
Life is Worth Living with Baba's Nectarine Love

When all machines are at work, the different components in them may grate with each other and cause friction. With this friction, heat and fire are generated and parts of the machines may be at risk. On oiling the noisy parts of the machines, they will run very smoothly. This is the case of machines invented by man. The human body, a marvellous machine created by God, has hundreds of vital components which are subject to friction, fatigue and tensions.

Just like the body, we have to cleanse the mind and soul with the pure water of Baba's message. We have to overhaul our body-mind machine with the oil of Baba's nectarine love. Otherwise, the human machine may become obsolete and lack the purpose of life. But, if we are blessed with the Divine Love of Baba, with renewed joy, our mind will race for the realization of God. Our body, mind, heart and words will not feel any pressure and life would run in a freer and smoother manner. As there is no undue pressure, every work undertaken would be smoothly done unhindered. By this, the strength and efficiency of a person would increase. With energized minds, we shall live happily, loving, supporting and serving our fellow beings. Let us pray to Baba to fill every cell in our body with His healing love and bless us live in His love-light, selflessly serving all as Sai.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Not My Will, Your Will, Baba!

Never boast of your genius and greatness if you achieve what you aspired for. Do feel that it could so happen only by the power of the Divine Will. Suppose it happens against your wish, do not regret that you are denied of God's grace. It is not good to complain against God. Baba has given you the power of discretion and free will to understand Him. But, He alone is aware of what you deserve best. The right thing is to pray to Him with an earnest heart and He will reveal what is good for you. It would be difficult on your own to get rid of the selfish feelings of "I", "me" or attachment and pride. You need the Divine Support of Baba. Only then can your ego-erased mind can become pure. You will know God's Will when you love Baba.

With the sword of detachment gifted by Baba, if you can slay the six internal enemies, viz, lust, anger, greed, pride, attachment and envy, His true form would get unfolded before your eyes. He blesses you with the light of wisdom and the will to render more social services. Only then would the light of wisdom glows in us. With a grateful heart, let us follow the Divine Love of Sai Light which leads us on the path of victory. We are not alone. Baba is always with us. And He will guide us in every step we take. Our life's journey will be smoother and happier if we walk in the foot-steps of Baba.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Fill the Spirit of Humanity in Your Personality

God created several creatures. He endowed every specie with distinct characteristics, habits, needs, rights and duties. When we hear the word 'cow', it strikes our mind as a domestic animal. The four legs and its form are its physical features, while giving milk and being docile are its natural qualities. Among the infinite variety of species, a human being is the crown of creation with a discriminating intellect. Along with the two hands and two feet, God gifted us with the weapon of 'intellect'. The quality we must have towards other species of the world is kindness. Love and friendship thrive in the heart of compassion. Doing good to others is a natural corollary of it. We must love to share with others what we have, in a spirit of intimate love and sacrifice.

The quality of mercy we have in our mind, thought and intellect motivates us to work for the welfare of the humans and all beings. It is our wealth of character. It is not a sin to tell a lie to save the life of an innocent person. Scriptures say that it is an offence if harm is deliberately done to one by telling the truth about him. How can we be treated as human beings if our hearts are filled with rank selfishness and hatred? Let us pay heed to what Baba said and see Baba in all. Baba hugs to His heart the honest, the compassionate and the upright ones.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Peace of Mind

A thinking mind is, perhaps, the greatest boon gifted to mankind by God. Because of this, the wealth of knowledge, denied to other species, is enjoyed only by the humans. The mind is very fickle. The root cause of either good or bad qualities lies in the mind. This causes many troubles. Yet, it is the mind which is the cause of supreme peace and serenity. God has shown the appropriate method to mankind to keep the mind steady and calm. 

 The five sense organs that influence the mind are under the control of the intellect. But man never listens to his intellect. He runs after the fickle mind that flies like a butterfly. Man can pull himself from the tangle of temptations if he can overcome the spell of the mind and put it under his control. The path of devotion is the best means to discipline the fickle mind and a means to keep it stable and serene. God will not directly help us. God, either in the form of a Perfect Master or through His words of wisdom would come to our rescue. For this very reason, Baba descended to the Earth and shown the easy path through his simple teachings which ensure our peace of mind. None other than Baba, the World-Teacher, can pull out the entire humanity from the illusions created by the human mind. If we totally surrender to Baba, the nectarine fruit of 'peace' can be obtained.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Baba Enlightens and Uplifts us

Despite having many children, a father would particularly worry as to how to mend the perverse behaviour of his child. He struggles to set his child's bad conduct right. God, being our father, is more concerned about His errant children. God would not mind the devotees who live uprightly and abide by His word. He would always think of those who strayed from Him and corrupted by bad conduct. He will not desert them. He compels them to realize how mean and wretched is the path they tread. He would open their eyes in a flick of a second. The moment reminds one of the great speed with which a man is sucked into the quick-sand and, in similar manner, God pulls out a man from the mire of down-fall and makes him behave in a righteous way. 

