
Baba never Casts Burdens which We cannot Bear

God is an ocean of compassion. He is well aware of our physical and mental capacities. So, He will never cast on us burdens which we cannot bear. When a particular work is meant to be done by us, it would mean that Baba has complete faith in our capability to accomplish the task. On the other hand, if we fail to complete a project, it does mean that we have little faith in Baba. 

Fickle-minded as we are, we leave our own work and get involved in other's work and incur loss. Then we start blaming God for the resultant outcome. Ego-bloated, we think we can accomplish any task and thus we get unnecessarily involved in others work, fail miserably and get humiliated. Why do we behave like that? We have to introspect and make a self-audit of our shortcomings and wrong-doings. We should never fall victims to internal enemies like envy, pride and hate in our greed to look great in the public eye. In a state of humility of heart, we can prostrate before Baba and apologize for our wrong doings. By realizing our mistakes, we can accomplish either simpler or complex tasks with discipline and responsibility. Every work done in constant remembrance of Sai's Name may grant us peace and relaxation, but will never seem burdensome. Baba entrusts us with such tasks which we can accomplish with our abilities and with ease.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Why Do You Fear, When Baba is Near?

In this world, man gets frightened for two reasons. One is sorrow about the past and another is worry about the future. Baba wants us not to fear anything. He assured that He will always be with us. Baba is our Father. When we firmly believe that we are His children, where is the need to fear? If we are afraid of everything, it means we have no faith in Baba. Lack of faith causes more stress, tension and fear. When we cast all our burdens and rely on Him in confident expectation, our bodies and minds rest in peace and solace and experience ever-new delight. We get so much satisfaction and happiness that it cannot be expressed in words. It is the experience of our elders that they did not worry about anything, as long as they looked to God installed in their hearts.

The moment we begin to believe in Baba, our sorrows will vanish. Baba has questioned His devotees a number of times "Don't you still believe Me"? If our faith in Baba is firm, we can lead a peaceful life, because it is Baba who will be always with us. God will grant us power, love and peace, but not fear. Armed with this faith, let us make use of our thought, time, intellect and life in the contemplation of God. If all our burdens are cast on Baba, as a Compassionate Protector, He would take us into His fold. Why should we fear, when Baba is near and is within us?


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Baba, the Most Merciful One, is within our reach

God is not somewhere beyond our reach. He dwells within us in the form of wisdom and bliss. If we pray to Him whole-heartedly, He would not only reveal Himself to us in the eye of our mind but would suitably advise us. Unfortunately, we neither attempt to see Him nor try to listen to His words of Divine Wisdom. The television and radio have always been broadcasting several programmes. We must have the instrument that can receive their signals. It should be in a working condition. We must have the interest to see and listen to the programme. Only when we have the T.V or radio set, we can see or listen to the programs. The same is the case with God. 

Baba is the energy of an ever-flowing stream of nectar of love. Our heart must be willing to listen to His words and eager to see Him. Faith in Baba is very crucial. We must get ready to install His Divine Image in our hearts. Thus, we need to restrain the sense organs, awaken the power of soul by the fire of fervent devotion. Then, our soul can see through our eyes and hear through our ears, the Divine Spirit. Thus, we have to get our mind and soul attuned to receive the Divine Power transmitted to us. For this, we should have an ardent devotion, persistent practice and deep desire to see God. Let us tune in our mental radio to listen to Baba's Love message eternally broadcasted.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Every Blossom Cannot Bear a Fruit

We sense pain for every small ailment. We shed tears if our beloved ones fall sick. We prostrate before God and seek His protection. When God listens to our prayer, removes all sufferings and wipes out our tears, our heart leaps in joy. Again, the cycle of troubles, tears, prayers and making vows to God starts. Yet, we do not become wise. We always crave for ephemeral pleasures instead of longing for perennial happiness in life offered by Baba. Many devotees came to Baba imploring Him to bless them with jobs, children or material prosperity. Very few came to serve Him and got self-enlightened. 

