your Warm Abode of Ever-New Joy, Solace, Grace and Peace.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

It is our Duty To Live By Baba's Teachings Of Love and Service

When we seek refuge in Baba with the purity of our body, mind and soul, all our sins will get absolved. Then we will be over-joyed with an yearning to flee from this sinful world to find solace in the eternal bliss of God's presence. But Baba will not let that happen and keeps us tied to this life only. Since, we are cleansed by the grace of Baba, He expects us to teach His ideals of love and service to those who grope in darkness. We should, therefore, shoulder this responsibility and broadcast Baba's message of Universal Love to the vast humanity. He gives us this opportunity to participate in His Mission and share His love with others so that they can also reap the fruit of liberation.

Baba never asserted that He is God. He said, 'Allah Mallik' i.e., the Almighty is the Master of All. Baba said that He carried God's order and wanted us to follow Him. Those who experienced Baba's love should share their experiences with others. We should strive to spread Baba's divine message and share our Baba-Blessed experiences with others. Baba decreed us to serve others so that we can appreciate the sublimity of service. Baba is the Supreme Power who alone can save the entire world. We should realize that journeying along the path shown by Baba is, infact, the ultimate end of life.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Baba's Grace Crowns One's Efforts with Success

We are all equal in the eyes of God. God, who is the other name of love, will tolerate anything except laziness. He will, however, come forward to help the hapless who cannot do their work by themselves. He will accomplish their tasks. But, He would not spare people who shirk their work and simply leave the burden to God. A student, who could not prepare well because of illness or adverse conditions, may be blessed by Baba to succeed in an examination; but, not a lazy student who is indifferent to his studies. God certainly helps those who strive to get out of adverse situations.

Almighty God wants us to attend to our allotted work or duty. When one is swept away in the flood of despair and frustration, one should not give up hope, but make a sincere effort, since God can make every impossible task possible. For an arrogant fellow, no help comes from fellow human beings, leave alone the divine help. A writer wrote a remarkable book on Baba but was unable to publish due to lack of funds. He did not worry, but started showing the manuscript to several people. A rich man, on being moved by the content matter, came forward and published the book. We must strive hard and leave the fruits of our effort in the hands of Baba, who will fulfil our legitimate desires in His own unique way, much to our joy. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Seeds sown Today Bear the Fruits Tomorrow

Time is very precious in the life of man. Time lost cannot be regained. But, the time
spent in the service of God shall be everlasting. Whatever we do in His service or offer will be very little, since God has bestowed us the greatest gift of life. Whatever we do to get His blessings is very meagre. We have to sacrifice our everything to Him, who has provided us this human life just as a tree that yields all its fruits and flowers to the gardener. God grants us lavishly in return for what we offer to Him in the form of body, heart and money, which, indeed are the gifts of Baba, our God. It is God alone who gives us the ultimate result and realizing this secret is like grasping the essence of life.
Just as we plough, till and fertilize the soil before we sow the seeds and water it in order to get good yield, so also by sowing the seed of devotion in the heart and rendering selfless service, one reaps the rich spiritual harvest. We should not, therefore, waste time or procrastinate to start the service of Baba. Even a slight delay may distance us from dedication and salvation. Even this temporary life might simply fizzle out. The time spent in the service of fellow human beings with true devotion to Baba, is the actual time that we have lived. It is very difficult to take human birth. Wisdom lies in making the present life meaningful in the service of humanity.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Divine power is superior to physical strength

Some people think that they do not have enough strength and ability. They keep worrying that they do not have normal skill and tact and hence they are not fit for anything. People with such feelings should better seek Baba's shelter. God will never count the physical or intellectual merits of an individual. He would but observe the strength of faith in a devotee’s heart. He will always extend help to whoever keeps complete faith in Him and works with commitment. He will make even the mighty to understand the Divine Power by which the weak will emerge as victorious. 