Have not the bandit Valmiki and the perverse Ajamila came to the presence of God? So, we need not sit down and worry that we could not meditate on God all these days. If we call "Sai", He will answer us 'yes' and will rescue us in one form or the other. His name is very pleasing to chant and hear. Life becomes a festive celebration. Baba clearly explained to a miserly rich devotee about the knowledge of the Self. Baba's discourse was a feast to the minds of all the listeners. The eyes of the rich miser were opened by the light of wisdom Baba shed on him.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Conscience within us is Baba's Form

Every human being has the intellect which discriminates between what is good and bad. Irrespective of the individual's nationality, ethnicity and religion, this innate quality exists in all by birth. This power of discrimination is not found in the animals. This is the major difference between man and beast. The quality of discrimination is otherwise known as 'conscience'. Conscience is the seat of God. Whenever evil thoughts crop up in the mind, conscience, which is the voice of God, will caution us of the wrong doing. Although we know we are erring, at times, we turn a deaf ear to our inner voice. We even attempt to suppress it. As we go farther away, the voice of conscience is not audible to us. We will not be able to hear it.

Baba granted us intellect to discriminate between the right and wrong and also wisdom to recognize good and bad. He will keep watching us as to what extent we make use of such knowledge. We must try to be true to our conscience whether our actions are intentional or otherwise. We have to move on the right path. If not, we alone will land in trouble if we do not listen to the voice of conscience and act accordingly. When Baba exists in every particle of the Universe, attempts to hoodwink Him will be like deceiving ourselves. Hence, we should pray to Baba to give us courage to abide by the voice of conscience. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

A Flower Looks Lively Until it gets Plucked


It is a sheer ignorance to think that "I am this Body". When we think that the body is everything, the physical world looks real and permanent. Man, thus, begins to walk in darkness and becomes a hostage in the cycle of birth and death. One should realize, 'though this body belongs to me, I am not the body', and wake up from self-delusion. An individual must introspect and inquire into one's inner soul so that one would realize one's bond of love with God. Then, one can conclude that the individual soul is no way different from the Universal Soul and that this physical existence is short-lived like a water bubble.

As we get fascinated by a beautiful flower, we wish to possess it. We pluck it from the plant. Within few hours, the fresh flower gets withered. Despite our best efforts, we cannot protect its glow of life. The relationship between man and God is similar to that of a flower and plant. If we have greed, egoistic impulses and attraction for the earthly delights and indifferent to God, our lives too get withered like the flowers. We must know that by God's power alone we are animated. In thoughts, words and deeds, we have to stably place our Father Sainath before us. As a flower, we must offer our lives to His feet. We need to get out of the bonds of the worldly life and make our life nobler and worthier in the loving service of God. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

We should not think, ours is the Only Right Path

Having faith in God and moving on the right path, a person acquires merit. Even what we receive through practice should be deemed as if bestowed by the grace of God. We should never think that we alone are the great practitioners or noble persons. If we assume so, even little mistakes of others would appear magnified. The path of righteousness is paved with love and not through microscopic examination of other's mistakes. The quality of love is mercy. To err is human; to forgive is divine. We are able to live as good persons because Merciful God forgives our mistakes and puts us on the right path. We have to set right the mistakes of others and try to put them back on the right path. 

We come across instances where parents punish children or husband reprimands his wife for trivial issues. Instead, if we make them realize what their mistakes were, there is every possibility that they may mend their mistakes. Tears of repentance would wash their sins. "In fact, who are we to punish? What right do we have to punish others? Are there not pitfalls in the path we think as right?" The right thing is to give advice and persuade them with love. We, therefore, have to shed ego that we alone are great. We should always pray to Baba to forgive our mistakes done out of ignorance, enrich the quality of mercy and take us nearer to Him and make us dearer to Him. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Baba is Omniscient

Sri Sai Baba is Omnipresent and Omniscient. He is the Supreme Soul who could sense the deepest feelings of His devotees, read the thoughts of the inner recesses of the mankind and even the feelings of the whole range of species. On one occasion, when Baba was seated with His beloved devotees in the Masjid, a lizard made chirping sounds. Out of interest, a devotee requested Baba to explain the lizard's chirping sounds and questioned whether it is an auspicious sign or not. Baba replied that the lizard was so happy as its sister was coming to see her from Aurangabad. And the devotee was taken aback at Baba's words of foresight.