On one occasion, a disciple, on seeing a large crowd assembled at Dwarakamayi, questioned, 'Baba! Will they all be blessed and liberated'? Baba smiled, pointing to a mango tree full of blossoms and questioned him back, "will all the blossoms turn into fruit"? Some blossoms would drop, some as tender fruit and only a very few get ripened into fruits. Just as many foolish ones go to the Magic Mountain Meru, the Wish-Fulfilling Tree, which can grant any wish but ask it for a nose-stud, so also many people go to Baba and seek His blessings only to get their petty worldly desires fulfilled. If we truly surrender to Baba and pray to Him with a devout heart, He washes our sins and tears and hugs us to His heart in deep delight.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Wisdom in Sayings, Proverbs, Messages

'Sayings' refer to a word. It is a medium through which we express our feelings to others. A person's reputation gets enhanced by the power of good words spoken. Word has power to develop or destroy self-confidence of a person. At times, words work like good medicine. Words heal sick minds and bodies. Words that teach good and show good are called a 'proverb'. Some great souls with their mellowed spiritual wisdom have gifted the humanity with gems of truth through words and books. This is the priceless treasure of wisdom entrusted to us. 

Baba always taught "although you may not do charity always, but do not scold or drive away those who seek your alms or beg". It is not mere proverb. It is a leading light in our hand that guides our lives. We would say a good word for the benefit of someone. A word thus spoken for the good of others must be beneficial. We should abide by it. Words that warn us to mend our behaviour might appear bitter. Still, they should be implemented. We know how much Damu Anna gained by following Baba's advice by not investing in a trade. When we are in a dilemma whether to do a work or not, Baba guides us in one form or the other. We should immediately obey and get benefited and saved. We should, therefore, cultivate the habit of talking less but in a smoother, sweeter, polished manner.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Sowing the Seeds of Devotion in Human Hearts

To cultivate something, attempt and effort are very essential. To develop either righteousness in a heart or to grow a plant, we need to put efforts. First, the seed of devotion must be sown in the hearts of men and women. For germination of the seed, we need to remember God, the Sun of Wisdom. The ambrosial waters of Baba's love-messages must be sprinkled on the soil of the heart. It would be enough if the seed of faith sprouts. Great light would dawn into one's life. We wish that everyone develops faith in God by deepening one's devotion. But we neither by grace cultivate in them faith in God nor can we make them turn to Baba and get blessed by His Grace. We may sow a seed and water it, but though it sprouts and puts up leaves and grows, it all depends on the Will of Baba. Yet, we need to make an effort.

We are experiencing great delight because of our devotion to Baba. Blessed by His love, we are able to live in peace and joy. Therefore, we need to pray that even others too should live happily in Baba's Shade. In the process, we should attempt to sow the seeds of devotion in the hearts of upright people. We often talk about Baba to several people. Yet, all might not choose the path of devotion. At least, if some people savour the bliss of God, our efforts are fruitful. Our duty is to put an effort and it will be their good fortune to reap the fruits. It's Baba's Will again.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Sai Love-Consciousness

Baba is Omnipresent. His Supreme Spirit fills every inch of the Universe. To understand this thought, we need to contemplate on it. Contemplation is but a thought or a feeling. It is constantly pondering over it and trying to apply the essence of the thought to our day-to-day living. Then, it turns into a habit. Later, it continues without effort. Finally, it becomes a part and parcel of us. In other words, the thought and our mind become inseparably one. To be more precise, the very thought and the thinker get infused into one. Instead of feeling it, we become the very experience of itself. It is the metamorphosis of thought getting transformed into the experience of thought.

Cumin cured in lemonade will become cured cumin. Then the lemon and cumin become one. So does the Sai philosophy which will be the lemon in which the devotee gets immersed, cured and absorbed. The one immersed in Sai's Love will install Sai in one's temple of soul very much like the cumin. The devotee will gradually, during the process of spreading Sai's Love in the surroundings, get absorbed into the Infinite Absolute Reality. Sai's philosophy would get mingled in every atom of one's very being. Then, one sheds one's ego and gets dissolved in Baba's devotion. Thus, the true meaning of Baba's message is "those who trust in Me will surely reach Me".