Have not the Pandavas triumphed over the mighty Kauravas with Lord Krishna's Grace? On realizing that we lack enough strength, God will grant us the power once we seek His Refuge. The glory of divine power is, thus, revealed. Thus, one develops more devotion and faith in God and on noticing one's achievements, even ordinary folk would draw towards God. So, let us grasp the greatness of Divine Power and kneel at Baba's Feet. The real strength, in fact, is the ardent faith we repose in Baba. For Baba's staunch believers, nothing is impossible. He lends support to the devotees who repose faith in Him and always crowns them with success. Hence, to succeed in anything, what we need is to resign to the Divine Will.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Savour the Ambrosia of Spirituality

A mother would take the infant who is on the advent of grasping things to the idol of God. She shows the figure and tells "It is God". The baby learns the first lesson of spirituality and joins both the palms as a gesture of respect. Thus, the spiritual journey of grasping things seen with both the eyes will begin at an early stage of life. By the time the child starts learning alphabets, seeds of devotion for God are sown in its mind.
The very objective of human life is to attain self-knowledge. But, the spell of illusion halts the urge to know the Ultimate. Despite knowledge, we run seeking jobs and riches. Therefore, initially, we have to pray to God "grant me, Oh Lord! That spirit of realizing You". As soon as we pray thus, Baba will commence His work. Though we are unaware of what happens or how it happens, we notice how the mind gets detached slowly from earthly pleasures. It will start with devotion, contemplation and culminates into a feeling "Not earthly bonds, I want none other than You, Baba". Even this is done at His Will. The child will love the taste of a drop of honey dropped on its tongue. Likewise, divine experiences that Baba, the All Pervading One, grants us are like a drop of nectar and the devotees who taste them are blessed. Gradually, spiritual experiences flood our minds and we delight in Baba's Ambrosial Love Divine. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Good Thoughts Ensure Good Effects

Man cannot sit idle, but to engage in some work or the other is his very nature. The work done by our senses of action are known to all. But, actions done by our invisible mind, intellect and ego are not known. Every act has an effect. 'Karma' does not merely mean 'action', it also refers to the cause of our action. None else except we alone should bear the consequences of our actions. We earn merit by doing good deeds and accumulate sin by doing evil deeds. We must understand the role of our senses and thoughts in whatever action we perform.
On his way to a temple, a rich man wanted to give a copper coin in charity to a beggar. Inadvertently, he dropped a gold coin instead of a copper coin in the begging-bowl. The rich man demanded the beggar to return his gold coin, but the beggar refused. The rich man thought that the gold coin given in charity would bring him great merit and walked away. But his conscience whispered that he would get only the merit of giving a copper coin as it was not his intention to give a gold coin in charity. As our thoughts are, so shall be their effects. Baba cautioned His devotees not to scold beggars, whether they give alms to them or not. If we perform every act or duty by dedicating the fruits of efforts to Baba, with a sense of detachment, He will bless us attain Self-liberation. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   

|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Dwarakamayi Liberates the Bondage

Baba attracts His devotees towards Him by the power of His leela. He would even change non-devotees into devotees and frees them from life's shackles and so would never ignore them. It is but natural to err due to the impact of impressions carried from previous births. Since, we have a "mind" we are unable to free ourselves from the spell of "illusions" cast by it. In such times, Baba Himself becomes the Master of our minds and makes us reckon our mistakes. This is the symbolic first step of Dwarakamayi. But our ego prevents us from accepting the mistakes. Then, it takes some time for Baba to prepare His ground-work. He would gradually remove our past sins and begins the process of humbling our pride. 

This very method of Baba is wonderful and we simply confess our mistakes before Him. This confession is like climbing the second step of Dwarakamayi. The third step we feel would be an easy extension. But, this indeed, is a most difficult task. Overpowered, our mind reels under 'Maya's spell of illusion, repeats the mistake and it is like falling to the rock bottom. Thus, we climb up and fall down repeatedly. But, only with Baba's Grace, we can finally climb to the third step and be firm in not repeating the mistake. Thus, in the abode of salvation we get wet in the mercy of Baba's Love and remain forever with Him. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