After a while, a person came from Aurangabad for seeing Sai Baba. He dismounted from his horse and cleaned and dusted the bag meant for carrying horse feed. A lizard slipped down from his bag, quickly climbed up the wall, united with its sibling and both lizards moved round and round joyfully. Thus, on many occasions, Baba indicated the arrival of His devotees to Dwarakamayi much in advance. This shows His Omniscient Power. As Baba could very well foresee the problems, troubles and life-span of His devotees, He used to warn them in advance and ward off their difficulties and protects them as He is the All-Knowing, Ocean of Kindness.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

Cast Your Burdens on Baba and Stay Cool

In a family life, we are surrounded by several responsibilities, face hardships, problems and pains. How can one keep one's mind on God with mind rocked and swayed by tensions and worries? This very thought worries some. God assures us, 'Entrust all your responsibilities to Me and stay cool. Whatever work you do, stay detached and be an instrument only'. What is the meaning of being an instrument? The doer must think that he is only a tool in the hands of God and it is God who executes all things through him to fulfill His purpose. If we think that we are instruments in the Hands of God, strive and struggle and surrender to Him, God will hug us to His heart and be our guide.

God is easily accessible to His devotees. When you are caught in the whirlpool of troubles, a fervent call 'Baba' would stir and melt His heart and He comes running to help you. The communion with God, which is full of love and wisdom, will fill our hearts with peace, happiness, love and patience. If a faithful devotee casts his burdens and responsibilities on Baba, He will stand by him, provide refuge and bless the devotee with a worry-free life. Likewise, several devotees got rid of their diseases and got their burdens lightened when they surrendered themselves to Baba's care. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

He takes Little but gives us Plenty

The tradition of offering money to Baba, when devotees visited Shirdi, is called as dakshina. Sai Baba used to ask the devotees to offer Him dakshina for their own welfare, as also to teach them the value of self-sacrifice. Baba used to take dakshina only from a few chosen devotees and not from everyone. He would not take dakshina if any one offered it voluntarily. From the money collected through such offerings, Baba used to distribute a major portion of it among the devotees and His pocket would get emptied by evening.

Once, while taking dakshina, Baba clearly declared "I am obliged to give hundred times more of what I take from the devotees". A Marathi actor, Ganapathi Rao Bodas, narrated in his autobiography, how Baba once pressed him for dakshina again and again. He obliged Baba, emptied his cash bag, touched Baba’s feet, got His blessings and left Shirdi. As a result of this, he never felt the pinch of money in his entire life. Whenever he was in need of money, it would come to him in plenty. Baba used to accept dakshina not only in the form of cash but also in other forms like Holy Scriptures to be read by the devotees and paying respects. The real dakshina that Sainath would seek from us is faith and patience; both of which, upon offering, will bless us with the priceless treasure of Baba's Love-Presence.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Playing 'Hide And Seek' With Baba

Let us catch Baba, let us catch

Behind the tree he will hide, if we won't catch He will be on the run, if we leave Him. But will move with us if we firmly hold Him, Baba has no dwelling place, just slips away. Upon calling with love, he cannot keep away.

He feels moved if we call "Baba", while sobbing "See, I am here", He appears thus saying. See, from our view behind the tree He hid. We need Baba, O! He should not be freed.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Sai Family

In this modern world, families live independent lives by distancing themselves from their neighbours. We do not know who lives in our neighbourhood. People are restless as they are busily engaged in eking out a living. People think that they are different from one another. It is the wretched walls of one's social status, pomp, discrimination based on caste and creed that strengthens the sense of separation. They are narrowing our heart. Respecting the rich, insulting the poor, conflicts, competition and differences are present-day realities in the society. People with such feelings get nothing out of their worship. Unknowingly, we believe that more than the sense of humaneness and spiritual oneness, wealth and status, which are symbols of selfishness, are more important. However, we should realize that the world is an illusion and being friendly with others is a gift of God.