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Remembering Sai

Some people chant God's name in every minute of their conscious state. This kind of mechanical repetition does not mean true chanting of God's name. Likewise, there are several devotees who worship God by observing strict religious rites. It alone does not refer to remembering God. Everything in this world has name, form and quality. Likewise, God too would have them. The Deity we are worshipping has a name "Sai Baba". He had a well-built body, with golden complexion, blue eyes, bright smile and his head covered with a cloth and wore Kafni-a long gown. This completes the image of Sai. Usually, people who chant God's name and worship Him would keep in memory both name and form. However there is a "quality" beyond these two. That quality adds to Baba an Omnipotent, Omnipresent and All-Loving nature. 

As Baba's Image vibrates in the eye of our minds, it gets charged by His Supreme Spirit-Power. Is it a child's play to recollect name, form and qualities of the God altogether? Of course, they are easy to recall. Indeed, these three qualities are not distinctly separate. Their confluence is Baba.

When we say "Baba", the image of Sai seated on a stone, one that of seeking alms or the form of Dwarakamayi or whichever posture/photo of Baba we like most must strike our mind and with that remembrance, Sai Grace reaches and blesses us.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Give up Egoism

Obedience, a fine jewel, is like an ornament to man. To boast of one's own virtues in an egotistic manner is a sign of arrogance. One could be honest, good and even great. Yet, if one thinks that none is as great as he or she is, it is the mark of arrogance. Like a drop of poison in a pot of milk, pride, likewise, would cause downfall. People in this world usually make mistakes and sins. As devotees of Baba, it is our bounden duty to set right, forgive and bring them back on the good path. Instead, if we abuse and keep them away, there would be no greater sin than that. If we turn the light of wisdom within us on them, they might walk on the right path. But, if a wise man looks down on the erring men, he would be committing a greater sin.

Trees full of fruit would bend down. Clouds with water will drift down the sky. Likewise, virtuous men will be obedient and without pride. We have to cultivate the good qualities of mercy, patience, love and peace and should make every effort to keep people on the right path. In fact, none would wish to see his own down-fall. But without their own knowledge, their ego forces them to do evil. It is the duty of the one who is at the top to extend his helping hand and hold the one who is sliding down. God will be pleased with such good people and He will lift them up.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Cosmic Artist Baba Draws Pictures Lovelier and Happier

The sun behind the hills is slipping

Slowly-steadily, within self it's melting

The sky is shining in color orange

Rejoicing with beauty in a pleasant range

Depicting forms of several elephants and horses

Clouds along the horizon drift in clusters

Different magical colors bright and shady

On the canvas of sky beautiful are the pictures

I am drawing for you, my lovely ones

Like your mother, father and teacher

Baba as anyone else is a nice person

Guava and mango fruits He distributes

Like mother, showed right paths, taught good habits.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Faith Moves Mountains

'Let me see' people would chuckle as they have to see with their own eyes to believe anything. God is formless. But, if He so wills, He can assume any form. God will not only respond to our call if we have total faith in Him, but He would even appear before us. To get a vision of God, one should have determination and deep devotion. If we often bother about our sea of troubles, how can God be seen? "Look at the depth of river, you will get drowned if you get into it", so says our fellow-men. But God will bless people who have trust in Him and make them walk on the rough waters of the sea. 