I am the lamp lit by Your Love

We are not self-luminous. Only when we become true devotees does the light within us manifests. It is the glow of God's light. It appears as if the wick in the oil lamp that burns sheds light. But it is the wick dipped in oil that causes it to burn brighter. As long as the wick is dipped in the oil, it sheds light and dispels darkness. Darkness is ignorance. The wick of lamp remains in darkness when there is no oil. When the oil of Baba's mercy is added to the wick that a human being is, that illumined mind drives out the illusion of ignorance. Of what use sheer human effort without the Divine Grace of Baba?
The light in us may be put out early and our life may be in vain if we try to glow without God's Grace. We are bound to succeed in any work we undertake if we but remember Sai. Our life-wick must always stay dipped in the oil of Sai Grace. Just as the wick dipped in the oil will burn brighter, shed light to all corners, our lives, deeply engrossed in the oil of God's Grace-Power will shine as Light of Wisdom. We must pray to Baba, the Universal Teacher, to turn the lamp of our soul towards the Lord of Light. We must beg Baba to dip our life-wicks in the oil of Baba's Grace so that our lives are illumined. The light that shines in our body-temple is none other than Baba. This is a profound lesson in wisdom that an oil-lamp teaches us. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

We could be closer to Others Only when the mask of Arrogance and anger is unveiled,

Those who have understood the love-philosophy of Sai will be affectionate and compassionate. The inner depth of love is humbleness. Only those who are ego-free could give and get sympathy. If we seek the love and sympathy of others, we have to shed our arrogance and anger. Such bad qualities pollute our pure hearts. Only on removing such masks, the spirit of friendship could flourish. When we are able to accept and tolerate the troubles resulting from the wrong-doings of our past lives and trust that the Merciful Baba will protect us always, it will bear witness to our obedience and the truth makes us to stay calm, tension-free and fear-free.

If we could listen to Baba's words, 'keep aside your arrogance, then, it is I who will guide you ahead', and follow His words to the letter and spirit, we can move closer to others. Indeed, getting closer to others would mean giving a helping hand, sharing their pains, pleasures and implanting the spirit of Sai Love in their hearts. In turn, others will reciprocate by sharing our sorrows and joys. We all could live like members of a single family. A great deal of security and happiness will become our source and strength. The only thing required is to shed our ego and surrender to the Divine Feet of Baba.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

The purpose of our life is to spread love to all

Today the world is full of egoism where human exploits human, the strong suppress the weak, which is the other name for anarchy, a hellish regime. Darkness must be dispelled from people's mind and the shackles of sins be broken and they must be brought to the illuminated path of liberation shown by Baba. The world in which people are shivering with fear of loneliness, despair and hopelessness should be given the savour of love. Everyone has to come forward to fulfil this great task. Everyone should accept his or her responsibility. Everyone should inculcate the spirit of being friendly with fellow beings. We should know that life is not meant for us alone.

Man is a social animal. Our conduct will have an impact on those around us. There may be some differences between one another. Yet, there exists the desire to have mutual consent. This manifests through the conduct of others. When others are in danger or in need of our assistance, we should whole-heartedly help them. We should behave in such a manner that people should sense that the love with which we care them has no trace of selfishness or bias. We have to express our sincere gratitude to the All-Merciful Baba for revealing us the purpose of life and thereby enabling us to render selfless service to the society. Let us all live together with love and amity.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Feeding the Poor is the best of all charities

Mankind is bestowed with hands by God. Along with them, one should exercise one's discretion and give in charity something of what one has. To 'donate', means 'to give'. We have to give what others are badly in need of. Donating from what we have in excess is not regarded as donation at all. The wise say, feeding the hungry is the best of all charities. God gifted us this rare body not only to serve but to abide by righteousness. We need sufficient food to keep the body in good health so that it can engage in spiritual practice of merging one's soul with that of the Supreme Spirit. Therefore, serving food to the hungry is a great service to God. Though Baba took bhiksha, Baba Himself used to cook and serve food with love.