We should sink our differences and celebrate devotional festivities. To the best of our capacity, we have to lend our helping hand in undertaking works of charity. We should see God in everyone and become members of one Sai Family. We should share the pains and pleasures of others and be good to all. Love for Sai will make us love everyone and get loved by all. That is the Universal Family of Sai. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

A Heart Filled with Baba's Love Showers Sweet Words

God is the Creator of the entire living and non-living beings. He is an embodiment of infinite love. He keeps showering the nectar of love on us. We have to share it with others, because we are tools of God. The Creator Himself will not initiate every work and accomplish it directly. He would accomplish certain works through those who have total faith in Him. God has blessed our home with wealth. While distributing food packets in delight, one may feel a sense of pride that how generous one is. But, then, is it not Baba who blessed us with riches and loving heart to share it with others?

All wealth and comfort we enjoy is but by the divine grace of Baba. We gain because of His kind and generous heart. It is again by the grace of Baba that we have a good mind of sharing our wealth with the poor. Nothing is our own in this world. We should know the truth that Baba is the Prime Mover behind everything. Then, love for Baba fills our heart with the nectar of joy for leading us on the right path. Every word we utter, with our hearts full of love for Baba, will sound sweet. When we know that we are mere tools and everything is done by Baba, the Almighty One, we realize that we are the Children of Immortality and Divine Felicity. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Tale of Two Brothers and Sai's Message,

We commonly notice in this world that brothers, who once lived in amity and as 'one soul' in their childhood have later severed that bond the moment they got married, employed and set up their own families and started earning money. The root cause for this is selfishness. This is acceptable to some extent, but there is nothing more shocking than the jealousy and hate with which brothers dislike each other. On one occasion when Baba was going towards Lendi garden with devotees, a herd of goats came on their way. Two goats in the herd caught the attention of Baba. By paying a heavy price, He bought them. He even purchased forty measures of pulses and fed them. Everyone felt that spending such huge sum was needless. Baba finally returned the goats to the owner. 

The two goats were brothers born to one mother in the previous birth. But the elder brother felt jealous on the earnings of the younger one. This, in turn, paved way for hate and animosity. It finally ended up in the brothers killing each other. Even though they were born to one mother, the two fought very foolishly. They behaved like animals. As a result of it, they were born as goats. Sai narrated this story to give a hint about that matter. The story should, therefore, be remembered while the property is being distributed. Hatred damns human life.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Baba, Who Hides not, can give Everything

Every creature of this world has some place or the other to take shelter. While a fox lives in a hole, birds nestle themselves in little nests. Human beings own good houses to live in. But, Baba, God Incarnate, used to sit, day and night, underneath a neem tree. Baba, who could command a fierce storm, by rolling His eyes in anger, to calm down, did not have a shelter to call it His own. He lived a whole life in the masjid. Baba shaped those people, who relied on Him, into good souls, great servants and ardent devotees. Any good master in this world would think of the welfare of his servants. 

They consider the comfort of the servants as more important than the profits they earn. Then, how could Baba, the Master of the Universe, could remain silent without fulfilling the desires of devotees who totally depended on Him? Baijabayi used to search for Baba in the forest and personally fed Him like a mother. Pleased by her loving care and service, Baba deemed Tatya, her son, as His nephew and saved him from death by staking His own life. It is an universal truth that Baba does not care His life for the sake of His devotees.

Baba would confer all comforts on devotees who feel 'Baba alone is their saviour' and put them on the right path. He grants all wealth and every comfort like home, food, clothes, happy family life and children.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Blaming Others is of no use

Only God is the Whole, the Omniscient and the Perfect One. There would be none without erring among the human beings who do various virtuous and sinful deeds and get caught up in the cycle of birth and death. While some are calm, others are irate by nature; some are poised, while others are hasty in taking action. Likewise, every individual is a mixture of good and bad qualities. There is a saying that 'it is like kettle calling pot black'.