Faith moves mountains. Once a master undertook a journey along with his disciples and they came across a river. By his yogic power, the master could easily walk on the waters of the river. When the students asked the master how they could walk on the river, the master commanded them to believe in him and walk along. The first disciple got drowned and the second could walk on the waters because of the trust he reposed in his master's words. Faith works miracles. One can collect that much of water the size of a vessel can hold. When Sri Shankaracharya, in full faith, prayed to Goddess Lakshmi, She showered gold coins in the house of a poor man. "He who believes Me, will have no dearth of things" are Baba's golden words of assurance to us.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Entrust Your Future to Baba and Delight in His light

We search for the light in darkness. In the light, everything is clearly visible to us. We guide our steps to what is good in the light we see ahead of us. This is how we ordinarily walk on a pathway. We are well aware of the past and we live through the present. We cannot know the future, as we are not seers. God not only knows the future, but knows even the future course of lives of everybody. Hence, we should pray to Baba before we commence any work. One should pray, "Baba! I want to walk on this path. I intend to do this work. I will but abide by Your decision. Please do command me what is fit to be done". We must not get restless or expect an instant reply, but must wait patiently. 

Sometimes, Baba would test our faith. He will not reply. Then with a resolute mind, we should pray to Baba saying, 'the lamp in my hands is little, nothing is visible after every two steps. My wisdom is limited and unless You come and hold my hand, I cannot move further'. Baba is aware of what is going on in our minds. Therefore, if our devotion is sincere and our faith is firm, He will come and hold our hand. The victims of snake bite coming back to life, the sick getting cured, are indeed the miraculous acts of Baba's Divine Love-Grace. Even now if we invoke Baba's mercy, He will lend His helping hand and bless us overcome life's hurdles.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Grateful to Baba who does Good to us

Baba would protect us like His own children by showing utmost concern even in trivial matters of day-to-day life. The love and concern that Baba shows to people who seek His refuge are very great. He knows what will do good to us. We should know that on certain occasions when a wish is not fulfilled, it is meant for our own well-being. We must not lose faith in Him under any circumstances. He would never let us down when we hold to Him in faith. We often get restless that the circumstances are not favouring us. We get tense and anxious to get our needs fulfilled. We worry much about our children.

We must trust Baba, who is the Mother and Father of all, would certainly grant His children, what exactly they deserve at the right time. Then, by Baba's grace, things would turn to their advantage. Moreover, Baba ensures that opportunities and situations are created in such a manner which would facilitate us to realize desires which are meant for our good. Once Chote Khan, fearing that he would be convicted, resigned his job and sought Baba's shelter. He did not get any punishment, but got a job by Baba's blessings and even the long-pending cases in court were settled in his favour. Let us offer our heart-felt thanks to Baba who not only fulfils our worthy desires but also provides us with what we really need and is good for us.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Sai is Everything For us at all Times

By the grace of God, we can get released from the disruptive hold of the five sense organs which disturb the mind. For this, we have to realize the truth that laziness is our major enemy. We should shun it, leave the pleasure of sleep to sleep alone and always stay alert. Which means we must be constantly conscious and ever-aware that 'this is not mine and this is not I'. We have to practice being a 'living witness' to the passing show of life. This is easier said than done. In fact, it is easier though it appears difficult. We should start the practice of focusing the attention on the in-going and out-going life-breath within us. As we become aware of our life-breath, so we can turn ourselves to be a 'witness' to all that happens to us. 

This practice would gradually drive away the feelings like 'you' and 'I'. And as a result, the body consciousness is lost, and 'the illusion of the mind' and its link with the 'doer' of all actions like the one who eats, listens, sees, speaks and touches would come to our grasp. If we practice listening to Sai's Name silently echoing in our every breath, we will slowly realize that our breath is Baba, the Master of our body-house and realize what Sai Love is. 

If we can attend to every work we do, in every moment, in constant remembrance of Sai, our Living God, we can be assured of Sai presence within us whether we are awake or asleep.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Shun Craze for Wealth, seek Baba's Refuge

Only Baba can make our hearts happier. When we derive satisfaction and joy only in the earthly pursuits, truth cannot be perceived. Baba cautioned us not to feel proud of one's transitory wealth. One's soul will be sucked into the whirlpool of worldly desires if one's mind gets trapped by the craze for building big granaries, amassing illegal wealth and hoarding it instead of sharing it with the needy. Baba narrated a similar story about a rich man and exhorted His devotees not to become so. When Baba blesses us with abundant wealth, we should not desire it as a permanent asset. Wealth is like a bubble and people who expect to obtain pleasure and comfort out of riches are the ignorant ones. Money should not stagnate like water in a well. It should be, like a running brook, useful to the society. Thus, the pride of wealth should not overpower the mind. 