Nothing but the charity of feeding the hungry propitiates the Supreme Spirit who dwells in every being in the form of digestive fire. Hence, Baba never encouraged devotees to fast and when Radhabai Deshmukh fasted, Baba opposed it. Baba always preached that fixing one's mind on God is the real fasting, which means staying in God's presence. Sai fed a hungry dog with a roti (bread) prepared and brought to Him by Laxmi Bhai. The offering of food which nurtures the body will lead man to the path of rectitude and it is the best of all charities. Baba set an example by Himself cooking and serving the food.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Water Loses its Identity when Added to Milk

Impressions are embedded in man's mind as seeds. As one 'cultures' one's mind, thought-seeds blossom into flowers of qualities in one's character. Just as each flower is distinct, so also the character of each one of us. But the surroundings and objects influence a man. Water turns saltish when salt is added and water turns syrup when sugar is stirred in it. Likewise, a good-company will lead a person to tread the right path, while the company of the wicked will lead to self-ruin. The company with which one associates will determine one's destiny and direction of life. Wisdom reminds us to keep our children, right from their tender age, under the tutelage of an enlightened teacher
Despite his abject poverty, Sudhama developed a spiritual bent of mind for Lord Krishna and Sudhama was blessed to prosper in life. One should cultivate good habits, good thoughts and seek the company of good souls to live uprightly in order to reach God who dwells in every heart. We learn lessons in good conduct, first from our mother and later in the company of the good. Water loses its identity when added to milk and it becomes impossible to separate both. Likewise, by mingling with the good souls, one becomes a noble soul and many are inspired to emulate the person. Let us grasp the enlightening philosophy of Sai and practice His teachings to make the most of our lives. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Scriptures Are Our Guide-Posts

After making a reading of scriptures like the Vedas and the Upanishads, we acquire spiritual wisdom with which we can live in equanimity both in weal and woe. To bear both pain and pleasure equally, we need to reach a spiritual state of equi-poise. Anantharao Patankar read many books and scriptures, yet he was restless in his mind and so he came to Shirdi and confessed before Baba that his bookish knowledge did not yield him peace of mind. He further added that the illiterate devotees of Baba were far better than him as they live in the cool ambience of Baba. Then, Baba explained, through Kelkar, that knowledge which is not coupled with sincere devotion, is futile. Though one may not be learned, but if one has faith and devotion for God, Baba's teachings will serve as guide-posts in life's journey.

There are times when solutions to our problems do not strike our minds. We start reading Sri Sai Satcharitra or any other scripture. A sentence in that book or a story narrated therein will suggest solutions to our problems. If we repose firm faith in Baba, His silent voice of wisdom will reveal the right solution. After Baba's samadhi, Vaman Rao resolved to become a renunciate and he heard Baba ordering him to change his name to 'Sai Sharan'. Even today, we come across many devotees who had personal encounter and communication with Baba.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

It is Enough to Follow the Foot-Prints of God

God is All-knowing. Although we may not know what we are doing, but He is quite aware of everything we do. As long as we remain loyal and follow in His foot-steps, He would lead us on the right path like a True Leader. He would be walking ahead and leading us on the right path of upright behaviour. Then His path becomes our path and the destination is what He leads to. We should never feel arrogant with our limited knowledge and skills. We have to move under the supervision of Baba, who is beyond our imagination and who is Omnipotent. If Baba says 'No' to someone's request for leaving Shirdi, it would mean that the journey would not be safe. On some occasions, Baba would ask people longing to stay to immediately leave Shirdi. That journey proved to be very good for them. If we obediently follow His commands, there is no possibility of committing mistakes.