Elders say that when we accuse others by pointing the index finger at them, the remaining four fingers point at us. Duryodhana a character in Indian Epic Mahabharata, was bad by nature but Karna, his friend, sacrificed his life for the sake of friendship. Thus, in every person along with weaknesses, there are some virtues too. Abusing others and developing hatred are uncalled for. Baba used to compare such people with a pig by saying, 'by abusing others you are cleansing their sins with your tongue'. If you think a work done by others is bad, you should resolve not to repeat it. If someone insults and that hurts us, those words should not be repeated by us against any one. One who singles out his own faults and appreciates the virtues in others and treads the upright path, would definitely win Baba's Grace and dwell in His Divine Presence.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

The Necessity of a Perfect Master (Guru)

However great one might be, everyone solicited the teachings of Guru. Even the avatars like Lord Rama and Lord Krishna learnt lessons in wisdom and spiritual culture at the feet of an enlightened teacher. Mere reading of books, without equipping one's mind with spiritual wisdom, cannot help one realize God. To attain spiritual maturity, a Guru's guidance is essential. He helps us like a guide. He will make us reach our destination. Let us know the importance of an enlightened teacher in the very words of Sainath. 
Once Dikshit approached Baba and asked him whether he could leave Shirdi. Baba consented. The people around him questioned, 'whither his journey'? Baba replied, 'it is a journey to the heights, there is one path that leads from Shirdi to it. The journey on this way is very difficult. The jungle through which one passes is beset with wild animals. If you take a guide along, he can directly lead you to the destination. Without a guide, you might get killed by the wild animals or fall even into deep pits'. Thus, told Sai, that life is like a forest. To escape from getting mauled by the wild animals of jealousy, selfishness and envy, it is essential for us to take the help of a Guru, who is the guiding light. Let us prostrate to the lotus feet of Sai and pray to Him to guide us on the hazard-free, straight path. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

Cleansing Our Sins, it's Baba Who is Purifying us

A new born baby will look like the pure image of God. His heart would be serene. As he grows in age, his mind would get polluted with the characteristics of vice, anger and lust. Then, with devotion coupled with faith, he has to know his bad qualities and plead God to correct them. The merciful God, in the form of a Perfect Master, will cleanse all those impurities and the resulting sins would again make us pure. Devotees with such faith will get purified and become noble in character. Not just ordinary people, even great sages and ascetics have also been over-powered by Maya (illusion). But, only by the grace of God they broke the shackles of such illusions and impurities.

It is but common for human beings to err. But some people will make their life a mire of sins. Baba will pity such of those who are soaked in sins and would wash their sins by His words which are akin to the all-cleansing pure waters of the river Ganga, and ensures that their minds are rid of all ill thoughts, anger and attachment. We make mistakes almost every day with or without our knowledge. So, we need to constantly chant Baba's name and make our minds have a dip in the devotional stream of Ganga waters. As a result of our prayers, the Merciful-God would cleanse our hearts, thoughts, behaviour and words. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

Only the Body gets Aged, not the Mind

Old age is the last phase of life. It is another stage of childhood. Mind should get mellowed in old age. If one spends the old age with noble ideals, love towards all living beings and devotion to Baba, one can be immensely happy. Thus, the last phase of life can be turned into the best phase. It is unfortunate to consider old age as miserable and gloomy. With the advancing age, we can live happily and get contentment by praying to Baba and singing hymns in praise of His glory. Of what use old age if it is spent, devoid of devotion and urge for self-liberation and without the constant remembrance of Sainath?

Baba starts any work beautifully and accomplishes it with excellence. He will make lives meaningful of those who repose trust in Him. For this, we should give and share true love, affection, intimacy and show more concern in old age, when compared to the concern we had during youth. The conjugal relationship will become perfect only when the couple assist each other in spiritual pursuits during their old age. We should know that the different phases of life gifted by God are equally important. "Not merely adding years to life, but to ably fill life into years". Our duty is to know this truth and then be thankful to Baba who fills sweetness in every second of our life. Old age is not a burden, but a boon to reach Baba. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

Our Life Should Reflect the Essence of Baba's Teachings

The teachings of Baba are limited; whereas, the deeds He did, out of love for His devotees are many. Yet, whatever few words Baba spoke to His devotees were like a shower of nectar. Each word of Baba is pregnant with divine meaning and encyclopedic in scope. As we go through the book of Baba's gospel, fresh and novel facets of life and the secrets of nature are unfolded and understood. The philosophy of Baba is spread like a vast ocean. A devotee is tempted to plunge into the depths of it, though difficult to fathom. We have to live by the pearls of wisdom we gathered from it. The sayings of Baba are like fresh waters, which rejuvenate our body, heart and soul by giving power, vigor and enthusiasm. The All-Knowing Baba indicated several concepts of life through His words, actions and conduct. Those who understand and follow them in their day to day life will lead a blessed life.