It is sufficient to trust in the divine incarnation of Baba who grants us everything required for a happy life. The real valuables of life are love, compassion, austerity, truthfulness, obedience and a joyful soul. We should always pray to Baba to bless us with such spiritual riches and not for the material wealth that glows for a while and perishes. God is the Eternal One. Gold and silver can fulfil our earthly desires, but cannot buy Baba-Blessed Bliss and His Presence.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Freedom, Peace and Joy With Sai's Inspiration

A midnight sunrise

A joyous dawn of praise

Piercing the dark slavery days

The bright sun lit the sky

The flowers of liberation

The breeze of freedom's fruition

Sang songs patriotic

Played with hearts ecstatic

Hearts challenged bullets to pierce

With the weapon of non-violence

Several braved to defend

Virtuous are several who faced the end

Salutations to all those

Fragrance filled greetings to all those

With Sai's inspiration

Carrying values of high tradition

Universe becomes a family nice

Forever shall prevail joy and peace. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Living Through the Stage of Family Life

God has gifted us with a wonderful life. Besides, He bestowed us with the powers of will, intellect and action. He even conferred the gift of experiencing divine bliss. At the same time, God entrusted us with some responsibilities. We have the ability to engage ourselves in the field of education, agriculture, trade and business. Along with them, it is our responsibility to have friendly relations with our fellowmen, live in amity and serve selflessly. We should not pride ourselves to be very intelligent simply because we are educated. We must think knowledge is an instrument of power to realize God. 

The house-holder's life is an important phase of life. Wife and husband should not think that married life is a means of material pleasure. They must work hard, earn money and take care of their aged parents. They must help the poor and needy around them. House-holders should act as wish-fulfilling trees. They must treat the hungry and starving as God and feed them. One must realize that God unites men and women in the bond of marriage not for selfish intents but for serving the society. Baba wants His devotees to live by their innate nature of good. When Baba is pleased of the upright path the house-holders tread and the sincere discharge of worldly duties, He will bless them with good children and live in peace at His feet. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Rewards of Reading Sri Sai Satcharitra

The life, work and teachings of Sadguru Sri Sainath are recorded in Sri Sai Satcharitra (holy book). Daily reading of the holy book and deep meditation on the teachings of Sai will ward off our sins. Every devotee has to personally experience the immense relief by devoutly reading the holy book everyday.

Generally, people start reading the holy book with the sole object of getting their worldly desires fulfilled. It is good to make such a beginning as every good act had such a start. 

Definitely one must pray to Baba to fulfil one's material desires. By experiencing a worry-free, worldly life, one would, one day, look to Baba and pray, "Baba! I want to be with You alone". Once a devotee savours the syrup of joy he gets from the constant reading of the holy book, he would think how petty and trivial the worldly desires are and will start reading the book only for the deep divine delight. Reading makes them ponder over the deeper meaning of Baba's teachings and one gets inspired to apply them in one's life. And the day dawns, eventually, when one's mind gets attuned to Sai Love. Then, everything is full of Sai. Parayana, literally means 'to be through with Sai's philosophy'. That is to say to cross over the outer meaning of words and grasp the essence of Sai Love in His teachings. This is the result of devout reading of the holy book, Sri Sai Satcharitra. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Our Hearts Should Brim With Love For God

God is the Embodiment of Love. The noble teachers and kings who were born with the spark of divine power have made efforts to protect righteousness and spread the feeling of oneness among the humans. When need arises, God incarnates on the earth in the human form. One such divine incarnation is Shirdi Sai, who can break all shackles and liberate His devotees.