When we are going ahead fearlessly under the protective arms of Baba, even the most severe of calamities would recede on seeing us. Baba is the one with great spiritual powers to keep us safe even in the face of most dangerous times. When the nature caused havoc in Shirdi, He controlled it and protected people who sought His shelter by commanding the furious elements to calm down. Therefore, with sincere faith, we should follow Baba and it will do immense good for us.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

A Slip of Tongue Enslaves us to our Words

Our words are like a mirror which reflects our moods and modes of thoughts. Good words are like a balm, cool and fragrant as the sandal-wood paste and strengthen the bonds of friendship. An unruly tongue spells disaster both to the speaker and to the listener. The moral is: 'think before you speak'. Society respects a person who talks less but in pleasant words. So, every word we utter should never be like a sharp sword that cuts at the heart of a listener. Words should soothe and not scald the listener's mind. Some people may promise on the spur of the moment, but fail to keep the promise and they are looked down upon for promises made and broken. Sometimes it is like walking on the razor's edge to fulfil the promises one has made. Broken promises may break the bond of goodwill between people. Birds because of their legs and humans because of their unruly tongues get trapped in troubles. Do not make a promise when you know you cannot keep up your promise. It is better to keep quiet instead of making empty and tall promises.
Is it not because of the promise Dasaradha made to his wife to grant her wishes that forced him to exile his son Sri Rama from Ayodhya? Are we not the masters of the tongue till we speak? A slip of tongue means we are enslaved by our words. So, Baba taught His devotees to think more and speak less.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Contentment is Within us

One is elated by one event, while another is depressed by the same event. In fact, the same event makes a person feel happier on one occasion and unhappy on other occasion. But, some people take pain or pleasure in equal terms and look enviably contented. The truth is the essence of Isha Upanishad and in order to teach the truth, Baba sent Dasganu to Dikshit's house where the maid-servant would enlighten it.
A maid-servant was enjoying doing domestic chores, singing and playing while she was draped in a tattered saree. She was equally happy when she got dressed up in a new saree. Next day she kept the new saree in the trunk, wore the old saree and attended to her work singing joyously. Dasganu learnt the lesson that a man ought to enjoy whatever God bestowed on him. Is it not folly to accept one thing and reject the other when God is present in everything and everywhere? Contentment with one's own lot with the conviction that whatever happens is ordained by the Will of God and it is ultimately for our own good, makes us happy. Whenever we feel disappointed or discontented, let us recall the Presence of Baba present in everyone, in everything and everywhere and feel satisfied and contented by fixing our mind and soul on the Sai-blessed Smiles that would lit up our gloomy faces.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

True Love Never Counts Faults of Others

God is an embodiment of Love. The power we draw by preserving the Divine Love in our hearts can be made use of to love and care for others as we do for ourselves. It is not a great thing to reciprocate to the one who helped us. But it is, indeed, great to help the one who caused us harm. This is the ideal of Baba’s love. It bears ample testimony to our divine love when we lend a helping hand to the solitary and desperate one who is enmeshed in troubles and sufferings, despite the fact that he once caused us great harm. How shameful would he feel when the very person whom he harmed comes forward to his rescue! What a sea-change would he get in himself? How much sense of gratitude springs in his heart? They cannot be put in words.

Once the feeling of gratitude wells up in us, it will soothe our hearts. To inculcate such feelings in devotees, God incarnated on earth in the human form of Baba. He taught His devotees to treat everyone with equity, not to find fault with others, forget the harm others did and to see God in all beings. Baba would shower His endless love and grace on those who follow His love ideal and brings them closer to His heart. We should also cultivate that spirit of love. True love in us helps those who caused us harm. That, indeed, is the Divine Love, which never counts other's faults.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Short And purposeful life is better than A worthless long life

Life is like a water-bubble. But philanthropic pursuits and prayers to God would direct us to reach Him. This mundane world may end up, but the Will of God is eternal. All the external embellishments are momentary, except the invisible and eternal Omnipotent Universal Power of God. The cycle of birth and death recurs as per the divine will. Therefore, every individual must lead a purposeful life, love everyone and spend time in Godly thoughts. "Loving neighbors is virtue, harming others is sin", is the message one finds in the scriptures. In a bid to save Sita, bird Jatayu fought with Ravana and sacrified its life. Though Ravana lived a long life, he met a ghastly end. The short-lived life of Jatayu is thus an example of a noble life of self-sacrifice for a better cause rather than living a long, worthless life.
One has to totally surrender to God instead of wasting time to fulfil worldly pleasures. A little bit of service we render will be priceless in the eyes of God. A short-lived, purposeful life is far better than a worthless, long life. One should not count the years one lived, but how the years were spent. Serving the needy and compassion for one and all would draw us more closer to God. Better to live like a swan for a short span rather than a long-living crow. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