Like an infant who is eager for the mother's milk, we must eagerly wait for the flow of pure and nectarine words of wisdom from Baba's mouth. Just as our body needs nourishment for good health, so also for our mental and spiritual health, we need to study and grasp Baba's teachings and philosophy and apply the guidelines for happier living. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

Be Obedient to Baba, Nothing can Scare You

In life, health and happiness depend on the grace of God. We get them by our fair conduct and faith in God. The reason for not getting the grace of God is due to lack of obedience and devotion. Obedience means complete surrender and just doing as commanded. This is an integral part of devotion. Obedience means to have firm faith in God as a child has in its father. "Why does father command so? Why does he do so?" such questions will not occupy a child's mind. He will simply obey his father's commands. So, we need not search for the 'cause-effect' link in everything.

We may not understand the acts of God. But we need to obey Him. Obedience will brighten our future. When devotees came to Baba to take leave, Baba used to ask them not to leave Shirdi on that day, but leave the next day. Devotees obeyed Baba's word, and re-scheduled their journey despite urgency and never did they incur any loss. Whatever happened turned out to be good. The disobedient left Shirdi much against Baba's wish and suffered a lot. Only God knows what is in store for us tomorrow. People who abide by God's command will safely reach the right destination. Violating His command might cause problems. Therefore, if we abide by Baba's word with unquestioning obedience, our life's journey will be smoother.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

“You will simply call her, ‘Mom."

A baby asked God, “They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?”
“Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.”
The child further inquired, “But tell me, here in heaven I don’t have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy.”
God said, “Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel’s love and be very happy.”
Again the child asked, “And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don’t know the language?”
God said, “Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.”
“And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?”
God said, “Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.”
“Who will protect me?”
God said, “Your angel will defend you even if it means risking it’s life.”
“But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.”
God said, “Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.”
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, “God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel’s name.”
“You will simply call her, ‘Mom."



"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Mother is the First Teacher

Motherhood is a great boon. Mother is, in fact, our first God. It is the responsibility of mother to discipline and shape the personality of the child. One should not undervalue the importance of child upbringing by saying 'nurturing a kid is just a child's play'. Child rearing does not simply mean feeding the baby with milk, changing clothes etc. In fact, bringing up children is a very delicate, difficult task of great responsibility. It is the mother who would teach right thinking and good conduct from the stage of infancy. Since we do not know what is in store for us, we cannot predict the future of kids as to who will turn out to be a celebrity or not. A mother sacrifices a lot by devoting most of her time for the welfare of her children. She would transform her energy into milk and feeds her kids.

Mother is the first teacher to every child. Right from the day when the toddler starts walking, the mother initiates the child into the 'ABC' of good conduct. While feeding the child, with every morsel of food, the mother feeds the mind of the child with such noble thoughts as love of God, respect for the teacher, patriotism, self-sacrifice etc. All great people, who reached heights of honour, were brought up in the larger shade of mother's love. Baba, time and again, stressed that Dwarakamayi is the Divine Mother and upheld mother's love.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

Our Life Should Set an Example of Honesty

Only the path of truth shall lead us to God. Whoever deems himself or herself as a devotee of Baba should be honest and strict in his or her dealings. If we tell a lie, however small or big it may be, no one would trust us even when we speak the truth later. Once a son shouted, "Father! Tiger has come; save me". The busy father, working in the fields far away, rushed to his son's rescue. The mischievous son thus twice lied to his father. When the tiger did really come, the father turned a deaf ear doubting his mischievous son's call. Thus, the son who lied to his father got killed by the tiger. Conventional wisdom tells us that castles built on falsehood would tumble down. If the words of brick are mixed with the cement of truth, the edifice of life will remain strong forever. By experience we come to know that the life of one who always lies is like a pack of cards. Whatever work we undertake in life is like the seed that determines the fruits we enjoy in future. We ourselves have to bear the bad consequences of our deeds done by speaking lies.

We can reach Baba only by making our life tread the path of truth and upright conduct. Truth and righteousness should be treated as our two eyes and peace and non-violence as our two legs. We should love God and treat our fellow beings and all creatures equally as embodiments of God. 
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||


“In human life, the Guru’s place is prominent. 
By keeping utmost faith in the Guru alone, everything is obtained. A devotee’s entire strength is due to his Guru. Devotion to the Guru is superior to devotion to gods and goddesses. 
The Guru is the Supreme Being. ”
~ Shri Sai Baba

Gurusthan means “place of the Guru”. It is both where Baba spent most of his time when he first came to Shirdi, and also where, according to Baba, the tomb of his own Guru is located by the neem tree. Gurusthan is therefore one of the most important places in Shirdi.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||