Baba used to teach that not only we must love our fellow-beings but also all living beings. He always addressed people very affectionately as 'brother', 'mother' and 'sister'. Baba would say that if one is unable to give charity, he should say it politely. Thus, Baba would bind the hearts of devotees with His philosophy of love to see that people are bound by friendship and mutual kinship. Baba gets wild if any one interferes when a devotee was serving Him. They used to gather all the offerings of devotees and used to dine with Baba with great relish. While offering food to all His children, He used to share His nectarine love. Those who adore Baba as their Mentor and God would live as one family in love and joy. Not only then, but even now the hearts that are filled with devotion for Baba are overflowing with love. The consciousness of Baba will fill the hearts and all those who have faith in Baba will get redoubled love and happiness from Him as His gift. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Not Just Pleading, Learn to Listen to Baba

Many people would very well remember things that they would expect to receive but never will they think of what they have to give to others. Just as man enjoys certain rights, he has certain duties to perform. Some people dare to ask Baba, "Baba! Since you have created me, don't you have the responsibility to protect me as well". But, we too should have the responsibility of showing gratitude to our Creator. "Do you thank God at least once a day with a grateful heart"? "Do you bow your head before the Almighty"? Do you appeal to Baba to make you tread the right path and thank Him for giving you such a nice birth? One feels annoyed if someone asks such questions. 

They would speak with despair that they pleaded Baba to fulfil a desire and since the desire was not fulfilled, they stopped praying to Him and would even justify their stand. Just as we take food everyday, we have to pray to God at least once a day. We should realize that we have to bear the effects of the accumulated sins of the past life and that pains and gains are part and parcel of life. When troubles surround us, we should pray to Baba to forgive our sins and condone our mistakes. We owe responsibility to sincerely apologize, repent for our sins and pray with ardent devotion. Thus, we have to pray to Baba, mend our mistakes and wait for His response. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Let us Utilize the God's Gifts of Talent

Every human being is gifted with a talent, which is latent in him. The talent, merit and ability are all but the divine gifts. God appreciates if we make a good and effective use of the talents He gifted us with. The more we make a greater use of our talents, the more our ability and efficiency would increase. Hence, we should not hesitate to put our efforts, befitting our abilities.

Just as a bumper harvest is reaped by sowing seeds and cultivating with care, so also we are assured of God's blessings when we repose faith in Him and render selfless service to the society by the talents He gifted us. Depending on individual talents, each person will have a different set of skills. A singer, by singing hymns in praise of the glories of God, can inculcate devotion in the hearts of people. 

Another one could beautifully describe God, His divine works in a fascinating manner and can create picture of God in the eye of public mind. Thus, if we make proper use of our talents, the Omnipresent Sai will richly reward us with His Grace. The Creator will be highly pleased if we devotionally offer a garland of flowers as service to Him from the very flowers He has created. If we put our Baba-blessed talents in serving and making people happier, Baba would be immensely pleased. We, therefore, shall become pure souls worthy of dwelling in Him.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Appreciation Redoubles One's Enthusiasm

It is but natural for humans to expect kudos and appreciation for the work accomplished. An appreciative word will redouble enthusiasm and boosts one's self-confidence. For the people suffering from inferiority complex, a word of praise serves as a tonic to their brain and an appropriate pat on their backs will act like a potion of strength. A simple word of praise will lift their confidence and causes a sea-change in their behaviour and makes them reckon their strength. All said and done, there would be none who would not be happy with words of appreciation. If we speak a word of appreciation of the good deeds of a person, it acts like a fertilizer applied at the right time to the soil and will yield harvest of happiness.

If a landlord recognizes a hard-working farmer and appreciates, "You have done well", he feels elated and works with renewed enthusiasm. Baba used to appreciate His devotees even for little accomplishments in order to bring out their latent talent. It could be in the word-form of appreciation or an article of love for inducing them to do some more good deeds. Baba's philosophy is to give bigger rewards even for a little effort. To seek liberation, it is sufficient to serve the society which is the other image of God. To get Baba's reward that blesses us live in enduring bliss, we have to appreciate and encourage good deeds.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

An Orphan's Appeal To Sai

Oh! Baba, please come this way, won't you?