God is the Infinite One

God assumes countless forms to take care of His Creation. God, as the sun, showers His light in the day and appears as the moon in the night and soothes us by his cool moon-beams. Likewise, God incarnated in many forms to set mankind on the path of righteousness. God descended to Shirdi in the human form to teach universality of religions, the brotherhood of mankind and by the Power of His Divine Light, Baba drew many a lost sheep into His Love-Fold and laid the foundation for the moral re-construction of man. Our lives get blessed as we adore the incarnations of God. Gangagir, a saint, first proclaimed, when he saw Sai as 'Blessed is Shirdi. It got the precious jewel'.
A mystic of Indian state, Syed Jalaluddin pointed his finger at the sun and asked Ganashyama to see his Guru in the sun. To his utter delight, he could see Sainath in the orb of the sun. Sri Rama Maruthi Maharaj adored Baba as his Guru and as big brother. When Santhavan Maharaj was about to commit suicide as he could not progress in his spiritual practice, Baba averted his suicide and enlightened him. Saint Vasudeva Swamy adored Baba as his elder brother and sent a coconut offering through Pundalika Rao to Sainath. The Omnipresent God, thus, assumes many forms to guide and put His erring children on the divine path to righteous and joyous living. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Baba's Teachings Are Eternal Truths

Rarely did Baba deliver a discourse to His devotees. But every word He spoke was nectarine, spiritual elixir that bolstered the sunken spirits of devotees. Baba assures, "Believe Me, though I pass away, My remains in the Tomb would speak, move and communicate with those who surrender themselves whole-heartedly to Me. I shall take care of their well-being and shall fulfil the desires of those who chant My Name with a loving heart. If anyone sings My leelas, I give joy infinite and listening to my stories will rid them of all disease and they shall be blessed to enjoy and experience prosperity. He who chants My Name, recalls My words and surrenders, heart and soul, to My Will, shall be saved and uplifted. If you repose firm faith in Me, you shall be lifted to the heights of God-Consciousness".

'Always worship Me who is seated in your heart as well as in the hearts of all beings. I am the In-dweller in all beings. See Me inside yourself as well as in all beings. There is no dearth in My devotee's house. Whoever comes to Me, climbs up the steps of Dwarakamayi, shall never go with empty hands. He who abides by My Eleven Assurances shall eternally be protected by Me. There is no untruth in what I say'. Let our minds get cheered by Baba's assurances. Let us follow Baba in His foot-steps to God's Glory, the Abode of Ever-New Joy.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Om Sai, Sri..Sai.... Jaya... Jaya... Sai

'Omkaram' is the combination of Au, Vu and Um. This is the primordial sound eternally vibrating in the animate and in-animate beings. Omkara is the root of our Vedas. Sai Maharaj who manifested Himself in Shirdi as Sadguru awakens the divine power of Omkara within us through His teachings and leelas. Sai is the Creator, Savior and the Witness of this world.

If we utter 'Om Sai', Sai will kindle the power of Omkara in us. Shri means 'all good, happiness and wealth'. Only if we utter Shri Sai, He will shower on us all the good things in the world with kindness. The utterance of Sri Sai is the blessed mantra that absolves us from all sins. Jaya means 'victory'. 'Jaya, Jaya' means a series of grand victories. If we utter Jaya jaya Sai, Sai Maharaj will bestow on us all the victories we yearn. If we constantly chant Om Sai, Sri Sai, Jaya Jaya Sai or sing bhajans in thought, word and deed, it will cause such a powerful impact that Baba will free us from the Karmic cage of birth-death-re-birth and liberates our souls. The place where the non-stop chanting of Sai's Name is done, gets charged and purified by the holy vibrations. Sainath will manifest and shower His blessings on us and fulfil the goal of our human birth. Now, let us move on... Let us ceaselessly chant Sai's Name and become worthy of attaining self-liberation.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Sai Baba