Shower mercy by listening to my tale of woe, can't you?

When hungry, I have no mother to ask for food

When sleepy, I have no father to fondle me on bed

The earth is my mother,

The sky is my father

The cool, shady trees are indeed my friends

Which offer me their secure hands

My heart melts on seeing a child with a mother

And roams madly in search of mother

For this reason alone, please........

Caress like a mother, offer me rice morsels as food

With fatherly love, lift me in arms and have fun

Let the world know, I am not an orphan.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Success Weds Those Who Tread Righteous Path

If you protect Dharma, it, in turn, protects you. Just as a cloud obstructs the view of the moon, troubles do not last long in the path of good people. As Dharma is the form of God, surely it triumphs. Everyone should have twin objectives of life, i.e., right destination and a planned journey. When one lacks self-discipline and uprightness, his down-fall is imminent. Some people lack self-confidence and worry about the outcome of a work and end up even before undertaking it. Others would simply begin a work, but upon encountering a minor hurdle, they give up half-way and can never be successful.

Those who have firm faith in God and have an iron will and power of persistence will definitely succeed. We need to realize that God will bless only those who observe right conduct and are kind-hearted. At times it would appear that bad people are gaining advantage, but it is only a temporary success. Victory finally weds the virtuous ones. While churning the ocean of milk, both the gods and demons competed for nectar. Finally the ambrosia was secured by the gods who yearned for Universal Good but not the demons. If the fortune of God's Grace is enjoined with one's self-discipline and capabilities, indeed, success will crown them. Let us, therefore, pray to Baba to grant us upright thinking so that we tread the path of righteousness.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Merit Lies in Confessing One's Weaknesses

Certain humiliations, errors and weaknesses are part and parcel of everyone's life. What we need to do is to properly introspect and thoroughly examine ourselves. While accepting our own failures and confessing the mistakes committed by us, a sincere effort should be made to amend ourselves. Simply because God did not punish us, it should not be taken for granted that we did not make any mistake. Had we been punished long time back, we would have been thrown into hell by now. Those who fail to honestly correct their own errors, will repeat the same with others. 

Baba is an ocean of compassion. He would always provide an opportunity to rectify ourselves. Circumstances may not always be under our control. But we can regulate our behaviour. Hence we should strive to correct our bad character and develop the good qualities in thoughts, words and deeds. We should repent for our bad behaviour and beg God to forgive us. The Merciful God conferred on us the power of discretion and the capacity to appreciate selfless love. Despite several short-comings in our character, God implanted in our mind the thought of worshipping Him and the spiritual stamina to endure sufferings and succeed in our spiritual endeavours.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

If Baba’s Grace is Added to Our Sadhana, We Become Complete Beings

Of all the species in the universe, human birth is the greatest one. The spiritual quest and human values make human life greater. Guided by human values, man must become perfect, worthy to be called a human being. The spirit of humanity is becoming a thing of the past. Which is why modern man is starved of peace of mind. To change this situation, man has to become wise. For this, man has to undertake spiritual practices. It is but common for the practitioners to face obstacles. Some people pride themselves in the little progress they have made in their spiritual practices. Baba set an example, as to how one can overcome obstacles encountered in spiritual practices by being obedient to Guru's word and persisting in 'Sadhana'.

If we cultivate such qualities, our problems get easily solved. We cannot fix a time frame for spiritual progress. It is an endless process and might take longer time because man is only a spiritual child. Similar to the needs like food and exercise for child's growth, love, compassion, perseverance and devotion will make a man spiritually wise. Baba is easily accessible to the devotees. If we seek His support, by constant sadhana, it becomes easier for us to progress spiritually. Therefore, let us pray to Baba to crown our spiritual sadhana with success.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||