Sai Baba used to address "Dwarakamayi" as "Mother". Baba is like a Father to those who take refuge in Him. Baba is God, Preceptor, Father and the Holy Light which dispels the darkness in our minds. Parents are capable of not only providing physical strength but also spiritual strength. Though Mhalsapathy did not know the name of Baba, sensing the Divine Aura around, he addressed Baba for the first time, as, 'Sai! Please do come'. 'Sai' means 'saint' or 'swami'. The calling of the name 'Sai' by the great devotee Mhalsapathy was accepted by all and it became a permanent name. Nobody knew whether He had any earlier name or not. Sa means Sat or 'Truth' or Satya, Aayi means 'Mother' and Baba means 'Father'. It can be elaborated as union of the Purusha (Supreme Soul) with Prakrithi (Nature). The unique name 'Sai Baba' reveals that the Truth-Light as the Heavenly Father and the Divine Mother manifested at Shirdi.

Even the science of mantra says, 'Sai' means the 'integrated soul of Purusha and Prakriti'. 'Sa' is the Supreme Soul's Bijakshara (holy seed letter). 'Ee' is the holy seed letter of Cosmic Mother. On combining the two Bijaksharas, they become 'Sayee'. And, Baba means Father and God. Baba is the Divine Manifestation who holds within Him the love of biological parents who give human birth to us and the Preceptor and Protector of all.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Awaiting For Baba's Love In The Evening Of One's Life

ndeed, this is the sunset hour
The bygone life's final juncture
It's time, children like sparrows flew away
It's time, like an orphan, I ought to remain at bay
I imagined, yes, everyone as mine
I accede now, I am alone
My journey is towards You, O! Baba
Can't You cast Your look on me, O! Baba
After shouldering family burdens, I feel tired
Unable to move, with old age I feel retired
Before You I stand, seeking shelter
Shower mercy and protect me, O Sai dear
Indeed "Sai's Lap" is a pleasant place,
To rest in the evening of one's life's phase.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Baba's Lotus Feet - A Confluence Of Holy Rivers

The river water contains several medicinal properties. Taking a dip in the currents of holy rivers would purify both the external body and internal soul. Thus, Dasganu sought Baba's permission to take a bath in the holy Godavari river. But Baba wished to grant a holy bath of Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswathi rivers to his beloved devotee. "Why do you go such far? Our prayaga is here now, Believe Me" Baba said so. And Lo! From Baba's Lotus Feet gushed the waters of the three holy rivers, Ganga, Yamuna,
Saraswathi. Immediately Dasganu bowed to Baba's Feet with reverence. Spell-bound and elated, Dasganu sang psalms in praise of Baba's Glory. Thus, for His devotees Baba would prove His boundless power as the Highest of the High and would teach the way to be at peace with oneself. Although God moved among us in human form, His incredible miracles and deeds of mercy proved His Divine Power. Baba is the Merciful God who would rush to save the devotees who fervently pray to Him. Baba's miracles attracted many to Shirdi, the Source of Abundant Life and Joy. Dasganu, an intimate devotee of Baba and a ballad singer, composed Baba's Glory into story and songs and used to sing them. Several others like Cholkar heard them, prayed and received Baba's blessings. Let us implore Baba, to be always with us and protect us.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Self-liberation Assured By the Grace of God And Not By Our Efforts Alone

It is a wrong notion to conclude that salvation is possible by mere worship and performance of rituals and penance. To reach the roof-top of a building, we climb the stair-case step by step. In fact, we cannot jump on to the top. Likewise, celebration of religious ceremonies and festivals, rites and rituals are the different means of attaining salvation. All these practices qualify us to deserve the Divine Grace, which alone can crown our sadhana with success. To presume that we alone serve and worship God in a superior manner is a mark of spiritual ignorance and pride. Baba, God Incarnate, dwelt in Shirdi to show us the path and lead us with His Hand to ultimately reach Him. Baba Himself stressed several times "give up ego and shun arrogance".

The road to self-liberation lies in rendering selfless service feeling the Presence of Sai in All and the service so rendered is to His Feet. Self-liberation is the gift Baba presents us in appreciation of our altruistic service for All, with love for the Almighty One. It liberates us from the vice-like grip of the worldly bonds. Not mere human efforts, but Baba's Grace alone can guide us reach His Holy Feet, the Abode of Supreme Peace. Let us always remember Sai and rejoice in His Love-Presence.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Biggest Hurdles Overcome By Steady Devotion

Spiritual wealth is not a forbidden fruit. We must strive for it. It is a ceaseless spiritual practice. We need single-minded devotion and serene silence for the Sadhana. A God-conscious mind inherits the spiritual treasure. As our spiritual practice intensifies, problems akin to pebbles grow into awesome mountains. But when our faith in Baba firms up, even the mountainous problems get melted in the Sun-Light of Sai Grace and the spiritual path gets free of hurdles. One may initially find it difficult to meditate on Baba in the midst of noisy environment. Hence, a secluded place may be chosen. As you start meditating on Baba and progress in its practice, Baba gets seated on the silver throne in the temple of your heart.

Your mind will come to grips, understands and appreciates that pleasure and pain, profit and loss which are all but gifts of Baba. We will learn the lesson that our progress in spiritual field is limited, that we are weak and infirm. Unflinching faith and unquestioning obedience to Baba wins His Grace. As He dwells in our heart, His Divine Love, grace and care are always available to us. When Baba stands as the Mountain of Hope and Help, guards and guides us at every step, mountains of problems disappear into nothingness. As if by the magical touch of Baba's Grace, every hurdle gets removed on its own. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

The Avatar of Lord Dattatreya

Sage Athri, personified satvic or pure good nature and transcended the three gunas. Anasuya, the devout consort of Athri, conquered envy, the mother of all vice. The Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara, took birth as Dattatreya, to the couple Athri and Anasuya, pleased of their pure devotion. God thought of the need for a Guru who will serve as the guiding light to humans, whose minds, clouded by ignorance, were unable to discern what is good and bad and put them on the righteous path. God manifested as Dattatreya, the form of Sat, Truth, Chit, Knowledge and Ananada, Bliss and initiated the lineage of Guru. The mission of Datta Avatara is to give all access to the spiritual wealth. Thus, He taught Self-Knowledge to the worthy and groomed them to become teachers of wisdom.

Lord Dattatreya observed the changes that were taking place in society, adapted His form to suit the changing times and incarnated as Akkalkot Maharaj, Nrusimha Saraswathi and Manik Prabhu and liberated people from sins with His wise teachings. He lit the lamp of peace by preaching religious tolerance in Shirdi as Sai Baba. People who looked to Sai as an embodiment of all gods and goddesses and as the total incarnation of Dattatreya are being blessed to tread the path of righteousness and joyousness, leading to liberation. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Be cautious while making a compromise

To compromise is to come down one step. Compromising in respect of good conduct means one's down-fall. One turns to the bad path when one violates the rules of moral conduct laid down for one's own good. Some people who resolve to tread the right path, sometimes indulge in wrong-doings which they think are un-noticed by God, despite knowing that All-Knowing God's eyes are ever vigilant. They think" Oh, it is a trivial thing. How come Baba know of it?" and compromise themselves out of ignorance. The very thought deviates their minds from God.

If we compromise with a bad habit, it is like deceiving one's own self and shows our indifferent attitude to God. Yielding to temptations is like becoming helpless before a mountain of hurdles. Later, we may make a mountain of bad habits by yielding or compromising on a mole-hill of little temptations. When we repent for our mistakes, overcome weaknesses and correct our behaviour, we deserve the grace of God. Compromise is part of life, and it should reflect in the works that do good to one and all. At times, our habit of compromising with our bad habits or weaknesses might harm not only our health and happiness but that of the society too. Let us pray to Baba to grant us the will not to compromise with bad habits but to overcome them with ease.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|